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stupid no rep having motherfuckers.

fndmybetterhalf, i think the system should work in such a way that points are deducted from someone else's total when anyone wants to rep me -- i.e., they should be taken away from you and given to me.

so does everyone start with 100reps and there is finite amount of rep.

it would be like nirvana (kind of. my knowledge on hinduism is a little shaky)

maybe mods could give new reps and neg reps will turn your screen red.

anyway, i keep dreaming of my first gf.

and i feel guilty when i wake up next to my current gf.

but not racked with guilt

it doesnt help that shes at the same university as my younger brother and im seeing him this weekend

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maybe that door wouldn't have made the old ladies cry if you weren't shoplifting?

anyway, i've noticed my pillow is turning blue. i think it must be from indigo on my hands, my hands running through my hair, my hair touching the pillow. it's weird.

not a confession. a random thought. is there a random thoughts thread?

i am addicted to the internet.

ban me.


so hows the addiction thing going now?

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i like it when superfuture thanks me for logging in


it makes me feel bad when my dvd player says goodbye when i turn it off


At work we used to have a microwave oven that displayed the message "enjoy your meal" when it finished its cooking cycle.

Our new microwave doesn't display such a message.

I think the new microwave is rude. I miss the old microwave. :(

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At work we used to have a microwave oven that displayed the message "enjoy your meal" when it finished its cooking cycle.

yeah yeah! i have that microwave at home :)

the thing is, though, when you're warming up something entirely non-meal-like (water or coffee, say) and then it says, "enjoy your meal!" it makes you feel really cheap. like a-robot-has-been-toying-with-me cheap. :(

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Guest youngteam

three months into the new year, and i believe i've managed to go this far without cooking a meal at home. i mean, if you don't count peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as 'cooking.'

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ive been a bad bad boy, ive been careless with a delicate woman. and its a sad sad world where a boy will break a girl just 'cause he can...

Oh Pops, you will sort it out brother, make her a special present or something.:)

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I keep getting ID'ed when buying cigs or going to the pub? I think the rule here is if you look under 25 you get ID'ed.....guess I should be flattered since im a dirty thirtys kid. Probably cause me mum is a beauty therapist and she gives me all this french, industrial strength moisturiser?

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Guest Airjamie
i'm turning 17 this summer and i think i've pretty much missed out on the whole "high school experience". i've got one more year left though, and it'll probably be the same

i've never been to a real party

i've never smoked weed

i've never gotten drunk with friends

i've never been in a serious relationship

i haven't gotten "some" or "any" action at all

i've never cut class and done something fun with a friend

strange thing is, i'm not a wierdo or a loser or anything. ive got a lot of friends at school.. people see me as a generally friendly person.. i have decent looks.. i can have a normal conversation..etc

my little paradox.

Um, fuck what everyone else here has said about that being ok. This is the last year you will legally be able to nail a 15-year-old girl. I suggest you take advantage of that. Repeatedly. Trust me, theres something magical about girls at 15. Probably the fact that they will do anything in bed. Anything. God I fucking miss being a teenager.

My weirdest post ever.

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