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What do you think about the city you live in?


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damn a lot of people living in toronto... i would consider toronto a home to me although i am currently living in kitchener/waterloo for school [which i'd sum up as rapid unsustainable growth built on a tech bubble that will start deflating within the next 5 years]

toronto is nice. my only big city living [although i've visited many others] and i've enjoyed it. to add on or reiterate what others have said,

i like the food and the nightlife in toronto. it could be better and it is better in other cities. but it's good enough for now.

as far as socially, i feel that our experiences in different cities are so limited to the circles we are in... i have heard that montreal people are 'warmer' than people in toronto, but despite visiting there many times, i can't decide if this is true because i hang out with a specific group of people whenever i go there

mostly the sentiments expressed previously are correct.... toronto lacks an energy that some people just need... the art scene in toronto is weak

HOMI29: how did you feel about moving to NYC at the age that you did? would you say that's a good age to move there? What is the optimum age age to maximize enjoyment of NYC?

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Homi - i agree with the partying aspect of it (and don't get me started on concerts)

Plus the NYC Subway >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TTC will ever be

I think my overall experiences in NYC in terms of the people and the pretentiousness were off-putting. Plus there isn't really anything you can do in NYC that you can't do in Toronto (generally speaking, of course)

From a career perspective - that's very sector driven and there's a lot of luck that falls in with that. I can't speak on your industry, but I know for my career I'm wayyyy better off in Toronto than in NYC.

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Live in Cerritos, CA. A smaller suburban city on the edge of LA county and Orange County.

Cons: So basically it's filled with an annoying amount of (possibly) racist Asians who think they're some "down ass n*ggas" because they grew up as the majority and were never put on check. I'm Asian as well but grew up 2 cities over and am more well adjusted to the real world.

No exquisite dining or even mid/high priced restaurants around here for that matter. A lot of fast food, diners for the elderly, and a street dedicated to Indian food. edit: of course there's Asian food though eg. Soon Doo Boo and Pho

Night life in a 8 1/2 square mile suburb? Nah.

Pros: Somewhat good place to raise your children. It's a middle class area with a great and competitive education system eg. Whitney High. That is, if you don't mind living in a 60% Asian dominant city. Otherwise, it's fairly quiet, and the lack of nightlife will ensure that your children will stick to smoking and drinking in garages/parks.

Tbh, there really isn't much great about this place. I'll be moving to Irvine in a couple of months, which I believe to be just a richer version of Cerritos, but I'll update again when that time comes.

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It sounds nice, but then you realize that almost none of these '50 reasons' really do anything for a day to day life unless you're an unabashed Koreaphile. Also, that this article was written by a Korean-American living in Seoul with the wisdom of a 13 year old.

People who come to message boards like superfuture, etc, IMO are less likely to be amazed by what Seoul has to offer - the quality of things are low, and even things that are high quality have their value driven down and sometimes stomped into the ground here. Man should appreciate poetic things, well-made things, and appreciate well-done work; what goes on here is none of those.

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Fremont, CA.

Between Oakland and San Jose

We rich. We got good food around. We have no mall or movie theater but the best stuff in a 20 mile radius. No crime. Smart as hell.

Not bad\ at all

"go to bed, and stop talking shit about a city no one cares."

thanks for the neg rep Dropt

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  goat said:
I think my overall experiences in NYC in terms of the people and the pretentiousness were off-putting.

That sums it up nicely. NYC is a great town, but it's the shitty people who carry around their air of importance that bring it down... there's a lot of one upping (financially, socially), and no one seems content with just enjoying life on their own terms, rather people feel the need always party at the trendiest bar, eat at the hottest restaurant, and rave about whatever band/movie/etc is lauded. No one wants to just grab a sandwich at the diner, drink a few whiskeys with some friends at the bar around the corner, or admit to liking whatever blockbuster movie just dropped. The media really dictates what a lot of young people do which can be frustrating. The second the times writes a 1500 word write up of that really good coffee shop on your corner, you'll never be able to go there again w/o waiting 5x as long, even if the guy behind you in line took a 45m subway ride to get there.

Plus Jake Davis and Michael Williams live here, which obviously sucks.

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Living in chicago makes me miss san diego like 1000x.

But winter clothes are neat. Until you wake up to 10 feet of snow and you're out of coffee and -

.... :mad:

Also it's may and it's still storming. wtf.

