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fact first came into usage in the late 1500s, where it initially referred to deeds of a particularly evil nature; it is from the latin "factum"-----meaning "to do"; it did not dress up as "truth" until the 1600s when it referred to things that occurred-----note the feminization; facts became not about DOING but BEING DONE TO. i prefer the original, more athletic (and sinister) term to its present incarnation as manipulative bitch.

the term factoids (see above posts) was coined by Norman Mailer in 1973:

Factoids ... that is, facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper, [are] creations which are not so much lies as a product to manipulate emotion in the Silent Majority.

now we are the bitches.

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The Japanese believe some interesting things about a person's blood type, mainly that it determines much of their personality. Whenever you see a profile of someone in a magazine, you can be sure that beside their birthdate, hobbies and favorite foods will be their blood type, since Japanese readers are always interested in knowing the blood types of their favorite people. Basically, type A are straight-laced, serious about everything, very organized (Felix from The Odd Couple, basically); type B are "my pace" (e.g. they go at their own pace, live in their own world), quickly get bored with things that don't interest them, and speak their minds to a fault; type O are very bold, hate to lose and have good leadership skills; and AB people are often so smart they look strange to everyone else. We saw an interesting TV show last night that attempted to break down the various personality types according to blood type. In one experiment they separated kids by blood type and asked them to move water from one aquarium to another one, them filmed the results. The type A kids used small spoons to carefully move the water from one tank to the other; the type B children tried to come up with a good way to move the water, but got bored and gave up in the middle; the type O kids lifted the first tank and poured the water into the second tank, not caring how much water they spilled on the floor in the process; and the type AB kids got smart and moved the two tanks around, so that it appeared that they'd moved the water when they hadn't actually done so.

The statistical data the show presented on blood types was interesting, too. People with blood type O tend to be quite charismatic, and some of Japan's most popular male heart throbs like SMAP member Takuya Kimura and singer/actor Masaharu Fukuyama are type O. People reported that the blood type they liked least was B (my own blood type) -- it seems that men and women with type B blood speak their minds too easily, and can offend others, making them difficult to be with. Most of the top Japanese athletes including soccer star Nakata and Yankee centerfielder Matsui were type O, and the vast majority of Japan's past Prime Ministers were also of this blood type. However, 60% of the sumo wrestlers to reach the highest rank of Yokozuna (Grand Champion) were of blood type A -- it seems it takes a meticulous nature to work your way up the top rank in Japan's traditional sport. Type B people may be the least popular with people of other blood types, but we have the highest representation at Tokyo University, Japan's top-ranked school, perhaps because we're creative and don't know what can't be done. The blood type couplings with the highest chance of divorce are two people with type A blood; couples where both have type B, or one has B and the other has O, are supposedly the happiest. Type A people are good at saving money for a rainy day; type B people waste their money on things they don't need (like me). For the record, Japanese are usually amazed that many Americans don't know their own blood type. In Japan, the interplay of blood types is always at work in any group.

Fuck I'm gonna get a blood test!

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i had no idea "fact" was such a relatively recent idea, ddml.

blood types are actually pretty interesting, dark animal, plus some of the asian girls might be impressed if you were knowledgable.

and simple, i have no idea what you were trying to get at.

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Hahah, I should start asking Jap girls what their blood types are, sort of like to intimidate them or a nice icebreaker. I guess I want to know if my blood type characteristics are accurate with the real me.

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that urban legend about a high school sex-ed teacher telling his class that sperm is made up of water, simple sugars, and proteins and a female student asks, without thinking, "then why does it taste so salty?" is true, because that happened in my high school sex-ed class.

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