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4-yr-old RRDS more pics


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These hung in my closet for six weeks while I popped oxycodone and waited for my clavicle to heal. Then back on my bike and back in the jeans. Before the first wash, they were so dank that when I slapped my hand on my leg, it sounded as if the jeans were wet, due to waxy filth build up.

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oops, sorry. here are the pics.

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dry or die!

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I wore them consistently for two years before washing them. They hung in my closet for six weeks after I broke my clavicle in a bike crash, but after that lots of wear. I washed them in cold water with a little ERA detergent, and air dried them. They have been through 2 cold rinse cycles as well.

dry or die!

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to post pics w/o all that extra garbage in your links, click this button pic.gif then type the image's url in between the (img) and (/img) tags...

--- Original message by snugglepony on Jun 16, 2006 02:44 PM

thanks, I obviously need a bit of help with posting.

dry or die!

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They look excellent, though they certainly don't look 4 years old (they look more like 1.5 years or so). Did you wear them lightly or infrequently?

Don't take offense. Like I said. Great jeans.

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Jun 16, 2006 04:09 PM

No offense taken. I wore them at my two bar gigs, and through one year of sculpture class. I have not worn them as often in the last six months-- I have several other pairs of jeans these days.

dry or die!

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Those are lookin damn good. I would still like more pictures. Honeycombs?

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(but.. did you washed them???.. if not... it's knida "nasty")

honestly? do you really think so? then what the heck are you doing on a board with a large dry denim base? and one that follows the 11th commandment "thou jeans shalt not touch water"?

maybe you're the grey crayon....

And your jeans look freaking fantastic. The fading is awesome, one q: How are you going to hole your $$$ with a hole in the pocket?

Wish I has some more patientence, I've had two washes in 6 months, but ahh well, no patientence + toddler + feeding toddler = really gross stains that I forget what they are.

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Greycasts start looking different, so they will finish looking different.

The process and the denim's progression thru that process is much the same, albeit faster in most cases. But yeah- if you go the first two years w/out washing and wear them 300+ days each of those years like ryandenim did you will experience tremendous results.

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