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I don't think people pay that much attention to what other people wear too much. If the shirt and shoes are different, how will they know, really?

Having said that, I've been wearing a distinctive pair of Levi's that have patches and I think I get away with wearing it for days in a row is I wear it on Friday, people at work don't see me all weekend when I wear it, and then I wear it that Monday as well. I might wear it again on Wednesday.

Too neurotic?

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  jean_is_my_thing said:
been wearing my imperials 24/7 for about 3 months now..so far no one's complaining

I must have some pretty picky people in my office because I wore the same pair of Nudies 3 times last week ( they were fresh out of the box and I wanted to set in some wear) and on day three I got several comments. I usually rotate around now but I wanted to get those RRDS started good. I am not worrying about it, I will wear whatever I want, I was just wondering about others experiences. I must admit, when I first started wearing dry denim I did use the aforementioned excuse for wearing the same pair a few times, I don't care so much about it anymore though. I live in Texas and we can wear jeans in the office all week now so people are used to seeing me in dark denim because I am the only one apparently that does not wear completely destroyed worn out jeans in this whole office. I get more comments about that than anything..you know the drill...

aren't those hot?, uncomfortable?, etc...

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i'm still waiting for your review of RRDS------------very interested.

my canes are getting stanky------------damn. 4 months, slept in them last night. damn. stinky. wash soon. stinks. feels tacky, gummy. shiny now. yuck. must air out. resist wash. bluh.

no lies. i don't lie about jeans.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:

i'm still waiting for your review of RRDS------------very interested.

my canes are getting stanky------------damn. 4 months, slept in them last night. damn. stinky. wash soon. stinks. feels tacky, gummy. shiny now. yuck. must air out. resist wash. bluh.

no lies. i don't lie about jeans.

Well, like I said I have only worn them now about 4 times but I have to say this...they really do fit great..when I say great..I mean probably better than any pair I have ever owned. The denim to me is stellar, the construction is very nice. The styling is alittle glamorous for me but I think I will get over it. I guess I really came down hard on these jeans without actually checking them out. I can definately see the appeal in them because the fit is really good and I am definately a hard fit. 5'7" 200 pounds and they still fit really good. So, yes I repeal all my misinformed hate for the RRDS, they are really quite nice.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:

i'm still waiting for your review of RRDS------------very interested.

my canes are getting stanky------------damn. 4 months, slept in them last night. damn. stinky. wash soon. stinks. feels tacky, gummy. shiny now. yuck. must air out. resist wash. bluh.

no lies. i don't lie about jeans.

Yeah, I wore my canes 47 today to work even though they are really ripe. So far no negative comments but I have kept to myself today inside the safety of my cubical. These are truly my knarlest pair because I usually wear them all weekend and at the laudramat.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
i think wearing everyday really contributes to funk

DL-----thanks for the review. interesting to read a positive review now, a lot of nudie hate brewing lately

Well, I wore them for a straight 4 months, then I stopped, since I changed style somewhat, and didn't like them because they were to loose, then I got them 'resewn' now I wear them everyday again.

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  vee_dub said:
I have been wearing my edwin for 2 months now. Noone really notice except my mum. Really it doesnt matter as long as you dont use your undies for 4 days.

4 days is fine :D one day normal, second day backwards, third day inside-out normal, fourth day inside-out backwards... fifth day commando.

but back to the original post, i haven't had anyone really comment on my jeans. probably because i don't interact with the same people every day like in an office (i'm a college student with the same classes every other day)

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it seems like my mom was the only one that commented on it as well. When ever she would ask for a ride to the store or whatever she would see me and say 'those jeans again, you look like a painting everytime I see you' But none of my friends would ever say anything.

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Perhaps everybody is just being polite and not saying anything... hmm.... I probably wouldn't point out to somebody that they're wearing the same clothes everyday either, I'm sure they know that as well as anybody, right?

I once worked with a French guy who wore the same overdyed black 501's and a blue oxford shirt as his work outfit for the entire summer we worked together. I don't think he was doing this is a fashion statement as much as it was probably a combination of 'i'm poor/too lazy to change it up.' No one ever said anything though. The guy was probably onto something, as I have found the nice point of wearing the same jeans everyday is that I can just leave the belt on them, half-empty pack of smokes, wallet, change and loose bills, lighter, etc, everything's in there in the pockets and then just pick them up the next day knowing I have all my shit ready for the next day. Dressing for work is a 2 minute ordeal, throwing on the jeans and a shirt and wrestling to put my hi-tops on. :)

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  damnIam said:
worn one pair of jeans everyday day for a long time and told people that you have several of the same pair to avoid critizism?



i tell them i dont wash my jeans and in addition i never wear underwear and then i ask why are they wearing that ugly fucking shirt and then i usually tell them to pull their ugly jeans up because no one wants see that shit.

seriously, i dont really care.

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i work in a big and rather impersonal office. nobody has ever come up to me and asked me if i was wearing the same jeans every day. but if somebody did, i'd actually tell them rather proudly that yes, i do wear the same jeans everyday without washing them too obsessively.

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  cultpop 0217 said:


i tell them i dont wash my jeans and in addition i never wear underwear and then i ask why are they wearing that ugly fucking shirt and then i usually tell them to pull their ugly jeans up because no one wants see that shit.

seriously, i dont really care.

I am down with continuous wear but a change of clean skivvies is quite neccesary for me. My bits and pieces must contact a clean and supportive surface at all times, just a personal requirement. When I was in Panama back in 89 I went commando, but I was infact, a commando and I washed my bdu's fairly regularly. Sweat held against one's nether regions is a quick highway to sickcall.

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  cpaik said:
4 days is fine :D one day normal, second day backwards, third day inside-out normal, fourth day inside-out backwards... fifth day commando.

One of my mate in high school used to do that. Because he live by himself. If i see him now i would recommend raw denim so he dont need to wash them and if nudie or other company ever make a raw salvage g sting, he would be prefect for it. NICE FADING!.

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  cultpop 0217 said:


i tell them i dont wash my jeans and in addition i never wear underwear and then i ask why are they wearing that ugly fucking shirt and then i usually tell them to pull their ugly jeans up because no one wants see that shit.

seriously, i dont really care.

quoted for truth.

fuck a pair'a briefs.

you've got more bacteria on your hands and face than you do on your ass...

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