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gold stitching

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Just wondering if there are any jeans with gold stitching that runs the length of the entire OUTseam as well as the inseam.

(i think this will mean they cant be selvedge then)

it looks quite cool

For sale

Edwins new with all tags. Both 'worn' effect. PM me

Nashville 28 x 34 (£90) and Greenville 28 x 34 (£50)

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pretty nice looking jeans, actually. that capitol hill wash is probably the most realistic faux-distressing i've seen (http://www.slingandstones.com/page4.htm).

btw, the original poster is, i think, looking for a felled outseam w/ visible stitching, not just gold colored thread...

Edited by snugglepony on May 22, 2006 at 02:28 PM

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Thats classic, I remember some joking in a "Denim prices" thread about gold stitching and hardware, someones actually done it..........cool

Current Label Ande Whall: http://photobucket.com/albums/y278/andewhall/

Old Label Dune R.I.P: http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g50/dunerip/

Supermarket: Custom Black Grifters: http://www.superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11688

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hey lilbucu... i love you long time.. its nice to see your friends promoting your gear for ya ;)...

actually my denim has all 'gold colored' top stitching as well as 'gold' colored surging on the outseam. The ampersand branding element on the back pocket is actually 24kt gold thread... silk thread dipped in gold.

the capitol hill wash is all distressing done by hand and I believe the ozone washing done to it gives a more realistic vintage look than washing done by potassium or bleach.

booty clap contest anyone?.......

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Guest Airjamie

If my memory serves me correctly,levis did an actual 24kt gold stitched jean in the 90's, i remember reading about it in a rolling stone issue.

I punch my bitch to Godflesh.

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ilovepsaz do you work for sling&stone? or have a connection with an employee/owner, etc...?

id be nice if you could give us some more info about the brand and their denim...im really feeling the capitol hill wash...

also...i was wondering if you new how the 'david' and the 'rachel' fit...any other jean models you can compare em too?

the 'rachel' actually look a little too slim, and the 'david' look a little too baggy for my taste..also seems to have a slight bootcut...

do they have any models similar to the apc new standard?

Edited by ngbetter11 on May 23, 2006 at 08:26 PM

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ilovespaz is the mastermind behind sling&stones!

he is a friend of mine also

i can't answer your questions ngbetter (i'll let him do that), but i just want to relay some info about the company that he told me

from ilovespaz himself:



looking at the 'premium' denim manufacturers based in the U.S. everytime i read their hang tags, it would say..."this garment was made with the MOST luxurious cottons, with the HIGHEST quality construction" . . . so i thought to myself what constitutes as most luxurious or highest quality construction. . . .

so i did some research on luxury cottons and denim construction. . and many 'premium' denim makers buy japanese 'made' denim through a lot of the major japanese mills, but they don't understand that the big japanese mills actually have sent their production over to china, not to mention that they probably use cotton that have been sprayed with petroleum based pesticides 4 times a day.

and for construction...... they ship their sewing down to mexico where it is machine sewn, and then have it shipped up to the u.s. for post treatment and to sew on a care label which says... "constructed in u.s.a".... pretty coy.... pretty legal...

even though having jeans made by machines are higher quality because of less inconsistencies, but i.m.o denim with human interaction gives jeans their soul...

with all that being said, all s&s jeans are made from one of the most luxurious cottons in the world, PIMA cotton, who's fiber is 3 times longer and finer than most cottons. The denim is made at a small japanese mill in okayama japan. And right now we are actually trying to get all of our denims dyed in natural indigo. the denim is a 12oz.

All construction is hand done, with all interior chain stitching, flat felled inseams, flat felled interior construction, with heavey guage denim thread.

the david fit is a mid-rise straight leg....(its a butt lifter). . .

sounds like pretty damn cool shit to me. i can't wait to see them in person (and pick me up a pair). more info on thier site: http://www.slingandstones.com/


+1 for the little guys.

i am most impressed with :All construction is hand done, with all interior chain stitching, flat felled inseams, flat felled interior construction, with heavey guage denim thread.

Edited by lilbucu on May 23, 2006 at 09:14 PM

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awesome committment to sustainability

quality materials

good cuts (looks like)

great finishes

nice, subtle detailing (esp. that yoke)


i like my denim sans jesus, "the living god," or any other proselytizing (regardless of theology).

never has "just jeans" been more appropriate...

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actually i'm the fashion director for the brand itself. . . the david isn't actually baggy at all, i'll post pictures of them on a model when i figure out how to post pictures on this forum.. same with the rachels.

the capitol hill wash was done by a little resin baking with a body form, then hand sanded, then ozone washed to get that consistent worn look...

a lot of premium denim companies get their worn in look using harmful chemicals such as potassium or bleaching agents.. the chemicals (from what was told to me by a few laundries) actually degrades the life of the fabric and is disposed of in municipal wastelands., ozone washing on the other hand is super environmentally friendly. Basically its a machine that pumps in dirty downtown los angeles air, mixes it in a dryer, which then safely removes tint from the denim, and clean air is pumped out into the environment. . . . so the only waste product is clean air for californians to breath.

(sorry about my rant.. i'm a big tree hugger)

i'm sure you'll like the fit of davids, i haven't really tried on any apc's so i can't tell you what it would compare it to.


thank you for all the plusses, it is really rewarding to see superfuture posters (who in i.m.o. are the true fashion police of the world) appreciate the work. As for the minus, my website was basically a look and concept book for our potential buyers and boutique owners. We wanted to convey to buyers that my brand isn't just an aesthically pleasing brand, but a brand that was educated in every aspect, even educated to why we chose our name sling&stones. We also wanted to be a brand that caters to the growing number of educated consumers.

