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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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lol man you guys are harsh abotu the ears. im not a big fan of it either but the Jordans is whats killing me the most...there seems to be this huge trend of emo/hipster kids wearing sneakers...starting off with dunks and jordans...and honestly, its just not a good look..

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we should set up a day where we all go naked. and post on WAYWT. clothing is just another form of goverment restraint on individual liberties.


Spiewak [too big?]

Standard Cloth



zehero makes those jorands look less offensive.

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lol man you guys are harsh abotu the ears. im not a big fan of it either but the Jordans is whats killing me the most...there seems to be this huge trend of emo/hipster kids wearing sneakers...starting off with dunks and jordans...and honestly, its just not a good look..

I like to blame urban outfitters. There's a ton of kids around here who wear their tights-jeans with the most garish, loud sneakers they can find.

Oh, and co-sign on the fucking stupid ear gauges. There's a guy I see on the bus with ones twice that guy's size, with his goth-pig girlfriend and their little lawn-devil. The sad thing is the little girl is dressed in what you usually see infants dressed in. That girl is going to have serious issues when school starts.

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where's the kegger bro?

i'm sorry, what the fuck do you guys do at college?

would you rather hang out with other dudes and play ps3 than go to a kegger? Did i go to college in an alternate universe? All I ever did was go to keggers in college and I am no where near considered a "bro." I don't regret the keggers either.

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not really...i live in a big house of 6 guys + their gf's and all of us are partied out from our freshman/soph years so we all work pretty much full time and goto school and hang out at the house and have a beer or two occasionally.

but yeah now that i think of it...its weird how none of my friends really drink...its not even cuz theyre nerds or something but after freshman/soph year, i dont think any of us have ever been to a party that consists of more than like 20 people lol...aside from a bar/club which is goto maybe once every couple months...not really considered a kegger.

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not really...i live in a big house of 6 guys + their gf's and all of us are partied out from our freshman/soph years so we all work pretty much full time and goto school and hang out at the house and have a beer or two occasionally.

but yeah now that i think of it...its weird how none of my friends really drink...its not even cuz theyre nerds or something but after freshman/soph year, i dont think any of us have ever been to a party that consists of more than like 20 people lol...aside from a bar/club which is goto maybe once every couple months...not really considered a kegger.

it obviously tapers down a bit as you grow older.

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chill out

he looks like a fratboy douche in ill-fitting overhyped clothing labels

i love me some keggers

no bros or fatties allowed

i'm fine with it, but it kind of cracks me up the attitude of people on this board. reminds me of all the kids that never got picked for sports and are lashing out against the guys that beat them up as a kid on a fashion board.

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I think the attack was more on dressing like you're going to a kegger (whatever that means), as it were, than on going to a kegger itself?

i got it the first time. reminds me of the post where one kid was really nervous about college because none of his friends were into fashion.

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reminds me of all the kids that never got picked for sports and are lashing out against the guys that beat them up as a kid on a fashion board.

that may be true for some, but for many, keggers are wack as fuck, bro-fests, chads up in that shit with bad music. I skated through all of that stuff in highschool.

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i'm fine with it, but it kind of cracks me up the attitude of people on this board. reminds me of all the kids that never got picked for sports and are lashing out against the guys that beat them up as a kid on a fashion board.
i'm 5'7" and 135-140lbs btw


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