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Wanted: NEW YORKERS ONLY ~ on the State of the Art (AKA "No Ideas Original")


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RAISED BY WOLVES: Thanks a lot for the respect; back at you times ten, man. You basically nailed the problem with street culture worldwide on the head full-on, there just aren't enough people living their life as opposed to people sitting around on the internet all day long and fronting hard because they can afford to look a certain way. And that ends up diluting everything; who really gives a fuck if designs are stagnant, if there's too many t-shirt companies? The fact is that there are too many people trying to represent a lifestyle they don't lead by draping themselves in the cultural products of that lifestyle. Like you mentioned, Supreme doesn't constitute the streets, the streets constitute Supreme. Labels and artists and crews don't exist in a void, they're the products of the time and place that they come together. The way I see it, the streets themselves are just white-washed and devoid of life. The soul's been trampled under a steamrolling real estate industry, an increasing influx of young people eager to reap benefits from NY but unwilling to contribute anything back, and the family-baiting era of NYC politics. I don't fault any label for wanting to capitalize on the kids who front; make your cash and do what you will with it- they might be contributing somewhat to the situation, but there's a difference between selling to the fakes and selling-out to the fakes.

ARTIFICIALSKY: I have that original print up in my living room.

ALM8319: I get where you are coming from, but then it's a question of whether or not anyone should ever feel comfortable wearing a logo... further in, why wear a band's/musician's t-shirt if you're not friends with them, or a part of their group? If you respect and admire IRAK or FUTURA, what's wrong with wearing their gear?

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onemancult: definitely a good point. i try pretty hard to not wear things that I'm not associated with (and i'm associated with very little). i have no problem wearing the recon "i miss the old new york" (thought it was an appropriate choice), because yes, I do miss the old new york. I wouldnt wear an IRAK shirt because, as I said, I just dont feel comfortable repping someone elses crew. its all personal and I see your point. on one said, as I said, there is the idea of not being associated with what you're wearing, and on the other is your point of wearing something out of respect. i guess even a third view is wearing something like a band shirt, or even an IRAK shirt to send out a message of who you are and what you're interested in (i'm less confident in this approach).

and to everyone that says "who cares, go find something better to worry about," if you're not interested, go somewhere else. its pretty clear there is a group of people interested in talking about this issue. we all know simply talking on the internet accomplishes nothing, no need to point it out.

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you know whats tired about this culture? people complaining about it.

You go on to mention the e-thugs chatting it up on superfuture and the like, when how different is your post than any other internet badboys garbage? Regardless of what you say you are, this is still the internet, you are still some anonymous

this whole 'problem' seems to be something outside the rhelm of the internet, and i feel that superfuture is the last place you should be attempting a legitimate, intelligent conversation. Internet messageboards are the last place these true, since day one, 'veterans' seem to be congregating. Take this shit to the streets. Crack down on the youngsters wearing graf labels, dipped out, sneakers tshirts and jeans, you know, because you were never a kid yourself, you were always late 20s, you were always doing your thing, wearing what you want, listening to what you want. Kids are highly impressionable and you think it is a surprise there are so many of them latching on to the street mentality?

Edited by lyingonyourdriveway on May 23, 2006 at 10:14 PM

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MY MELLOWS! so happy to finally see a worthwhile response from so many heads. We should have our own public access show and shit. Word to the free exchange of ideas!!! okay, lemme step up with the conch real quick and see if i can keep things progressive.

Raised by Wolves: Word to the third. I can't tell you how happy I am that you didn't lose that post. That's exactly the type of shit I was looking for. Many thanks, pounds, etc. etc. and I cannot believe you dropped Brooklyn Banks on my ass. What was the name of that skate shop down over there? they were so outta place, way in the Financial District, it was literally a hole in the wall. They carried Zero Sophisto, THINK, ATMclick, damn. You just took me back like beta max, 8 tracks, chiropractics and back taxes. damn. We had similar adolescent moments, you didn't happen to go to Bronx Science did you? Anyway, it's funny the irony of the true vs. fake. I ain't tryin to be the bitter one , I just know there is more possibility and a way to rise above the lowest common denominator shit. Guess you're right, i have to do it myself, a Raise-a-flag-and-see-who-salutes sorta thing. And believe me I am, but also trying to begin an attorney's career so the clothing thing takes on a PM-hours-only back burner sorta status. But I'm sure to keep it daily, and when I comes with mine, maybe my perspective will change. But I doubt it. On the real, I could talk about this shit for hours but maybe one day we'll link streetside instead of in cyberspidace. The lunchroom-smell call had me falling off my soapbox. Mad respect.


