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The quest to find an image source - thread

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We were like groan not another fetch quest amirite? #sworcery

Alright, in this thread the noble citizens of Superculture help each other find the original sources for images found online that have sadly lost all traces back to where they originally came from.

This happens far too often, and it is incredibly frustrating for a curious person such as myself if one wants to know more about something, but can't.

Additionally, it's also nice for the original creator of an image to get credit for it, you know…

This is where the collective knowledge of superfuture users comes in.

If after having tried everything (don't be lazy!), one still can not find out where an image might originally come from one can post it in here and perhaps someone sees it who knows just a little more about it and can help you on your way again.

TinEye is a reverse image search engine, if you're lucky it works really well.

I'll start:

It is quite important for my mental wellbeing that I find out the original source of the image below.


I came across it on fffound, which linked it back to a tumblr post.

However, as it received a shitload of notes and tumblr seems to cut off notes after a certain amount I can't seem to go back to who had originally posted it, nor are there any comments in the notes that might hint at the origin (in case anyone knows of a workaround to be able to see all 3000something notes, let me know).

Additionally, when an image gets posted to tumblr it replaces the original filename, so no hints there either.

I've tried every decent reverse images search and nothing…

What I can tell from the image itself is that it doesn't look like it's from a fashion shoot, nor a costume.

It looks too well done to be cosplay. Can't tell whether it's on a mannequin or if there is someone in there.

To me the setting looks most like a gallery, in which case I hope/expect that there are more images like it, different angles etc.

So, dear supertalkers, any help?

Anyone know of alternate ways of tracing it back to it's source, anyone know of an artist/stylist who might do similar work, anything at all.


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