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I only ever pulled down pics of my ex's on FB cause I didn't want to look at them at the time, not cause I felt some obligation to whoever I was dating after. If you're jealous over Facebook pictures you prob aren't ready for a relationship. Especially if said bz isn't even committed to you yet.

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makes sense.

the pictures aren't what bothers me. i guess my concerns were that said bz is still has feelings for her ex seeing as she has lovey pics of them up. shits getting kinda serious and i aint really tryin to fucks with someone holding onto lingering feelings b. been there done that maybe thats why i thought twice about it because ya never fuckin know until its too late.


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It shouldn't matter unless you are serious, you don't really have the right to tell her what she can and cannot do if you are not exclusive. That will just scare her away if anything (girls like to roam free and do what they want when theyre single).Truth be told brotha I was in the same exact situation a while back with an ex. It bothered me and I said something to her, to which I was met with a pretty half-assed "We're not together anymore why does it matter" response. Weeks passed and even I didn't care about it by then, but I still had friends or family commenting on it. There's definitely a difference between tagged photos and profile pictures. If a girl still has shit with exes in profile pictures she might want to reevaluate her relationship. If its tagged photos, just make her private that shit so it's not in your face all the time. That being said, the chick I dated with exes in profile pics ended up being fucking nuts and had a pathological problem with not being able to get over her exes. Constantly being compared in every way, it was unreal. Be warned if you see any signs like this, otherwise you shouldn't expect her to do anything until you are a couple.

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I don't really care if said bz takes them down or not. i should of made that clear in the op. i combined the homie and i's convo into those 4 questions.

seeing as i don't actually have a Facebook, ill never see those pics (they're profile pics) unless i look for them. my main concern was that said bz aint over her ex which to me is a flag. a major flag. I've been burned before by a girl that wasn't over her ex. and its like why would i even want to take shit further with her if she aint in on that 100% tip.

but at the same time i guess i have my own insecurities to work out since this is probably me just scared I'm going to get burned.

shoutsout to okay, coke and focus though you guys def put things in perspective.

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The rabbit hole that is Dovo's tumblr of enjoyable imagery and music has no end. :/ Tumblr and the internet are not my friend when a part-time retail job is my major commitment.

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To everyone on this dovo dating club thread I am going to tell you what a true pimp told me. His name was Apple Jacks he told me one day while I was on the 5 train to the bronx (These words of wisdom will let you go far in any conquest of yours be very careful). He said,"Treat a princess like a slut and a slut like a princess." It works all the time. I am now dating and about to marry, a millionaires daughter with theses words. I treat her like a slut everyday of my life and she Luvs IT! *PIMPIN*

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if theres one thing i fuckin learned its that you should never get mad caught up on some girl if she decides to leave you. no, you probably won't meet a girl like said bz ever again but if you man up appreciate your time together for what it was, let that shit go and allow yourself to mature, even better bzs will follow.

and remember to always let these hoes know you know you the fuckin man, or woman or whatever.

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