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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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hahaha not all the time, mainly during winter ;)

but yeah I (as an owner of that jacket) agree with 78, sort of.

To me the jacket is a banger, the color really stands out and imo you just have to wear it with toned down simple stuff (Seenmy's styling is the best example).

I don't wear it with 'techy' pants just because I don't have any, found any I like (had no chance to try Veilance pants yet..) and because I just love denim and think it goes with everything.

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  78 said:
still looks like shit. ha

ordo - I'm not saying that it can't work, but it's not there and honestly if that pic from seenmy was clearer I think you'd be less inclined to say that it works a well as it does. The slickness (look at the cut on them pockets! mechaaaa chest plates!) of the Veilance piece is over powering.

I hear you - I am guessing part of where you are coming from is a result of having actually handled the garment or other Veilance pieces and so having experienced the sharpness of the design and materials firsthand, you have realized that the types of fabrics Veilance use do not blend well with more organic materials such as denim. I wouldn't wear the Stealth shirt with jeans because in my estimation they just don't go - even if in photos one might think they would.

Having said that, I think the colour of the Field Jacket alone is enough to make it look good with worn-in denim, even though I would put it with something more technical.

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exactly. I pretty much tried on the entire debut season and was impressed by the quality. The cuts were a bit too slick for my personal taste, also it may not be understood easily but the Veilance gear had a less 'hand finish' that ACR.

That jacket's a tough one though. I'd usually tend towards loser denim and boots for m65 jacket but that sucker's cut in such a way that all the pre-ordained aesthetic principles are null n' void.

kix - notice a pattern?

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Hmm. Quite a few pages of discussion here.

Many of you have offered balanced & constructive feedback, for which I thank you. I have a few tech pants, though nothing as sleek as in the Veilance line, but choose to use them for my outdoor pursuits, rather than for everyday wear.

Jeans are my preferred choice of daily wear, and while mixing them with a piece like the Veilance might be debated, it's become my go-to jacket for the fall. So I'll have to find a way to make it work for me. I'm sure the sartorially sensitive will have many future opportunities for further commentary!

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  BeachHouse said:
is this "Worst WAYWT" or "slightly disagreeable WAYWT". Tell me everyone's just really bored and not serious about the last handful.

I didn't think my words left that much open to misinterpretation.

But to clarify; his get up was shit.

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  lmaozedong said:
essentially all positive discussion has been moved from waywt chat/discussion/savedmylife/whatever to best waywt and all negative to this thread. i mean i dont really care either way but this thread is really not "worst" anymore

this is not happening as far as i know

that doesn't make a lot of sense

if you just look back a few pages, i was complaining that the worst really isn't the worst anymore

i do merge off topic posts in waywtrash into new supertrash threads

or delete them

but i don't mess with best or worst fits other than issuing (free) infractions to qualified users

just want to set the record somewhat straight on that

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  cheapmuthafukr said:
i dont think hes saying that YOU move posts herre.... hes saying that we all just post shit talking here instead of doing it in the regular threads. this is the exact reason i made the waywt shit talking thread that got locked by some moderator.

Yeah this. Fwiw I think you do a fine job moderating supertrash ddml. Just no one talks in saved my life edition to the point that it's pretty much completely redundant with regular waywt now.

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i'll give 78 one thing that a lot of other users don't do - he will break down every single piece of your outfit that he hates and tell you why he thinks its bad

agree or disagree, at least its better than a lot of the posting in here

then again, a lot of the fits that end up in here are pretty self-explanatory.

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its not like those 'gearheads' dont know that good clothes are being worn wrong every day by tons of people, its just that superfuture is a fashion forum...

if anything, i think there should be more people nitpicking at everything. superfuture lost its reputation as a bunch of pretentious, but fashionable, cunts. we're just cunts now

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