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lo: some guy likes one of my best friends (girl), and the dudes like really popular at her new school and what not but the dude is fucking weird and it seems like she only wants to go out with him because she feels flatered that he likes her and hes popular but she always talks about how weird he is and how ugly he is and she always asks me for advice on it and its getting fuckin annoying cuz no matter what i tell her she'll try to say some shit as if to justify why its good but she still asks me to for reasons why it isnt.

^^^if anybody recalls that post i made a few days ago on the hi/lo thread

well of course she didnt listen to me and then he tried to rape her and i have to deal with this shit


dumb people

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Did you like Bourne, cause I loved it, all three. Fucker had my knuckles bare white, tightly wrapped around the armrest. In this case, I really hope that there's a fourth.

stunt...don't think you're necessarily doing anything wrong. you CANNOT underestimate the chaos that results from a pregnant woman's hormones. It is not cliche.

But, you indicated that you're leaving. This sounds like it's the trip wire. Was she supposed to join you in the U.S (sounds like not, since she's worried about you coming back). But that could be it...it's her/your first? & will you be around for the baby's birth? Scary as hell if she doesn't have much of a support group in the home country, especially without you. That would fuck with anyones emotional balance, not to mention her's.

As mentioned, perhaps she's testing the waters, throwing out these breaks to test your tenacity & loyalty. You're a player (honestly, from what little I've seen on this board, no offense) - you know it & she does to. Being that far apart for how long is messing her up right now.

You've chased after her incessantly. If it's that important to you, you'll do it again. But somehow, convince her (if convinced yourself), that you've manned up & this is the world to you - more directly than ever before.

bit of advice...perhaps indulge her and give her those moments. I know it rubs everything you've stood for before, but nothing before is ever quite like what's about to happen from now on. good luck.

Are you saying Im a player due to my homosexual comments made to fellow Superfriends? Anyways...

I havent seen Bourne Identity OR Supremacy. She has, because I sed we need to watch them, before we watch Ultimatum. But she watched it without me. Oh well. It was cute, during the movie, where it would connect to the past two, she would try and explain to me wat happened. But the movie was intense, so I was really tryin to concentrate on just the movie. I kinda wanna practice jumping through windows from a rooftop. I dont doubt that I can go through, scared that WHAT IF the window doesnt give, and i just plop... Kinda like the out takes from Rush Hour 2, wen Jackie Chan couldnt get through the change gate thing.


You pretty much understand the situation, given the information I could give. Thanks for that. Personally really needed it.

Shes pregnant, and jobs here dont offer much. One job offered me 8000 pesos a month, which is not even rent money. My plan is to go to the US, work, save, make money, sell all of my shoes, MOVE back here, and start things fresh. Like Ive stated in past random threads, I didnt come to the Philippines prepared. I suddenly left Self Edge (Sorry Kiya) and decided to move here. I came here with $300 US.

Me going back to the US and working, is to pay back Kiya, and make enough money, that me and her could rely on, until I find a well paying job. Which I possibly had lined up for me already, wen I came back.

I had plans to come back in Feb. Which would be a crucial time during her pregnancy. I had written in my sketch notebook, letters for her while Im gone. Just enough for her to have one to read, once a week. To let her know that Im still thinking about her each and every week, during her pregnancy. Just enough till I come back.

I understand the testing waters, but the way she "tests" waters, is really... I dont kno how to explain it... Drastic... I guess?

I kno how she is wen shes upset/mad. Hence me asking her what her problem was. I kno I couldve worded it better, but the way she acted towards me (dull) pissed me off.

She told me shes noticing that when we argue, I cool off as soon as shes upset. But she cant do the same for me. After Ive calmed down, and back to normal, she still holds her anger, as if shes holding a grudge towards me.

Its confusing. Its only been a few hours, but its gonna suck waiting this out, knowing that I have to leave the 31st...

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Because in the Philippines, you cant exactly travel as freely like a US citizen can. She asked me...

"How come you stayed so long, and you were only visiting?"


In the Philippines, you have to go through A LOT of paper work to just VISIT the US, for 3 months. Plus you need to show that you have FUNDS. I wish she would be able to go with me, because I want her to meet my family.

My plan is to be able to move with her to the US in three years.

I think the marriage Visa you have to be married for at least three years. I was just thinking that wen the baby is 3, it would be a good time to raise them in the US. Because, education here isnt THAT great... But same goes for in the US... (different reasons, wont get into that now.)

But I thoroughly thought things out from now, till wen I come back, till 10 years from now.


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Are you saying Im a player due to my homosexual comments made to fellow Superfriends?

You're a good looking dood & have a contagious personality to boot...no 'omo (really, got 2 kids & married for 10 yrs this Nov.).

If she thought of herself highly at all, she knows what it took to catch her, and you did (and what influence it could affect on others). Not to be dismissed. Again, her hormones + insecurity = raging paranoia. AND long distance to the exponential. Loneliness + fear leads to unbelievable power, ultimately in the wrong way.