Sling&Stones is a name based off of the biblical story of david and goliath. How david overcame an extremely impossible odds by slaying a giant with a sling and stone.

One of the reasons why we chose Sling&Stones as a brand identity was because being based out Seattle (one of the black holes of fashion) we felt like we were little fry compared to NY and L.A based brands. Seattle is known for Eddie Bauer and... Tommy Bahama.. yay. and also because of the fact that in Seattle... there are absolutely no denim sourcing agents, no competent sewing contractors, no laundries, no showrooms, no sales reps, nothing. . . . and also, i graduated last year with a mechanical engineering degree and had to learn about the textile industry in 4 months... and learned how to sew in 2 weeks.... so yeah, we do feel like david's taking down the goliath that is fashion... ... ..

so all in all, we want to provide a product that educated consumers can be proud about, let it be being sustainable and organic, construction, highest quality materials used, or brand identity..... and to the consumers who don't care; a really good looking and comfortable piece of clothing.

sorry about my little novel i just wrote... i'm leaving for l.a. in about 5 hours and i really am bored... now if i can just figure out how to post pictures....

booty clap contest anyone?.......

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thank you for all the plusses, it is really rewarding to see superfuture posters (who in i.m.o. are the true fashion police of the world) appreciate the work. As for the minus, my website was basically a look and concept book for our potential buyers and boutique owners. We wanted to convey to buyers that my brand isn't just an aesthically pleasing brand, but a brand that was educated in every aspect, even educated to why we chose our name sling&stones. We also wanted to be a brand that caters to the growing number of educated consumers.

Sling&Stones is a name based off of the biblical story of david and goliath. How david overcame an extremely impossible odds by slaying a giant with a sling and stone.

One of the reasons why we chose Sling&Stones as a brand identity was because being based out Seattle (one of the black holes of fashion) we felt like we were little fry compared to NY and L.A based brands. Seattle is known for Eddie Bauer and... Tommy Bahama.. yay. and also because of the fact that in Seattle... there are absolutely no denim sourcing agents, no competent sewing contractors, no laundries, no showrooms, no sales reps, nothing. . . . and also, i graduated last year with a mechanical engineering degree and had to learn about the textile industry in 4 months... and learned how to sew in 2 weeks.... so yeah, we do feel like david's taking down the goliath that is fashion... ... ..

so all in all, we want to provide a product that educated consumers can be proud about, let it be being sustainable and organic, construction, highest quality materials used, or brand identity..... and to the consumers who don't care; a really good looking and comfortable piece of clothing.

sorry about my little novel i just wrote... i'm leaving for l.a. in about 5 hours and i really am bored... now if i can just figure out how to post pictures....

--- Original message by ilovespaz on May 24, 2006 12:04 AM

no no, thanks for the novel, man. it's always awesome to get a little more insight into the brands and products we blow our $$ on!

and living in portland (seattle's better looking, but even more disadvantaged little sister...) i can certainly appreciate the symbolism &c. of choosing the david story. i guess i just have a pretty sensitive cringe-meter when certain phrases are trotted out, i.e. "the living god." if i'm going to drop $200+ on a pair of jeans, i don't want $10 or $5 or even $.01 of that getting funneled to some organization that wants to close down planned parenthood or pass the federal marriage amendment, get me?

that said, i hope you can get your line into a shop down here, 'cause i'd love to see it in person. you should get in touch with blake (http://www.loveblake.com/home/flash.html). he'll probably stock it.

Edited by snugglepony on May 24, 2006 at 09:16 AM

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our david has a 22cm leg opening on a size 32, but from the grades i have the leg opening for a 30 is around 19 - 20 :), I'm have some pictures by tonight and you can see the 32 on a 5'10 male around 155.


booty clap contest anyone?.......

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Could you please post pictures of your mens jeans being worn? I'd also like to see pictures of the hardware, if the distressed jeans are selvage, and measurements and such. I love the distressed David, even though I'm in the market for a pair of dry denim. Where can I purchase them? I'm sure everyone here would love as any details as possible :)

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here are the pictures of some davids....

frontresin.jpg these are the fremonts with a resin coating on it...

nick.jpg capitol hill wash


backview.jpg we were peeing... left ones are capitol hills, the other ones are fremonts without resin... model on right usually wears 29 - 30, . . . .

booty clap contest anyone?.......

Edited by ilovespaz on May 30, 2006 at 07:37 PM

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evisu did a limited edition in 2000 that had gold buttons and gold thread for the gulls design on the backpocket , they cost about 1000 pounds i think if my memory is not playing tricks on me. only 100 pairs made also, and they came with a nice looking bamboo box :P.

on those jeans for chicks...how much do the rachels cost? i might consider buying a pair for my girl eheh.

a few more pics of front and back of the jeans with someone wearing them would be nice also.

i must say i don't really like the guys models,but i'm sure lots of people like them, it's just that i am really anal when it comes to jeans fit and cut for me, but i think that the girls jeans look really good.

keep up the good work

Stand tall or don't stand at all

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the rachels in dry will be 250 us. . . and what kind of fits for mens are you into?


thanks for props, they aren't sold right now, but you will see them in a few stores in Seattle this September for a Northwest pre release, and we are having a release party sale this coming august for friends and supporters. You are more than welcome to come and get fitted up and grab a few free drinks.. i make a killer mojito. But we officially will release spring and summer 07 as we are going to shows this summer and fall.. .. how is the shopping in portland btw?

booty clap contest anyone?.......

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