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  onemancult said:
i was assaulted and nearly robbed by three guys on tuesday. i broke one guy's nose with my bare hands, all i got was a lousy half-black eye and a tiny burst capillary, and they were coming at me with padlocks wrapped in leather gloves.

fuck those pussies.

whoa, i would think that punching someone with padlocks wrapped in leather gloves would hurt them more than you. shit could break your hands. good shit though that you broke the guy's nose...

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  keri said:
sook if you dont like akwardness, steer clear of it. Unless you're willing to accept the consequences of risks, dont take em.

Yeah I neve really take the plunge when it comes to stuff like that. I overthink things way too much and try to make calculated decisions but it just doesnt work for situations like this. I'm working with her today (black friday) so I'll see how it goes.

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  Sook A Look said:
Yeah I neve really take the plunge when it comes to stuff like that. I overthink things way too much and try to make calculated decisions but it just doesnt work for situations like this. I'm working with her today (black friday) so I'll see how it goes.

Don't do it. If things go awry, its just gonna be awkward. Plenty of fish in the sea.:cool:

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  poly800rock said:
whoa, i would think that punching someone with padlocks wrapped in leather gloves would hurt them more than you. shit could break your hands. good shit though that you broke the guy's nose...

the detectives said that muggers commonly use a padlock wrapped in a leather glove to bash peoples' skulls in, they wrap their hands in a bandana to keep their hand safe.

these guys were amateurs, they couldn't use their own fucking weapons properly.

honestly, i'm glad i was attacked by total dumbasses, but come on- how hard is it really to figure out how to club someone with a padlock?

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  onemancult said:
the detectives said that muggers commonly use a padlock wrapped in a leather glove to bash peoples' skulls in, they wrap their hands in a bandana to keep their hand safe.

these guys were amateurs, they couldn't use their own fucking weapons properly.

honestly, i'm glad i was attacked by total dumbasses, but come on- how hard is it really to figure out how to club someone with a padlock?

Good shit Onemancult, monkey padlock fight to the death:D

Thats pretty heavy though, were you freaked out after it all went down. I got jumped once, bashed from behind, the filth were there quick smart. They proceeded to take me to a bunch of rough pubs for me to look through the crowd for the perp....not a good scene walking into the pub with the old bill, bloody faced and a bunch of biker dudes looking at me thinking "who's this pussy". That embarrassment was worse than the bashing.:eek:

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Hey Keri, ill get a scarf in winter! Its to hot here at the mo, wearing shorts.

Yeah I was a bit freaked out by that weird jumping, just because it was the only time there was violence involved without two stupid drunk dudes starting it themselves...at the pub.

You booze you lose

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superserious superquestion:

Last year for Christmas my aunt (in England) bought me some Bathing Ape tees because I told her I liked them, thinking she'd get something small from BWS. Well she went there but didnt buy anything because it was expensive, understandable. So she ebayed it and sent me two tees. I thought they were lost in the mail..but just arrived a little while ago...took almost a year to get to me..weird.

Anyways, with first glance I could see the tees were really fake, not that I expected different. I have two Bape tees, one I know is real and one I hope is real but these are unmistakably fape. I sent her an e-mail saying thanks and in her reply she says

" You are far

more knowledgeable than me on these things...hope they look like the

real thing?? Please do let me know, ok?"

So I should just say they're fine? This is one of those 'lying is good' times, right? But I think she'll probably just keep buying me more. I still have some interest in Bape..enough to accept it as a gift....but fake tees are just bleh. Should I point her towards some Mishka or King Stampede or something, it's cheaper and there's no fakes. She can ebay something like that too.

Thanks fuckers.

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Dude, your aunt is awesome. I'd do pretty much whatever made her feel good, to be honest. It sounds like she put a fair bit of work into this, at the very least. The gifts are really secondary to how people feel about themselves at the end of the season, in my opinion.

People always come before clothes, and if that means accepting fakes, then do it.

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