But she needs to compromise & eventually practice a little faith. Otherwise, she'll drive herself crazy & you away. That's why, in the mean time (until the 31st, after mending things as best as possible, which I assume will happen), let her stream of consciousness flow unimpeded.

I'm not sayin give up all your beliefs & principles. Just give up the ones that are childish & wrong, because once I recognized that I was acting a child & unrelenting in my stupid pride, I let it all go and it made a world of difference.

When you're a gentle & strong man in this time of madness and uncertainty, it will afford her the chance to be weak comforted that she has a ballast in you. Right now, the anger she holds on to is about the only constant in her life, the only control...hence her unrelenting.

Footnote, Identity & Supremacy are better. Ultimatum is ramrod, down your throat, nonstop intense.

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You're a good looking dood & have a contagious personality to boot...no 'omo (really, got 2 kids & married for 10 yrs this Nov.).

If she thought of herself highly at all, she knows what it took to catch her, and you did (and what influence it could affect on others). Not to be dismissed. Again, her hormones + insecurity = raging paranoia. AND long distance to the exponential. Loneliness + fear leads to unbelievable power, ultimately in the wrong way.

But she needs to compromise & eventually practice a little faith. Otherwise, she'll drive herself crazy & you away. That's why, in the mean time (until the 31st, after mending things as best as possible, which I assume will happen), let her stream of consciousness flow unimpeded.

I'm not sayin give up all your beliefs & principles. Just give up the ones that are childish & wrong, because once I recognized that I was acting a child & unrelenting in my stupid pride, I let it all go and it made a world of difference.

When you're a gentle & strong man in this time of madness and uncertainty, it will afford her the chance to be weak comforted that she has a ballast in you. Right now, the anger she holds on to is about the only constant in her life, the only control...hence her unrelenting.

Footnote, Identity & Supremacy are better. Ultimatum is ramrod, down your throat, nonstop intense.

Thanks. Congrats on the 10 years. Thats a goal for me. Been listening to "It Might Be You," and the lyrics really get to you. Ive been listening to that song since I was 13/14, but really now it matters. Thinking about wat it really takes to make a relationship work. One thing I think about now, which will definitely bring a tear to my eyes, is thinking about having to "start all over again." Im content with just one girl, one thing, "one love. (the whole meaning of One Love.) For me, the only thing thats been important to me, since I knew I HAD to leave, was making this work.

Youre right about her needing to compromise. Its something, she doesnt do. Honestly, its wat turns me away from her, is her lack to compromise. Before, I wasnt able to do that. Couldnt put aside my anger, and thats wat led me and my last girlfriend to split.

With her, Ive learned to do that. Ive really changed a lot since Ive been here in the Philippines, and its honestly for the best. Im just worried that she might do something, which she would regret later. While shes not with me. Like talk to her ex, who I hate and would (censored for safety reasons.)


I just hope things work out...

And yea... Deep throat Ultimatum.

At first the (forgot the term...) camera taking of the movie was pissing me off. Really like a guy was just holding the camera rocking back and forth.

But there was no dead part of the movie, which was great.

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When I read Mike Lowery, I think its pronounced the way Martin Lawrence pronounces Will Smiths last name in Bad Boys.

"Cuz Im Mike... LARRRRRRRRRRY... Ya kno, cuz thas who I am... Mike... LARRRRRRRRRRY..."

that's what i thought. so that's not how you pronounce it?

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Because in the Philippines, you cant exactly travel as freely like a US citizen can. She asked me...

"How come you stayed so long, and you were only visiting?"


In the Philippines, you have to go through A LOT of paper work to just VISIT the US, for 3 months. Plus you need to show that you have FUNDS. I

Word, took my lolo and lola a long long time to be able to come visit us in the states, alot of trouble.

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I confess that I often reset my viewcount on myspace so that I can remember the number and see it go up, then I check who's online and I know they love me.

I'm horrible.

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I just placed my first yesstyle order out of sheer boredom and desire to buy something that my credit card wasnt going to deny. I hope my results are as good as others. I also got 10 bucks off and free shipping because I used to order asian pornos off of yesasia (I guess a sister site). If anyone wants the discount code, PM me.

oh, and I purchased my first AA item in my life this past week! woohoo.

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yesterday i was at a party and i met this girl and she was down and i hooked up with her and when i was leaving she was gave me her name (first and last) and told me to look her up on myspace, then i thought, "what would sufu do?" so i was like bitch get over here and gimme yo number

could have never done it without sufu hahaha

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Are you saying Im a player due to my homosexual comments made to fellow Superfriends? Anyways...

