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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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I've seen walmart 501s look 10x better than that ^. Is he using nike boxes as a box spring for his bed?

That heart tshirt is too much though on that kid. The best part is, he made it himself and is really proud of it. The fact that people seem to love it is even more disturbing. I thought it was a my chemical romance tee at first. Ouch....

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yes.. i made worst-- they stretched out and they're not baggy. i pulled up 'em up today because of the sweater look.. i shoulda sized down one more-- thigh stretched out alot and makes me look morbidly obese. anyways-- here's a pic with them slouched(still today):


is it better in this one? i need a camera.

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i just dont think those are the jeans for you man. in my humble opinion, you should wear only thngs that fit and look right in the proper size. if you have to size up or down more than 1" then you need to find a different cut.

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i like the way they look in person. i've gotten compliments as well.. to each his own. <3

edit: oh you know what's weird... i've posted them the past business week. even with a post that said: "oh hey supergaysss! i just copped me some new denim thun! how it be looking!?" --- yet no one says shit 'til i have a pair of purple pigeon dunks and a bunch of nike boxes in the backdrop. just a funny thing i noticed.

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I don't think anyone really cares about dunks since a lot of people have them. Cheap is a nike jordan fan, and i wear them to ball in whenever i can find em' on sale. The nike boxes was just a joke because it looks like the boxes were holding up your bed. People are allowed to just not like the fit of your jeans. I personally wasn't judging you because of anything else. Diors certainly aren't for everyone and yes, it probably would help if you took better quality pictures. Lighting, angle and picture clarity would make a difference. Look at cheap, he's pretty confident he can wear a burlap sack and get compliments and judging by the clarity and angle of his pictures, i wouldn't doubt it. Don't take it personal, man. I just think you could probably do better with a different cut, i could care less about your lifestyle or how many nikes you own. If you have any jordan 1s you'd like to part with, let me know though.

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^^^^ i do. i still think they look good in person<3

i still resent the fact that you ignored that i've posted them 4x already...

and yes i do have jordan 1's-- they're at home. i'm at school. i'll let you know which ones i'll part with. do you prefer leather or pat leather?

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it is on the left side of the shirt..

edit: oh nvm. i didn't know there was another guy with a heart shirt.

i just realized how much my diors stretched...





in four days...i didn't size to account for stretch. fuck. i'm assed out.

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and yes i do have jordan 1's-- they're at home. i'm at school. i'll let you know which ones i'll part with. do you prefer leather or pat leather?

whatever is the non-shiny one. Are you serious, if you're my size i'd freak.

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guy with the heart shirt - at least put the heart over the left side of chest rather than the right. Then it would at least have some anatomical accuracy.

I thought your heart was actually closer to the middle of your chest. But I see you said some..

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'I have an attachment to this wear"




apc henley

red mood jeans tee

red moon belt

stormy blue 421

c&j chelsea5

Ok, i know this isnt really a worst fit, but some things about this struck me as being off.

I don't care for the brown shoes ( i think they are brown but im not sure) with the the black henley, the shirt sitting ontop of the belt throws the look off, and it may be the camera angle but the jeans look like they are up really high (although from the back they look much better). The pre-wash actually isnt too bad, though i think a darker jean (be it pre-distressed or a raw) would be better.

Again, this probably didnt belong here but i thought it needed some constructive criticism. Tweak it a little and it could become a much better fit, imo

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Ok, i know this isnt really a worst fit, but some things about this struck me as being off.

I don't care for the brown shoes ( i think they are brown but im not sure) with the the black henley, the shirt sitting ontop of the belt throws the look off, and it may be the camera angle but the jeans look like they are up really high (although from the back they look much better). The pre-wash actually isnt too bad, though i think a darker jean (be it pre-distressed or a raw) would be better.

Again, this probably didnt belong here but i thought it needed some constructive criticism. Tweak it a little and it could become a much better fit, imo

Finally made it here!

I think it was the tee which threw the look off. The jeans do look higher indeed due to the camera angle. Anyway, here's how it looks without the tee.


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Finally made it here!


im always secretly (altough not so secretly anymore, i suppose) hoping to end up in this thread also. Not that im really trying to post fits that will get me here, but maybe i'll try once or twice.

the t-isnt that bad, i still say lose the shoes with that particular outfit would be the best thing.

And looking at the initial pics again, i think that camera angle on the front-view really is throwing things off. The pic from the back-view everthing seem to fit much better and you look better proportioned.

I struggle with this too, because i never know what level to set my camera at in order to get everything in the pic yet still end up being content with how i look in the picture i find alot of times the focus would be on the mid-section and it would make my torso look short and make my jeans look higher than they actually are (basically same thing that happening in your pic), so it wouldnt be a totally accurate representation of how the things actually fit and look.

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Seconded. Sometimes I really hate dry denim. Those times are usually when it's worn with Dunks and other Nike garbage.

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