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  onemancult said:
are there times that you can't get this song out of your head, no matter what you do?

but, it doesn't drive you insane, rather, it makes you feel really sweet and nice inside, as if there were some salvageable shreds of humanity left inside of you?

so much yes

though when im already in a bad mood there are few things that get me angrier than a little billy joel

not sure why

i just always end up thinking "you think youre so nonchalant you chubby son of a bitch" and seething

then once i calm down i feel pretty silly about it

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Sometimes I read about or participate in things just so that I can be better at hating on them later. I remember a vast amount of pop cluture trivia just so that I can push my friend's buttons.

I'm simultaneously pleased that I've developed such an incredible hating skill, and appalled at the amount of time I could have spent doing things I legitimately enjoyed.

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I stayed late at work today in my pathetic attempt at trying to use the fast connection to my advantage in scoring a tv for cheap from AMEX....I don' know why I keep on thinking I am going to win of these things some day...


fuck, now my coworkers left me behind to grab dinner somwhere, and I know I will be a nervous wreck tommorow again trying to 'outclick' millions of people. I never learn.

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i know its not only me, but AA website and the product images have become purely softcore porn.

thats not a problem for me.

on another note; i'm still pissed at my brother because he intends to pursue this girl who i've been friends with and hardbored feelings for much longer than he has. it was the kinda thing i'd let happen, that i wouldnt pounce on because she's older than me, but if i played my cards right it would happen. but my brother, being the smarmy ladies man that he is, is taking advantage of my lack of taking advantage. its just annoying. its like he's doing it to intentionally piss me off and one up me. i mean, the girls gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but dammit, he met her two goddamn weeks ago, and ill be damned if my work up to this point on it goes to pot, like i fucking took care of her through a bad acid trip AND made her dinner. fucking art students.

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^You seem to be failing to understand the fact that when you're interested in a girl you SIGNAL YOUR FUCKING INTENT straight up.

End of the day, 'taking things slow', 'playing your cards' right etc. doesn't get you anywhere unless you're in a movie possibly starring Hugh Grant.

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  Double D said:
^You seem to be failing to understand the fact that when you're interested in a girl you SIGNAL YOUR FUCKING INTENT straight up.

End of the day, 'taking things slow', 'playing your cards' right etc. doesn't get you anywhere unless you're in a movie possibly starring Hugh Grant.

haha, well said. i have indicated, but im kinda shy about it considering im still in the dreaded high school, and well shes a beautiful, interesting, well dressed college student - much like my brother. i'd rather see her go to him than some douchebag from around town, but regardless, its kinda irritating. bad analogy - its like he was playing with my favorite g.i. joe, then proceeds to call it his own - or some irrelevant shit like that.

i made a good effort over the weekend and had a good discussion on the merits of depression and art and why i never involved myself with theatre (as that she has chosen dramaturgy as a major) and why she chose to pursue it. i then got her a drink, fixed her some dinner from the selection (it was my brothers 21st birthday party), and sat and ate dinner with her. then we danced cause my brothers DJ friend had a tent set up, and talked some more.

so its not for a lack of trying. i just think theres an obvious seperation in age that is a barrier. who the fuck knows.

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  heartbrokensoulshakened said:
No problem! I don't like you either. biggrin.gif Understand, I don't like cowards who hide behind their computer.

And I agree, my phonecam is shitty.

Thanks for your input

Continue your hating!

I'm hiding because I don't sign up to message boards specifically to whore out my pictures? You posted a waywt the same day you registered, and like 75% of your posts are in the same thread. You have not contributed anything here besides your boring uninspired outfits, just another GIRL ON THE INTERNET LOOK AT ME. I mean your username was bad enough but your internet-persona is just icing on the cake.

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  Airjamie said:
Im certain Alexander hacke is in fact gay. Correct me if im wrong though.


but hurra torpedo are gay to the point of... wait, sorry i was just listening to them and found a bunch of cum in my ass.

let me get back to you.

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  corporategrunt said:
I stayed late at work today in my pathetic attempt at trying to use the fast connection to my advantage in scoring a tv for cheap from AMEX....I don' know why I keep on thinking I am going to win of these things some day...


fuck, now my coworkers left me behind to grab dinner somwhere, and I know I will be a nervous wreck tommorow again trying to 'outclick' millions of people. I never learn.

so, did you win?

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  cureOne said:
I'm hiding because I don't sign up to message boards specifically to whore out my pictures? You posted a waywt the same day you registered, and like 75% of your posts are in the same thread. You have not contributed anything here besides your boring uninspired outfits, just another GIRL ON THE INTERNET LOOK AT ME. I mean your username was bad enough but your internet-persona is just icing on the cake.

I'm sorry, is there some rule stating that the first post can't be a waywt?

If so I apologize but I'm a newbie

I didn't want to be a bitch but if you're going to look through my post and say that I'm not contributing you're forgeting the obvious

Its contributing to your pile of hate because really looking through the first few pages of posts you made they're hateful or, useless ones like "I'm at work for 18 more minutes the trash is pretty boring today"

Fuck that's lame. No wonder you won't post any pictures of yourself cause all the hating you dole out your afraid its gonna come back and bite you in the ass

Whatever you think of my outfits or post I'm not stupid enough to think I can please everyone so like I said, hate away

Not that your opinion matters much

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brush those haters. ;)

  heartbrokensoulshakened said:
I'm sorry, is there some rule stating that the first post can't be a waywt?

If so I apologize but I'm a newbie

I didn't want to be a bitch but if you're going to look through my post and say that I'm not contributing you're forgeting the obvious

Its contributing to your pile of hate because really looking through the first few pages of posts you made they're hateful or, useless ones like "I'm at work for 18 more minutes the trash is pretty boring today"

Fuck that's lame. No wonder you won't post any pictures of yourself cause all the hating you dole out your afraid its gonna come back and bite you in the ass

Whatever you think of my outfits or post I'm not stupid enough to think I can please everyone so like I said, hate away

Not that your opinion matters much

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  jeepster said:
i mean, the girls gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but dammit, he met her two goddamn weeks ago

I would say your brother is smart... technically he should've already made a move, but it's ok, two weeks is still early enough.

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  corporategrunt said:
I stayed late at work today in my pathetic attempt at trying to use the fast connection to my advantage in scoring a tv for cheap from AMEX....I don' know why I keep on thinking I am going to win of these things some day...


fuck, now my coworkers left me behind to grab dinner somwhere, and I know I will be a nervous wreck tommorow again trying to 'outclick' millions of people. I never learn.

One day corporate, one day!

Thank you so much for the laugh though :) I am rooting for you and that tv.

My sister does an excellent job of pissing me off. Taking a long ass shower and hogging the bathroom doing whatever it is girls do.

I cannot wait to move out.

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I'm ditching all of my friends, chicks, partying, going out to dinner, impulsive spending, etc. until the end of June... I'ma stack my bread so I can have a stuntastic & debaucherous romp through the streets of nyc

the fuck am I supposed to do in the meantime though -- NOT get high? :o

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  onemancult said:
yeah, they're from norway.


this shit rocks so much ass, you wouldn't believe.

its like Einsturzende Neubauten gone gay.

Two of my favorite things are Einsturzende Neubauten and things going gay, so I don't see this could possibly be bad, but I refuse to click on this in case I will be dissapointed, because the image of a gay Einsturzende N. has completely consumed my imagination.

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