I havent seen Bourne Identity OR Supremacy. She has, because I sed we need to watch them, before we watch Ultimatum. But she watched it without me. Oh well. It was cute, during the movie, where it would connect to the past two, she would try and explain to me wat happened. But the movie was intense, so I was really tryin to concentrate on just the movie. I kinda wanna practice jumping through windows from a rooftop. I dont doubt that I can go through, scared that WHAT IF the window doesnt give, and i just plop... Kinda like the out takes from Rush Hour 2, wen Jackie Chan couldnt get through the change gate thing.


You pretty much understand the situation, given the information I could give. Thanks for that. Personally really needed it.

Shes pregnant, and jobs here dont offer much. One job offered me 8000 pesos a month, which is not even rent money. My plan is to go to the US, work, save, make money, sell all of my shoes, MOVE back here, and start things fresh. Like Ive stated in past random threads, I didnt come to the Philippines prepared. I suddenly left Self Edge (Sorry Kiya) and decided to move here. I came here with $300 US.

Me going back to the US and working, is to pay back Kiya, and make enough money, that me and her could rely on, until I find a well paying job. Which I possibly had lined up for me already, wen I came back.

I had plans to come back in Feb. Which would be a crucial time during her pregnancy. I had written in my sketch notebook, letters for her while Im gone. Just enough for her to have one to read, once a week. To let her know that Im still thinking about her each and every week, during her pregnancy. Just enough till I come back.

I understand the testing waters, but the way she "tests" waters, is really... I dont kno how to explain it... Drastic... I guess?

I kno how she is wen shes upset/mad. Hence me asking her what her problem was. I kno I couldve worded it better, but the way she acted towards me (dull) pissed me off.

She told me shes noticing that when we argue, I cool off as soon as shes upset. But she cant do the same for me. After Ive calmed down, and back to normal, she still holds her anger, as if shes holding a grudge towards me.

Its confusing. Its only been a few hours, but its gonna suck waiting this out, knowing that I have to leave the 31st...

do you think the cultural differences are coming to play here? i'm assuming your flip as well, but american born/raised?

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yesterday i was at a party and i met this girl and she was down and i hooked up with her and when i was leaving she was gave me her name (first and last) and told me to look her up on myspace, then i thought, "what would sufu do?" so i was like bitch get over here and gimme yo number

could have never done it without sufu hahaha

well played. Myspace stalking is gay and wasted energy. I like going for their BB pin#, because I can track their every move by hacking into the main database and digital satellite systems, and basically i know where they are, on Earth, at any given moment, so if i see she's in the fred segal ladies room, imma wait five minutes and then drop her a clever bbm, word?

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do you think the cultural differences are coming to play here? i'm assuming your flip as well, but american born/raised?

Of course in a way. Her mentality isnt very "Filipino," I should say.

Of course the lovingness of a Filipino woman is there, but then the immorals are there too. But thats in everyone, a good side and a bad side.

When I think about the good, it out weighs the bad by a mile. Eventho the bad can be bad, I would still sacrifice myself for her.

Make sense?

I only had an hour of sleep and nothing to eat, Im just dying.

Eventho its not wat I prefer, or feel comfortable with, Im waiting things out. I kno all she needs is time, but Im just worried about how much time will she need?

Im willing to extend my stay here for her, but then it would mean less time to work and save in the US. Lose Lose or Win Win?

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havnt had inet for awhile now, in transit on my way to homer alaska..

confession: i wore my brothers crocs for a river /hiking trip (i guess thats ok, but i really dont like crocs)

I wish i had some of those chaco sandals, they look pretty intense.


chacos are great

chacos are great, but they are a bitch to break in. they took a month for me to break them in, and in the process they completely tore up my feet. blisters everywhere

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Visiting cities are always exciting and fun, but incredibly draining. I'm stoked I'll be able to finish Pattern Recognition tomorrow by the beach... hopefully on a hammock of some sorts.

I have all these great ideas and I catch myself letting them all out one at a time. I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.

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chacos are great, but they are a bitch to break in. they took a month for me to break them in, and in the process they completely tore up my feet. blisters everywhere

The footbed is not for everyone. I don't have a wide foot but I hated chacos until I tried my size in wide. They used to make one with a flat footbed, I think they called it Elan. You can still find them every once in a great while on ebay, but they're getting harder and harder to find, they were discontinued a few years ago.

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Ayn is so money. A great wingman.

God I wish I lived in San Francisco proper.

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do you think the cultural differences are coming to play here? i'm assuming your flip as well, but american born/raised?

it sounded like pinoy pinay drama show stuff to me... was there a screaming/crying mom involved?

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If it were a filipino drama there would be a child in the middle of the argument just watching, screaming parents, a comedic transgender, a fist fight, a rape, a pool scene, and freaks of nature turned beautiful...

Okay nevermind, guilt is gone. Thank god that was quick.

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i hooked up with a chick when i was drunk and i totally regretted it the day after. but the thing is a girl that i'm actually interested in is friends with the chick i banged. so i'm totally getting mind fucked and my head is telling me that everyone i fucking know including the person i'm interested in knows. (shes on vacation so i haven't talked to her in a week)

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