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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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  • 7 months later...

Neckface gets up, but to me there's more to graffiti than just writing your name everywhere.

Some of his stuff doesn't totally suck (Batman begins), while other stuff is just lame (Neckface 20 feet up on Broadway).

OK, he can climb stuff and write his name, great.

I'm not saying Neckface should stop doing what he's doing, but I'm also not going to say "Oh wow! He's so unique." Just because he's popular right now.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado

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Neckface is garbage. Look at it, any 10 yr old kid can do that. It looks like a bat on some crack. I mean, compare this shit to real graff artists and his stuff is garbage. I can draw stuff with that with my toes. Its terrible. I mean, I give dude props for hustlin that garbage and actually getting some fame off it, but personally I think his work sucks serious balls. No I dont know dude, I just think it is way overrated and doesnt deserve half the hype its getting. And how in the world did he get a collabo with Maharishi?

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