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Shoes that look better with age...


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Sorry for the shite pic, ,but I wanted to share these before they got worn...these are the Grenson brogues I mentioned earlier, picked up for a bargain. I walk around 3 miles a day as part of my commute to work, so these will be braving the elements...

Captured these mid-polish, I'm using a red polish on the tan boots to bring out a richer patina. The rear boot is the original shade, the flash has kinda killed the contrast between them...


Look great CTB . With my tan Loakes Burford I apply a coat of oxblood then a coat of brown polish , nothing fancy and with the boots getting some wear the effect is a subtle copper patina with some darker and lighter shades too . Very pleasing to the eye and friends have remarked on it .

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Look great CTB . With my tan Loakes Burford I apply a coat of oxblood then a coat of brown polish , nothing fancy and with the boots getting some wear the effect is a subtle copper patina with some darker and lighter shades too . Very pleasing to the eye and friends have remarked on it .

Yeah, I used light tan and then oxblood polish on these. I'll take some proper pics at the weekend, and link a pic of what they looked like outta the box.

This thread has really taken me back to when I used to take some pride in what I put on my feet (beyond decent trainers!), so all kudos to the people in this thread for having helped reignite that passion.

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Brett Viberg is making those for me right now but with a single layer leather sole.

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Speaking of Viberg...walked in to their shop last week. I needed a pair of steel toe boots for work. I found a stack boxes that were marked down significantly...so I bought two pair. Not as pretty as the Take5 collab, but these should age gracefully. I love Victoria!








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This thread has really taken me back to when I used to take some pride in what I put on my feet (beyond decent trainers!), so all kudos to the people in this thread for having helped reignite that passion.

Funny enough a friend and myself had a similar conversation last week . He brought a pair of German army jackboots back from Hamburg before xmas so we got around to talking about boots/shoes . I remarked that whilst they looked really cool they weren't my style and as much as i admire the American workboot posted on the forum I feel the same way about those too . I said to him it probably comes from my background (and age . i'm 45yrs) I was brought up around the shipyard in Belfast and all men wore workboots as they worked ship or aircraft building or as dockers . However , I noticed this more when I went to pubs / working men social clubs with my dad in my late teens , the same men you seen with the work boots and clothes during the week would be in their best suits with amazing highly polished leather oxford / derby / brogue dealer boots in tan , brown and burgundy on the weekend . Really flashy guys in their 30/40/50s with big greasy quiffs and gold jewellry , my dad was the same . That always stayed with me .In the 70s in my early teens , dads would buy thier kids lace up black square toed oxford boots , these then had Blakeys applied to give the clickety sound , I was lucky enough to have these !!! Even now I prefer a stylish traditional dealer / lace up brogue boots or shoe . They do bring the memories flooding back of the 70/early 80s back . The flip side is that the shipbuilding is gone as is the traditional working man and the sense of style and pride in dressing they had .

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About 400 pages back I read that RWs don't come with insoles... my bad.

Sorry, I read soles not insoles. Anyway, as Cheep said, the leather will mold to the shape of your foot, put in insoles if they are loose or uncomfortable.

Socks: I wear Pantherella wool or alpaca all winter which are beyond great and cotton all summer. I don't like thin dress socks in boots and I cannot stand synthetic socks.

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