I don't mean to overtly suggest that England & UK = wackwackwack, they do their thing. Obviously my views will be skewed, coming from where I am geographically, but I don't mean to say that England or whatever doesn't have its place in the scene we're discussing. But for me, honestly, and this is no doubt a direct result of that home-is-heart bias, but not much coming out of those places has really hit me in the...soul or seemed crazy groundbreaking i guess. I proper up some characters that I know of, (Duffer, One True Saxon etc.) for stamina and steady low-key dopeness, and no doubt if I stayed over there for a long time I would give more citywide daps. I simply felt that if the scope of this convo were limited to people who, if I knew them back in the day, would relate to me because of a very niche (even then) time and place connection, then I would be able to hear their take on things in a more...'credible' (to me at least) light.

In sum, I was looking to exclude the kids on this site who can't relate...not because they're wack, or herby or whatver (though this is often the case) but because...well, because they just weren't there. It's like standing in a conversation watching two people discuss a movie you didn't see. Of if I were to listen to a young brit lad wax nostalgic about some old dope scene I was never a part of, and only got exposed to the creative fruits of. I wouldn't be able to step in that cipher, because although I may have something to say, it may not strike the original poster as relevant. If someone wanted to start this sort of thread it's their right, but it's also mine to want to limit the panel to heads I feel come to the table with a first-hand knowledge. That said however, I am certainly glad you posted. But while I would agree that virtually any city has their own street culture, I don't think anyone in this thread can deny that everything this scene sweats right now, be it rap or graf inspired design, DJing art collective elitist parties or whatever, old lyrics and beats still sweated today, current dominant "streetwear" fashion trends (in the 18-34 demographic), or other facets of grimy pace-setting culture...the ultimate roots of that shit were sown in the streets of nyc. It's your right to differ on that, but in the end the facts are with me.

Dope shit exists all over, no doubt. But I was originally complaining of something very Nyc-centric, that's it. And for t

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Abel: your tone slaughters me. ive never seen elitism look so 'fuck-it-all'. props.

im not a new yorker. i guess that might ruin my cred for this convo but the two times ive been to the city ive felt massive wackness. all the neighborhoods that are glorified as the home of street culture seemed extremely forced and pretentious to me. im not saying new york isnt where it started, but i felt that i came way after the fact, and that makes me identify with what your saying. i must have a romanticized idea of what ny should be form rap records and a disgusting gritty film obsession, but when i finally had the means to travel to new york, i felt like i was just encountering the same displaced suburbanites i see everywhere. this might be why what your calling original street culture has come so close to mall culture. the feeling i came away with was that so called street culutre is to be consumed rather than emphasizing participation. the graf scene made me feel this most. i couldnt go into a store without being bombarded with handstyles and throwies, yet the sales people i talked to just gave props to these crews and when i asked them if they wrote they clammed. maybe thats on some vandal squad paranoia bullshit, but i got the impression they preferred gossip to paint fumes. as far as rocking crews on a t shirt, i cant bitch. i sweat anything haze-related. i started writing because i saw a haze tag in the back of a rap pages issue when i was knee high to a duck. i will cop anythign i see with his name on it because he motivated me to do somethign that was completely unheard of where im from.

thats all i got to say.

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i remember those days, but who are we to blame, corporation are only follow what consumer wants, their executions are merely reflections of our desires, nike repro the classics becuase ppl want them, yes i do cringe when i saw the rainbow air max, products and services exist beacuse demands.

