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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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Supply is owned by an outfit called Flipside Distribution that run Central Station Records in Oxford St. (now closed). They sold Recon and some other street brands then about 18 months ago they opened Supply which is doing great I think. Started with a few small Japanese brands (eg montage) and I think they grew it from there. I think Jules manages the place and Terry is usually up front. Jules kinda has an attitude problem but Terry is a nice kid. They reckon they gettin NBHD & W-TAPS for their new store SUPPLY ANNEX thats opening ASAP. Gonna move all the Jap stuff over there and keep the NY/London stuff (aNYthing, Silas) at the old store. Should be good stuff.

Our Spot? I got no fucking idea.

I put his brains all over the street sos u could see what he was just thinkin

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Dion at Our Spot reckons new Supreme will be there end of March.

Someday is getting the full lineup of Supreme from around then too. Before they usually just had a couple of tees from OneGram distribution in Japan.

I put his brains all over the street sos u could see what he was just thinkin

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im moving to sydney soon...i was there for 5 months last time, didnt do too much shopping though....but now i have a heads up next time im there....as far as shopping goes, just random stores here and there, oxford street and some general pants (had two friends that worked at the one in paramata, so he pretty much got me free clothes) , but i didnt go out of my way to find anything really....went out a shit ton though and spent way too much money on VB and extra dry though...and some aporto and milo and meat pies, fuck i miss it so much. ha

.......and THEN i pulled out.

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haha yea dude....north sydney, i lived in epping / north ryde area...right near maquarie university.

yea i know all about those westy cameltown cunts. ha.

where abouts do you live?..and where would ya go out when ya went out? ....when i was in sydney i went out a bunch, to loads of random ass places...from greenwood , YU, good bar, SOL to everything in between.

.......and THEN i pulled out.

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I'm at Canberra. Been there? Its like the dream destination for architecture students, everyone else just thinks it sucks ass. I'm usually at Academy the only decent club in town. (DJ Krush was there a couple of weeks back btw. nice set.)

I get up to Sydney when I can but don't really know whats good there cept for shopping. when u get here come on down to Canberra and I'll buy u a VB.

I put his brains all over the street sos u could see what he was just thinkin

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