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  laxlife1234 said:
Hicksville... as in Hicksville, Long Island? If so, I feel you pain.

no, i live in germany. i'm pretty sure the people here in my town are all inbred. i don't wanna breathe same air as they do. there is nothing nice here, neither culturally nor what the countryside has to offer.

you can really tell from looking at the people here that the working class is what makes up the biggest part of the demographic. which is not a bad thing, but when they all have the average IQ of a potatoe it often gets really sad. the only religion here is soccer and it is celebrated by the afforementioned people. anyone who has any kind of higher education (read: finished highschool) usually stay away from that. it's glorified to a point where fathers neglect their families for their team financially and socially.

the fact that the community i live in is also basically broke doesn't help the overall prettyness of this town. the both extremes between run down parts of the city where immigrants and the old hard core folks who won't budge, live in the same building. contrasting with the super modern Opera/Theater (where John Malkovich is performing a play) that has a nice park which was built on whose money i don't know.

the streets here will confuse the shit out of you. either they are so kaputt where the road is just disintegrating on top of the cobblestone base. or it's basically perfect, completely rebuilt a couple years ago.

recently an old run down school was torn down in the middle of town and i believe a month later not much has happened. i heard that they want to build some new houses but the site hasn't changed a bit recently.

forget partying or nightlife, there are a couple of big discos in town but usually the 14 to 18 year olds hang around there and get drunk. plus the music is just mainstream radio shit. the average age in the bars here is ~40+ so finding people to hang out with is impossible.

if you want something worthwhile to do during the night you have to go to one of the major neighboring cities. by train it'll take you 20 min (on a sporadic schedule) to get into town where you have to either walk or take the subway that has an half hourly schedule after 10 pm or so.

food? forget about it. either it's currywurst (sausage with a curry sauce, just google it) or turkish food (Döner, falafel, dürüm ect.) which as itself is way better than the german food you can get around here. but it's almost like all the döner stores have some kind of agreement because there is virtually no competition between them. the ONE store where you could get a decent döner had to close down again because noone would go there to eat. the germans only go to their regular places and that's about it.

the only good thing about this town is that there are so many ice cream shops you can hardly count them. germans love their ice cream. they are all pretty good and you can get some pretty crazy flavours, one of my favourites is nutella ice cream.

enough ranting, i need to get out of this town.

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I grewup/live in Charleston, South Carolina. It's a beautiful city. I have 3 different beaches to go too which can get some decent waves during hurricane season. There's really good food, good bars, cool history and a lot of babes. There's not a lot of good stores for menswear BUT a new store did just open up that sells quoddy's, gitman brothers and about 8 other good brands. The city is trying hard to be trendy and cool and make a name for itself in the south/ the nation. The people that live here express that notion as well. The College of Charleston is full of really wealthy Northern kids. With those kids comes a lot of drugs. Shit ton of blow being done by the frat bros and the like. Everyone smokes pot. Everyone is really into electronic music or hippy bullshit. Kinda sucks. Definitely not as much talent as Columbia(where I went to school).

Overall, Charleston is a really pretty town but the people kinda suck. To much bullshit. Luckily, I've managed to find a few good friends.

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I spend half of my time between Vancouver and Hong Kong, which in my mind are 2 of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.

@Vancouver- There are 6 months of perfect sunny weather every year, you have all the outdoor activities you can imagine for summer and winter. The mountains are very close to the city center, it takes me 40 minutes to get on Grouse for half a day to snowboard. You got people from every part of the world living here. Food is great as you can find decent restaurants for every major type of cuisine easily here. Fashion seems to be catching up as there are more high end boutique stores opening up in the last couple years. Best of all, you have the perfect natural landscape that will put everyone in awe- check Sea to Sky highway. Only thing I can complain is the lack of nightlife in other areas besides downtown Vancouver. Lastly, we have extremely loyal Canucks fans.

@Hong Kong- A very expensive city to live in and has a shitload of people living in it (top 3 every year in land price and population per square feet). Every day in Hong Kong is like Christmas. You have so many people commuting and out on the street you wouldn't believe it. Weather for most of the year is very hot and humid. Hong Kong is known for it's shopping and there is nothing but truth to that. You can find all the major designers from every parts of the world in Hong Kong and for you sneaker heads out there, we even have a street called the "sneaker street"- which is a 3 block length street with over 200 sneakers/shoes stores. Hong Kong is also about the food, you can find a very very good restaurant to fill your stomach within 5 minutes anywhere you go to. Another great thing is the architecture, Hong Kong holds many world records/rewards and one place that everyone who is planning to go HK should go is the "Tsim Sha Tsui Harbour" at night, there you will see the most incredible architectures in Hong Kong in one glance. All in all, Hong Kong is a great city, fast paced and holds a lot of different cultures.

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clean air, clean water, clean streets (for the most part)

lots of sunshine, great weather year round

worldclass skiing an hour away

outdoorsy shit if you're into that

modest cost of living

awesome beer/brewing scene

weed dispensaries on every block, easily some of the best stuff in the country

good sports town

easy to drive/bike in

mexican food

no natural disasters to really worry about aside from hail and the super volcano under yellowstone lol


cow town... more sprawl than urban

transient city makes for a weird mix of people. both natives and out-of-staters think way too highly of themselves (not everyone obv)

mostly white people, not a ton of diversity

shopping and fashion sucks, but that's kinda meh

shitty drivers

not really close to any other cities, but still a decent transit hub

i really like the place, and consider it home -- but i wouldn't be against moving to somewhere like chicago if the opportunity presented itself. i visited a week or two ago and loved the place [chicago] -- the history, urban feel, public transit, architecture, etc.... but can still recognize the gripes of some other people like the shit weather, the shit midwest, etc. anyway, i see myself staying in denver for at least a couple more years, but i won't be buying real estate here anytime soon.

