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i hate receiving gifts from friends and acquaintances because then i feel an obligation not only to repay them with a reciprocal gift, but that this gift also has to highly one-up theirs.

because of this, i dont tell people of my birthday 2 months before it happens. only 3 people remembered my birthday last year and myself and my mom are included.

the day that i receive any kind of item that i actually want is the day that i die.

oh. edit.

but the thing is, i have absolutely no problem with spending money on other people's birthday/random gifts. i love giving, but i hate getting. does that make sense?

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It was my 21st birthday today (7/21), and I was supposed to do some ill shit in LA with an old friend since I'm from the bay area, but while hanging out he spent the majority of the day (and into the precious night drinking hours) cupcaking with his gf. Weak ass 21st -- I need do to something especially dope to offset this shitty night.

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its not that i make friends for how they look. i mean most my friends are wearing Rock and Republic jeans with Affliction and Abercrombie. its just hard to connect with people when you have a passion for fashion and they dont understand that passion. its like talking apples when they understand oranges.

ohh and sidneylo i havent got into FIT yet. i have to graduate high school. then my aunt Chloe Dao from project runway said she would mentor me for about a year then i was going to New York. i hear its a all or nothing city and i want to make sure i end up with it all then leave with nothing. but thanks for the support.

Holy fucking shit you need to get your priorities straight. You're in high school. High school is about getting high and getting laid as much as possible while maintaining whatever GPA it is that you need.

Stop being such an arrogant prick about how people dress. Are the future dance majors upset that all the white kids just like to wave their arms around to Lil Jon and don't appreciate ballet? Probably, but they still become friends with people that can't dance.

Every once in a while, I just absolutely wish I had never gotten into fashion, because arrogant shits with a superiority complex ruin everything. It's just clothes.

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And honestly, all my friends have changed their style of dress since I started hanging out with them. I'm still by far the most obsessed and only one really 'into fashion' but still ...and fuck it if they look stupid, they make you look better.

Edited for correctness. ;)

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i regret not learning to sail. my little sisters awesome at it, so are my cousins and my dad. i took sailing lessons, but i never could catch on, and i was a difficult little shit when i was younger, so i objected to everything.

i regret that now.

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i regret not learning to sail. my little sisters awesome at it, so are my cousins and my dad. i took sailing lessons, but i never could catch on, and i was a difficult little shit when i was younger, so i objected to everything.

i regret that now.

same here, regretting not contiuing to learn violin and many other things (guess i was a little rebellious during my teenage period)

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i still remember a good deal of my piano education. none of the songs, but chords, and scales and what not. i could never sight read well though, and i still can't with guitar. im pretty autodidactic when it comes to teaching myself instruments, but i still wish i could sight read.

i really wish this older girl that i've been after would show some more effort on her part. i hate the waiting part when a girl is making up her mind about someone (me, who is obviously crushing on her). patience is not one of my strong virtues.

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man im totally recovering from an all day harry potter/east of eden binge right now

i feel like shit.

but worth it on so many levels.

its not that i make friends for how they look. i mean most my friends are wearing Rock and Republic jeans with Affliction and Abercrombie. its just hard to connect with people when you have a passion for fashion and they dont understand that passion. its like talking apples when they understand oranges.

ohh and sidneylo i havent got into FIT yet. i have to graduate high school. then my aunt Chloe Dao from project runway said she would mentor me for about a year then i was going to New York. i hear its a all or nothing city and i want to make sure i end up with it all then leave with nothing. but thanks for the support.

thats houston though man. other than the one barneys coop, most people have never encountered good clothing in the houston area, so they are forced to believe that all the shit they buy from jeans couture/urban outfitters/m2m/all those other gaudy uberfashion stores, is good style. but i mean, if they have a good sense of balance and know how to put together an outfit, people can look good in whatever.

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Guest scruf
man im totally recovering from an all day harry potter/east of eden binge right now

i feel like shit.

but worth it on so many levels.

thats houston though man. other than the one barneys coop, most people have never encountered good clothing in the houston area, so they are forced to believe that all the shit they buy from jeans couture/urban outfitters/m2m/all those other gaudy uberfashion stores, is good style. but i mean, if they have a good sense of balance and know how to put together an outfit, people can look good in whatever.

wow i was impressed you know of jeans couture and m2m. do you reside in houston?

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i reside northwest of houston in cypress

i used to really like those stores but i eventually had a slight change of taste realized there are better things i can buy for the same prices as some of the simple non-jean items in those stores.

i really hope those rumours of a houston area h/m are true.

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Guest scruf
I've never been to M2M.. is it any good? I completely agree about Houstonians lacking sense in fashion.. I was going to school near Chicago and now I'm gonna be in Austin. Sucksss.

m2m is okay. basically the jeans in nordstrom or neiman marcus you can find in m2m and jeans culture

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so i just got back from the target and bought my travel supplies, and for me that includes lots of stomach care stuff cause i have a really weak digestive tract. so i got my fiber stuff, diarrhea/gas stuff, my lactose stuff, etc... any way as i was going to go check out i thought 'that check out girl is cute ill go to her,' forgetting what was in my cart. i started unloading my stuff on the checkout and realized i made a mistake and felt kinda weird seeing the looks she gave. not my proudest moment but i felt i should share.

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Was supposed to meet some girl's dad today and then take her to the circus...I called her earlier today and she said she changed plans since I said I might not be able to go the other day- but I told her yesterday that I definitely would. Later in that convo she told me to call her later tonight. I called her and heard circus music blaring, I cut the convo short after that. I'm horrible with women.

Turns out one of her female friends begged her to go to the circus with her. She said it was wack, and glad that we didn't do that as a date...wants to see the simpsons movie with me, so yeah..

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i feel bad. i spent the evening chatting up 3 girls much younger than myself and being someone im not. i hate leaving my house. i hate being sociable. i wanna hang out with older chick. i want a relationship with older chick. i wanna get into school in boston so i can be with older chick. god dammit.

i said shit goddamn, im a man, im a man.

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jeepster, how young are you talking here? young enough to make you a pedo-bear?

Say it ain't so jeepster...


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My camera broke when I was trying to take a waywt picture. I set it on the edge on my car trunk and it fell off, now it's fucked. Now I want to get a DSLR and take nice pics like everyone else on sufu.

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