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fuck salvia. i smoked it once and all i got was a trip in intensity to low-grade weed for 10 minutes. i just laughed a lot. :(

You didn't smoke it "right", or didn't have high enough potency stuff.

If you break through, you will know.

that is if breaking through is what you want, I know people who just smoke it for the low-grade weed high from time to time.

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haha what? That was just the mic on my laptop. It was all improvised, we wouldn't write that shit down. I was like half way joking...

I don't fucking use a double kick either. Im taking that as a compliment. I can play 64's on one foot.

here is another. again, all improvised.


i assumed it was improvised. thats pretty impressive that you don't use a double kick. i didn't mean to offend, and im glad you took it as a compliment

also, i've got some "cheap multitrack recording software" and 4 (four) 57's. don't get your panites in a wad bunch shit cluster


By the way last time I did salvia I was teleported to ancient china. But it was on my floor.

I was big. or ancient china was small. And I got a boner and I was trying not to step on the little china men. I swear. if their are other dimensions, that was one of them.

its the inter-dimension drug of choice.

You're probably on the wrong "blogosphere."

This amuses me for some reason.

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I was at this girls house last night, kinda drunk. I hate her, she's annoying as hell, fat, stupid ugly..etc. Only reason I was there is because my friends were saying someones having a house party, and I was like i'll go. Little did I know it was this whores house.

Sometime during the course of the night I found myself peeing in her liquid handsoap...and conditioner....and mouthwash. My bad.

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the mouthwash is taking it a bit far, a+ on everything else.

Yeah, I do feel a tab bit bad about that one...but meh, if I went into details you could tell she deserved it.

Also, ace suggestion on the food poisoning, it does always work. But I went a step further, had a friend call in and say I was hit by a drunken driver on my bike, and that I was alright but was in the hospital for the day. They ate that shit up.

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the mouthwash is taking it a bit far, a+ on everything else.

i disagree. it would be taking it too far if he deffecated in the aforementioned items rather than just urinating in them... thats taking it to some next level hate.

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But I went a step further, had a friend call in and say I was hit by a drunken driver on my bike, and that I was alright but was in the hospital for the day. They ate that shit up.

Were you sure to carefully punch yourself and maybe scrape up your elbows a bit before returning so you looked authentic? Maybe an ankle tensor?

It's the small details that count.

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That remind me of this thing a couple years ago. My brother had some really important paper due for school, and didn't want it to be late. He told me teacher he had a broken arm, and thats the reason it was going to be late so he wouldn't get points knocked off. he then proceeded to throw himself down the stairs multiple times until he actually did brake his arm. He also managed to fracture a couple fingers and mess up his ankle... Not a very good plan.

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My weekend vacation in Socal is quickly devolving into my drinking all the liquor in my parents' house.

On a salvia-related note, I spent about 10 minutes melting into my friend's couch before quickly realizing I had telekinetic powers. I tried calling out to the Phoenix Force, but the line was busy.

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Private bathrooms are the best. I only shit in public restrooms if i can lock the door. On campus, i normally go to a building people don't use much and go to a higher floor or basement. Find the private handicap bathroom and let er' rip. One time i forgot to lock the door and i saw from the stall the feet of some guy with a walker come in, let out a sigh, and then leave. Made me happy.

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yeah, the best is when the door is full-lengtht so no one can see your feet.

my wife and i were out and she saw some woman's shoes sticking out. she never saw the woman's face cause our son was screaming. she went in after her cause it was the only stall available and there was what she described as a 1.5 foot log, unflushed.

obviously she held her pee a while longer.

anyway, the woman wound up next to us at dinner with her date. she was trying to decide on desert and my wife said, loudly, "well, she definitely has room for desert."

she is a classy woman and i love her.

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Salvia was the scariest experience of my life. I'm experienced with psychoactive drugs but this shit made me know what it feels like to be insane.

it didn't get truly scary until my 6th or 7th time smoking it, but whenever i did smoke it, there was a creeping darkness in all my trips. something was always around the edges of whatever i was seeing, just like a malevolent presence. the one time i had a true bad trip was when i smoked a good 3g bowl of 80x while watching a documentary about the kennedy assassination. i completely tripped out just as they got to the logistics of the man on the hill sniper and the whole math behind the shot, and i fell into this surreal version of the show where i was the bullet and kennedy's head at the same time. then when the bullet entered his head, a fucking lost it. apparently i started screaming gibberish at the tv, about 3 inches from the screen. stuff truly gives insight to the darkest parts of the human psyche.

i smoked it only a couple times after that and got only open eye color hallucinations and some reminiscent kind of trips, but nothing as fucked up. salvia can be incredibly scary.

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a few years back i saw my friend smoke salvia and after a few minutes start looking at his arm with an increasingly freaked out look on his face. A couple seconds later he mutters "somebody help me" followed by bolting straight upright off the couch and screaming "OH GOD SOMEBODY HELP ME!!"

we basically had to tackle and muzzle him, cause you know, we got neighbors.

it turns out he thought his whole body was being slowly divided into tiny cubes, kind of like event horizon.

//edit: this other time my friend smoked salvia while we were watching Family Guy and began to think he was a character in the show. So somebody would be like "Okay I'll see you guys later" and my friend would reply, to the television "OKAY BYE PETER"

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Yeah, when I tried it I felt this huge weight engulf my body, and then I blacked out for a few seconds. Apparently people thought I was just joking around and being melodramatic intentionally. Then again, none of the people I was with had ever tried salvia.

When I came to seconds later, I felt as though I had just woken up from a nightmare. I was freezing cold but drenched with sweat, and had completely forgotten I just smoked salvia.

I stood up, looked around the room full of my friends and didn't recognize anyone, and couldn't comprehend anything at all. It was at this point that I yelled "WHAT THE FUCK?" and stumbled my way into a bathroom for no apparent reason.

No one had any idea what to expect, so none of them really knew what to do with me.

I ended up just standing in the bathroom with the worst anxiety and sensation of terror I've ever had in my life, and then finally resolved that I was about to die and sat down on the bathroom floor to await my death.

Then, thank god, I started to come down, and began to grasp what the fuck had just happened to me. For about 45 minutes after that I had nervous shakes and felt weirdly out of place. After that time, I was completely fine.

It was some crazy shiiit

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wish girl would not have excessively sexy pic on facebook cuz it make me look like im on stalker ish if i add em now (it is my cousin's friend)

Gizmo how many times have i told you this - JUST ADD THEM!

the worst that can happen is they reject you...and if that happens so what it wont kill ya

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//edit: this other time my friend smoked salvia while we were watching Family Guy and began to think he was a character in the show. So somebody would be like "Okay I'll see you guys later" and my friend would reply, to the television "OKAY BYE PETER"

Thats awesome... I would love to have an experience like that...

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You didn't smoke it "right", or didn't have high enough potency stuff.

If you break through, you will know.

that is if breaking through is what you want, I know people who just smoke it for the low-grade weed high from time to time.

i smoked it right. must have been weak shit. wasn't mine.

now it's illegal.

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Were you sure to carefully punch yourself and maybe scrape up your elbows a bit before returning so you looked authentic? Maybe an ankle tensor?

It's the small details that count.

Haha, of course, I wrapped my arm up like it was sprained and shit. Either way, I got nice.

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