i've been kind of half-assed toying with the idea of doing ESL abroad for a year because i have no significant other, no kids, no mortgage, i want to travel, and i'm going to die in 50 years. so it is nice to get someone like dismal's input on seoul. highly doubt i'll go through with it though, but still great thread idea homi

  destructodisk said:

Pros & Cons of my city, Denver:

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  chchchip said:
I grewup/live in Charleston, South Carolina. It's a beautiful city. I have 3 different beaches to go too which can get some decent waves during hurricane season. There's really good food, good bars, cool history and a lot of babes. There's not a lot of good stores for menswear BUT a new store did just open up that sells quoddy's, gitman brothers and about 8 other good brands. The city is trying hard to be trendy and cool and make a name for itself in the south/ the nation. The people that live here express that notion as well. The College of Charleston is full of really wealthy Northern kids. With those kids comes a lot of drugs. Shit ton of blow being done by the frat bros and the like. Everyone smokes pot. Everyone is really into electronic music or hippy bullshit. Kinda sucks. Definitely not as much talent as Columbia(where I went to school).

Overall, Charleston is a really pretty town but the people kinda suck. To much bullshit. Luckily, I've managed to find a few good friends.

Lived in charleston for a few months like 2 years ago, I'd love the place to death if I was there for a week, but it gets real fucking old real quick. Kaminskys on market st. Is my shit and I used o go hang out at worthwhile and check out the rick Owens, but the biggest problem I had there was the lack of fall/winter.

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^ I remember you. We tried to meet up a couple times but it never worked out. I agree with everything you said. A couple of new restaurants have opened up that you would probably like. But yeah it's hot all the fucking time. It's 99 out right now. Sweating my dick off.

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boone nc; were i go to school


no nightlife... town shuts down by 6pm

not many good shows, only 1 venue in town

college town

good food is hard to come by, only a select few solid restaurants

tough to get a poker game going


the mountains and waterfalls



good people

boone is rather boring but still a lot of fun most of the time. definitely ready to get out of here but i do enjoy it.

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detroit is nice

all the major sports

great food

great buildings, abandoned or otherwise

super old school

ok night life

all the underaged kids go to windsor

3 casinos + 1 across the border

no white people except at sporting events (this is neither a pro nor a con s: )

sucks you need a whip though

the train here is called 'the people mover'

windsor sucks

too many bros

too many people from ontario


montreal was nice except the obvious con

vancouver is nice, to raise a family in

or if you're into all the outdoor shit

most people there are stuck up, because vancouver is the shit

kinda like how people in ny would be if everyone in ny was from ny

la is nice in small doses or if you've got money i suppose

the bay is real nice, was prob my favorite place to live in

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currently in davis, ca, finishing up my last year in undergrad, but i grew up/live in a small suburban city called downey, ca, which is located southeast of downtown los angeles....

the city is a typical hispanic-based suburb. downey isn't the most unsafe city, but it sure as hell is't the nicest, either; a typical person from either west LA or a very asian populated area would claim downey to be extremely unsafe or ghetto, but us locals know better. our education system is below average, food is mediocre with tons of donut shops and fast food joints, but there are definitely a few gems in here. occasionally, you can spot a beautiful mexican lady walking down the street.

downey isnt nearly as bad as it should be. our surrounding cities are pico rivera, compton, south gate, paramount, santa fe, norwalk, bell gardens, and lynwood. go figure

TLDR - im from downey and it is a boring, quasi-ghetto, hispanic based city-inspired suburb. dont think i wouldraise my future kids here

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  • 3 weeks later...

new orleans


-culture: music is amazing, esp. if you like jazz, and most contemporary music stuff comes by. art, not great. museums could definitely use an upgrade.

-food: amazing in every way but be prepared to occasionally go into mad sketch places if you don't want to pay a lot. most good, casual food is hipsterized. if you're into that.

-architecture: downtown and the garden district if you're into that parochial stuff. giant southern type mansions and the like. the cbd is a wasteland. modern architecture is viewed suspiciously. actually modern anything is viewed suspiciously. sounds bad but it has a certain charm.

-nightlife, assuming you're not the club type. excellent dive bars, music, even hotel bars

-cost of living is very low, especially if you're willing to risk living in areas where you might get shot

-female students


-crime, obviously

-poverty is out of control

-politics too

-public transportation is unreliable and doesn't extend that far

-weather in the summer is hell. 100 degrees and 97% humidity is normal.

-if you leave the city it's like being in deliverance

-high concentrations of a certain breed of pastel polo good-'ol-boy broseph who goes to lsu and comes to bourbon street to drink a thousand hurricanes and then vomits all over you on the streetcar

-bourbon street itself

-tourists, even though they bring a lot of money in

-don't try to buy clothes here

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