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pics of worn okinawas or hawaiis?


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i'd wait to see pics of the Hawaiis. I saw both pairs at the NYC store and the Hawaii's have a nicer blue but I don't know how they fade. My Okinawas started looking like that after only 3 months of moderate wear. So still waiting for the Hawaii pics anybody....

--- Original message by shinobi2000 on Jun 12, 2006 01:49 PM

dude, they didn't have no hawaiis--------they can't get them in.

they was all like, them is hella mint.

Using chain stitch, your train of jeans is fading wind.

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yes, indeed, i know this has been discussed in other threads about the special dyes that the Okinawas and Hawaiis use -- whatever it is, it comes off very easily. Amazingly though, they did not fade too much after the first wash. I don't have pics after the wash (I had to wash them cuz they were just too smelly) but I assure they are not too different from those pics.

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i took some quick pictures (stealth-mode-style) of a 6 month sample of the hawaii's. i'll try to get them up.

i was thinking about getting them- but after seeing how they fade i don't think the style would match my style- but they are beautiful nonetheless. oh well. that saved me $300.

need goods from japan? email me. getting goods to you before your rice gets cold.

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i took some quick pictures (stealth-mode-style) of a 6 month sample of the hawaii's. i'll try to get them up.

i was thinking about getting them- but after seeing how they fade i don't think the style would match my style- but they are beautiful nonetheless. oh well. that saved me $300.

--- Original message by xcoldricex on Jun 15, 2006 09:34 AM

hawaiis in japan for 300? thats hell of a premium for pants worn by someone for 6 months.

Edited by red on Jun 15, 2006 at 10:16 AM

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the yoke and the area above the pockets in the front have the denim turned horizontal-----so that would be horizontal color falling in those places

i don't think the vertical color falling is a result of slubbiness, but from raised warp threads that run up and down-----the alternating dark and light blues enhances this effect

beauty, indeed

Using chain stitch, your train of jeans is fading wind.

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yes, indeed, i know this has been discussed in other threads about the special dyes that the Okinawas and Hawaiis use -- whatever it is, it comes off very easily. Amazingly though, they did not fade too much after the first wash. I don't have pics after the wash (I had to wash them cuz they were just too smelly) but I assure they are not too different from those pics.

--- Original message by shinobi2000 on Jun 12, 2006 09:46 PM

I can't find the thread. Does anyone remember what the title was? Or can someone explain about the dyes of the okinawas (the ones with python patch) real quick?
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