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How do you have all your clothes organized??


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Im about to move in w/ some friends, and im thinking of taking the room w/ the small cloest (even though I have the most clothes) only because the room is located in a better position in the apt.

How do you store everything you have? because I wont have enough room in my closet, im going to have to store/hide things in my actual room

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there's also ways to fold the clothing into those plastic bins (vertically rather than piling it on top of each other) like shirts to make packing even more efficient and easy-to-access.

seriously, watch queer eye... lol

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Get some drawers to fit underneath your bed, or a bedframe that has drawers already.

In the closet make sure you're using as much vertical space as you can. Maybe an over the door shoe rack for the entrance to your room. Tall cabinets will help too.

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Is the reason for storing t-shirt in drawers to maximize storage space or is because you are worried about the hanging stretching the necks? I have always hung my shirts from hangers because I don't like having fold lines when I wear the shirts but I don't know how much the collars are getting stretched from hanging.

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Hang your wovens, fold your knits. Hang what you can in the closet, if you need more space those ikea free standing thingies are great. The space under your bed is very useful, use it. Now is also probably a good time to sort through your things and pitch/donate/sell stuff that you don't wear any more. No use moving it from one place to another just to have it take up space.

If you want an answer to how I personally store all my stuff. I hang my button up shirts, jackets and suits on one of those ikea things. Everything else fits in a tall (chest height) dresser. My shoes fit under the ikea hanger or the dresser. I limit myself to this space in season. My sweaters and cords go in big rubber maid containers in the summer and my shorts, tees, and other summer clothes take their place in the winter. If I buy more stuff I have to get rid of enough other stuff to take it's place volume wise. Keeps my clothes fresh and my rotation current to what I like.

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Is the reason for storing t-shirt in drawers to maximize storage space or is because you are worried about the hanging stretching the necks? I have always hung my shirts from hangers because I don't like having fold lines when I wear the shirts but I don't know how much the collars are getting stretched from hanging.

I store in drawers because of space, i iron my t-shirts before i use them to get rid of any folding marks.

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like ppl said, you probably gonna have to fold more stuff than you would like, or get one of these ikea thing and use all the space you can.

as for me, my rule is than i hang anything that have long sleeve (except long sleeve t-shirt) or a collar and i fold the rest and put it in a drawers ( i kind of have a walk in closet right now so i shouldn't complain). have to admit that my closet is pretty full and that i don't keep my shoes in my room ( i have a huge shoes cupboard )

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to make more space under your bed, raise it! i went to home depot and bought 4 cinderblocks (the 2x1 kind) and stood them up vertically. i got some of that rubbermaid drawer liner (the rubber stuff that keeps stuff from moving around) and placed a sheet under the block so it doesn't move around on the floor and a sheet under the feet of the bed to keep it from slipping off the blocks. big rubbermaid bins fit under it perfectly, and i have double the amount of storage.

ikea also has some cheap wardrobes

you'll def have to fold more stuff like everyone is saying but i actually like stuff folded instead of hung because the necks tend to stretch out. the only thing i hang are woven shirts, nice pants and suits. polos, tees jeans usually are folded. my denim projects hang on a hook on the back of my door

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Wardrobe, that is what I was trying to think of.

But I need to second the best advice so far. Get rid of what you do not use. I have a tonne of "nice" stuff that I do not wear for whatever reason; fit, etc...I should say I had. I then gathered it all up, and gave it away to a family that could use it. A very nice feeling to, to give things that you know somebody would enjoy but for whatever reason can not afford. But my mom is a school teacher, so it is "easy" to find a deserving family.

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Wardrobe, that is what I was trying to think of.

But I need to second the best advice so far. Get rid of what you do not use. I have a tonne of "nice" stuff that I do not wear for whatever reason; fit, etc...I should say I had. I then gathered it all up, and gave it away to a family that could use it....

I third that notion. Get rid of anything that you haven't worn for a year, because you're probably not going to wear them in the upcoming year, or the year after that, etc. Give those away, eBay them, whatever. Then, you'll have a more streamlined wardrobe and a simpler, better looking filled closet.

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