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Lately I'm so busy (8am-11pm daily) I've been moving my daily poop towards midday despite my needs, and I'm blood-type A+ which means I plan ahead and take a pack of wet naps so I can clean up properly... I also caught a cold last week so imagine snifflling, coughing, hacking, and shitting at the same time, and you have the 10-minute breaks I create for myself. That vomit/laugh sensation has nothing on the dual-output mouth/asshole sensation.

I put upon myself all of this daily work (3+ jobs) in hopes that my thirst for alcohol would die suddenly but I've still bought beers on the way home everynight, gotten drunk, slept and overslept. Currently drunk and smoking a Cuban cigarillo right now. I'm starting believe alcoholism is a true disease I can't escape.

My supersonfesion for now is that I don't wash my sheets enough and feel terrible that I do girls as they lay in some other girls powdered crust from the day before, but I'm so busy I can't be fucked to do sheets laundry so I live with it.

as long as you can hold down a job, and get some pussy on top, you SEEM to be ok..

if i start using, i know what will happen...ill lose my job, and ill end up back in county in a matter of days..sick as all fuck and cursing myself.

just picked up my last suboxone script...went to 2 mgs a day...over 2 months now of sobriety...this stuff beats the hell out of being on methadone.

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Last night I went to a strip club for the first time since I turned 18.

I felt bad because I lied to my mom and said I was bowling with a buddy of mine. I also feel bad because I have a girlfriend, although nothing too serious.

It was locals night and the place was filled with Asian people. My friend had chuckled to me that he thought he was the only non-Asian person in there. There were many old men and a few were in suits, looking like Japanese salary men. By their actions and ettiquette, I assumed they were Japanese. I felt like I was in a Tokyo strip joint minus the Japanese dancers. All of the dancers were white girls. Hot Asian waitress gave me a drink. I confess that I have this habbit of labeling people, obviously. Although the strippers were hot, it was still whack. I sat in the front but I did not get any lap dances nor my balls blown on, as happened to my friend. This is probably why the night sucked and was a waste of my first time there. This stripper sat on my lap and asked me for a dance. I was shy and didn't know how to turn her down, since it was $30 for a personal lap dance. Once she struggled off my lap I asked my friend how to say no thanks, he said just to say no because they are just strippers. I agree.

When I first entered, there was one girl. My eyes lit up as those were the first pair of naked breasts I've ever seen. Her second song was Erotic City by Prince. I could care less for the girl, I probably got more of an erection from the song because I love Prince (the 'what do supergays look like' thread, someone posted a pic of Prince, I almost died). One of the dancers was Jenna Haze. Hot.

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Guest Airjamie
^^ Ha ahha. Actually?

Confined by injury or permanent disability?

I was pretty shitfaced so i didnt really ask but my friend says hes never seen her without the wheelchair so i assume its permanent, although none of that disgusting babyleg stuff or anything so i gather she had some kindof spinal injury, but goddamnit can she huff some pole. I dont get why everyone called me an asshole the next day. I'm pretty sure I now qualify for some superhero status. At least a cameo in the next X-men game.

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Guest Airjamie
I did not get any lap dances nor my balls blown on

WTF? Balls blown on? Like you blow on pizza? Is this a service ive been missing all these years? Tell me more.

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Her second song was Erotic City by Prince. I could care less for the girl, I probably got more of an erection from the song because I love Prince (the 'what do supergays look like' thread, someone posted a pic of Prince, I almost died). One of the dancers was Jenna Haze. Hot.

You get more of a hard-on from Prince than Jenna Haze?

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Last night I went to a strip club for the first time since I turned 18.

I felt bad because I lied to my mom and said I was bowling with a buddy of mine. I also feel bad because I have a girlfriend, although nothing too serious.

It was locals night and the place was filled with Asian people. My friend had chuckled to me that he thought he was the only non-Asian person in there. There were many old men and a few were in suits, looking like Japanese salary men. By their actions and ettiquette, I assumed they were Japanese. I felt like I was in a Tokyo strip joint minus the Japanese dancers. All of the dancers were white girls. Hot Asian waitress gave me a drink. I confess that I have this habbit of labeling people, obviously. Although the strippers were hot, it was still whack. I sat in the front but I did not get any lap dances nor my balls blown on, as happened to my friend. This is probably why the night sucked and was a waste of my first time there. This stripper sat on my lap and asked me for a dance. I was shy and didn't know how to turn her down, since it was $30 for a personal lap dance. Once she struggled off my lap I asked my friend how to say no thanks, he said just to say no because they are just strippers. I agree.

When I first entered, there was one girl. My eyes lit up as those were the first pair of naked breasts I've ever seen. Her second song was Erotic City by Prince. I could care less for the girl, I probably got more of an erection from the song because I love Prince (the 'what do supergays look like' thread, someone posted a pic of Prince, I almost died). One of the dancers was Jenna Haze. Hot.

You know you're gay right?

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Guest youngteam

i've no idea whether this violates any sort of superfuture protocol because i never see anyone else do this but the thing is who gives a fuck. chris's feedback from a couple of minutes ago:

"despite the fact that you seem to hate me (is it because you're fat, btw?), i still think you're hilarious!"

that shit struck me as funny. and chris, joan jett called; she said she wants her hairstyle back.

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i've no idea whether this violates any sort of superfuture protocol because i never see anyone else do this but the thing is who gives a fuck. chris's feedback from a couple of minutes ago:

"despite the fact that you seem to hate me (is it because you're fat, btw?), i still think you're hilarious!"

that shit struck me as funny. and chris, joan jett called; she said she wants her hairstyle back.

you have violated the sanctity of the superconfessional!

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Airjamie just upped the ante for all future superconfessions, fuck. I'd pos rep but I'm lazy and late to something already.

I agree.....airJ has come with some next level, sideways cracking information.:eek:

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I totally teared up watching the 3/17 zefrank. It's like a loving relationship that went so right ending.

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Guest Airjamie

I watched requiem for a dream for the first time because my friends told me that jennifer conelly takes it in the ass. I fell asleep before that scene. So one night i watched it again on about 60mg of adderall and actually finished it (god that movie is boring). Well anyway she doesnt take it in the ass but that scene still gave me a hard on...............and i think i got up even more seeing jared leto cry....i really hate jared leto.

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Guest youngteam

i'm in socal for the weekend visiting my parents and right now you fat filthy fucks are my only source of entertainment. so far you're all failing miserably at entertaining me, and that includes the cripple fucker directly above me in this thread.

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Guest Airjamie
i'm in socal for the weekend visiting my parents and right now you fat filthy fucks are my only source of entertainment. so far you're all failing miserably at entertaining me, and that includes the cripple fucker directly above me in this thread.


Shut the fuck up.

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Guest youngteam

i confess that i've no idea what it means when you get gray feedback. i know it doesn't mean the person thought your post was fucking awesome because then i would have had like 150 of them by now.

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i confess that i've no idea what it means when you get gray feedback. i know it doesn't mean the person thought your post was fucking awesome because then i would have had like 150 of them by now.

means the person who tried to give you rep had 0 rep points so...you got nothing out of it lol

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