Forget about the retro shoes...i cringe when ever i walk into a store and see all the so called Premium jeans, there is nothing premium about them, one make look like another. how do you think that makes me feel? and i no longer impress by any of the socalled artist now, where ever i go, it's always character drawing, any one created a recogniseable character suddenly is consider a artist....

maybe is because we all desire to be accepted, and it is easier to pretend to be cool than actually been cool, it's easier to throw on pair skinny jeans and old tees and all of sudden received the acceptance you long desire, and it is easier to say you love art than actually love and emmerse your self in to it.

i understand the ideas, theory and motive behind things naturally, but eventually i come to the point where i just accept it. because it will only makes me stand out. i understand your rant, and i understand the folks you rant about. and to be honest i no longer cares.

it's nice to hear that you mention jeff staple is your hero, but here is the truth, he charge 20K just to work with as starter, he is your hero, he ain't mine, but i understand, he is out to get his, and i'm out to get mine. i dont know about you, but i was at the point where i have to choose between, driving a piece of shit and rent from some one or driving something nice and live in your own shack and has a full vikings kitchen, and i choose the second option. i admit i def punk out, but hey i no longer care.

it def is hard to find balance between creativity and work, but everything has a balance point, you just have to find it and stay there.

all and all, who are we to blame, creativity stays withing, i think the key is to live each day with your creativty and be the influence that you are, in the end, it is each lil indivisual that counts.

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MINYA, not once did any of us say "we're so much cooler than everyone else here".

There's nothing wrong with us waxing lyrical about things that we appreciate/miss, and it's an attitude like yours that makes Superfuture so shallow some times. It's like no one dares talk about anything cultural- why is having an intelligent discussion about something besides clothes a fucking tabo? Sure, you've got the guys going super-in-depth with their denim talk, but, compared to how many people just want to ask about how to keep their APCs from shrinking too much, there aren't enough threads like this one. STEP!

ABEL & ALM, you guys went to science, are either of you from the BX?

And of course there's nothing wrong with being a heroin-addicted gay guy, especially when you're a heroin addicted gay guy that could tear your head clean off if he tried. Plus, he's from the Northern roam I call home.

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New York has defintiely lost some of its edge....is it cause of the biting fashion and graphics....I don't think so, fashion and art has always borrowed from "the underground" from Ssurs Cape Fear tees to 555 souls 5 deadly venoms / tag heuer tees....its no different now then it was then...except alot of us are older and more aware...Warhols campbell soup paintings ? basquiats mobil /griffin work..all inspired by corporations but making them your own somehow....

the main thing that has changed is the internet and our ability to express and share our thought and ideas on things.....and let others, from Joey in the LES to Biffy in Conneticut to Chuck in Bubblefuck to see whats hot and poppin faster than ever before.........it used to take years for that to trickle down and those in the know could hold onto it and relish it for a least a while before others caught on.......now it takes minutes by posting what u wore last night to take a pic of you self and post it on the web..., and fashion/art just cannot change as quickly as that, so fashion/art, get "played out" real fast....

everyone was down from day one....

Agreed, i never heard of Stash until Subware, but he was responsible for some key rips/designs, like the whole Phillies Blunts tees, hats jackets....(at least i'm pretty sure he was, if he wasnt please correct me.....) that said, i still dont like his hand style.....

Futura was a graff god to me and still is...he's one of the most down to earth cats i've ever met and I have no problems wearing his/Recon stuff cause iof that...i never met levi or strauss or know about their street cred but i like their stuff too.....i'll never meet the 10 yo old Laotian kid that made my Nikes, but if i did, I shake his hand and give him a $20 for some food

the other part of it is people have way too much time to sit around and dissect every part of culture now....we used to have to go out and look for the next hot shit or hot club like Hot Peas and Butter or Sheets and Pillows, now i just get an email every week like everyone else telling me where it is and what i can and can't wear and how much bottle service is.....and if we dont get that...we google the hell outta everything.....

in the end...

all non-new yorkers will think new yorkers are elitist and to a certain extent we are, thats what gives us our swagger and makes other parts of the word look up to the rotten Apple, and if you if say you/they/them don't, you're lying....

do i miss smoking weed in the back of Nation on Avenue A, which is now a bagel shop? yes

Do i miss grinding on random girls in 16 and then when the lights come on realizing i wish they left the light offs? yes....

