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Help : APC denim washing

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OK, I know plenty of times we've talked about selvage denim etc etc but I'm still a nubie and somehow I'm not really getting the whole idea out of it.

I debated on whether I should be getting a pair of Nudies or APCs but went ahead with APCs anyways since everyone on this board seemed to have a consensus that they are great jeans.

So I received my jeans and I got this "denim washing recipes" with them. APC advises to dry clean first as 1st wash.

Which comes to my question : If I dry clean my APCs, wouldn't it just appear the same as it was brand new and not have any wash marks on them? If I were to just dump them into the washing machine after 8 months of wear, would I achieve the same kind of wear marks as the Nudies? Because I bought selvage denim for that purpose.

Many thanks before hand!

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I don't think that the normal APC customer waits for 8 months of wear before washing their jeans, So that is probably why they say that. What you will see is that in your 8 months of wear is that the indigo is coming off the jeans and onto your hands, furniture, car seat, pavement and everything else in that comes in contact with your jeans and wear will occurr in the high traffic areas, where the other areas stay really dark. on that first wash, the indigo will be loosened much more so in those high traffic areas, making the jeans lighter in the creases and front of the jeans and the ass.

I heard that dry cleaning "fixes" the indigo to the jean. is this true? if so, drycleaning is a big no-no.

Live is too short for bad denim!

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hi all

it's good to see so many denim obsessives around here.

superposition if you wear them for ages then wash them the apc ones should go like the nudie ones, but if you want to keep the dark bits dark while the worn bits get lighter then hand wash them in warm(not hot) water, with as little soap as possible.

i don't think washing machines aren't that good for denim

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i washed my apc jeans 2 months in...

just threw em in the washer... they bleed some... and right away i got some washed marks on the creases (i suppose where they were folded during the wash?)

anyways, getting to the point, they look better now, imo.

i have the same pair that someone tried to sell on this forum last week, this solid - slightly indigoey blue

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Serge is saying that you should wash them inside out (as you can see in the nudie link).

The aim is to get natural wear marks on the denim.

If you don't wash them inside out... then the washing machine will make unnatural wear marks on the denim.

A "top loading" washing machine is the worst. Front loaders are much better because they don't thrash your clothes.


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Serge d Nimes : Hey man thanks for the reply. So do you think I should just throw it in the washin g machine then?

wild_whiskey : I could send you a picture if you email me [email protected]

RingRing.... any inputs man?

--- Original message by superposition on Mar 8, 2005 12:03 PM

Sorry Superposition, I missed your first questions...

Which comes to my question : If I dry clean my APCs, wouldn't it just appear the same as it was brand new and not have any wash marks on them?

If you dry clean your APCs as a first wash they will indeed appear similar to brand new - however, if you have worn them heavily beforehand, you will still see lighter patches on your jeans where the indigo has been rubbed away.

APC recommend you dry clean first time, so that it increases the time of wear before your first wet-wash. The dry cleaning is to get rid of the dirt and smell!

If I were to just dump them into the washing machine after 8 months of wear, would I achieve the same kind of wear marks as the Nudies? Because I bought selvage denim for that purpose.

Yes. You will achieve comparable results if you wear and wash them the same as a pair of dry Nudies. Obviously the results will not be identical as the denim is different.

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What about instructions that come with the jeans telling you to wash them by wearing them while swimming in the ocean and rubbing them with dry sand repeatedly, then rinsing them in fresh water?

It's Red Motherfucking Foxxworth coming straight from VA, and I've been known to make the hoes bounce it up and down like the WNBA

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