Do i miss having my Ford Escort broken into everytime I drove in from Queens to Alphabet City? no

Do i miss copping tags on the lockers in Unique? yes

Do i miss having beef with other writers and always worrying about when I might get jumped ?no..

Do I miss the old New York??...alot of it, but i was a kid too...do I like the somewhat safer, friendlier NY...so of it.....will we ever be completely happy? no, so lets go bitch about things on the computer cause that what we do!!!


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Blame marketing, collabs, and these youngn's yapping their gumbs to anything that gets talked about on the web.. ITS ABOUT BREAD. Dudes is cashing in, fuck being cool and exclusive.. before, there was no internet where you can big-up a line. -you had to have seen it, reconize it for being so different, cop it, knowing you got something hot, and rock it to school. -Now exclusive is about talking about it, biggin' it up online, and then having a release date to get the line going.. $200.00 for a pair of ol' school NIKES?? c'mon man! SUPREME/STUSSY should be ashamed of themselves for throwing gas on the fire, but like i said they are cashing in now, fuck being cool (to us), not to that fresh new young buyer with his mommas bread... hes easy money!

I mean seriously.. we used to cop gear from head to toe outta a army & navy stores!! getting a pair of swede addidas was easy, not getting on line at an eggagerated price..and yeah, hip hop was banging, not the "rap" that it is today.. alot of cats is out there frontin' hard, but hey, thats what happens when you got bread... its too easy to get away with "being real".

I like Stash... he's one of the oringinators (to me). Futura is corny to me, but hes about getting bread, fuck being cool (to US)... supreme, dont make me laugh.. stussy, I cop a few of their tees... they get creative every now and then... but I keep it simple, levis, a t-shirt, and a hoodie... just like when i was young...levis, a t-shirt, and a hoodie.

All over prints were cool, when it was just a couple of brands doing it, now EVERYONES DOING IT!! a bunch of fuckin' lemmings... hey lets all do neon! OOPS!! -I may have started a new trend.. shit!!

If you want to start your own brand (as I hope to one day being that i'm in fashion) you would want to design peices on what you like, not whats selling.. get them on your shit, fuck a trend.


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A. Thanks Minya.

B. Laguardia HS.

c. Urban Academy.

d. Cormega freestyles on Doowop and Touch tapes (thats right TAPES).

e. That shop by the banks used to sell/giveway used decks (imagine that in 2006).

f. Originality has a price, Honesty is priceless.

g. At the end of the day, we discuss shit like this on internet message boards because many of us are doing the 9to5 shuffle whilst trying to keep ourselves inspired and creative without losing sight of our ambitions and passion.

h. Hunchbak and Deeznuts are right...we live in a world in which "word of mouth" no longer exists.

i. As soon as you know everyone you looked up to/wondered about, life is infinitely less exciting.

j. doesn't "superbored global shopping expert" smack of some serious Bullshit?

k. Banh Mi "with spicey".

l. The UK is and has been doing it big on all fronts since day

m. Filson

n. Carharrt

o. Orvis

p. papoose is getting old real quick and KaySlay's prolly gonna get him for 60% anyway.

q. why did The North Face have to do us like that? (or was it vice-versa).

r. blackout books RIP.

s. We still got Staten Island.

t. BAM, the skate spot, not the Music academy.

u. Cat and rat rock.

v. Vasque.

w. Allen Edmonds.

x. Lincoln center, the blunt spot, not the cultural institution.

y. Again, much love to all my Superbored global shopping experts participating. some real good points of view around these parts. It's good to know there are some like minds, and that we still have a healthy amount of haters in the pretty city with no pity. Stay sharp.

z. Go out and cop Cormega & lakey the Kid "inspired by actual events" June 27th. If you can't get it at your local friendly chain store. my man at sound city on 30th and Steinway will have them by the truckload. Mega is the truth, and lake is just Greezy as fuck! Who better to bring back that real rap...


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This fucking thread stays gobbling my posts, but dug up another one with the search function:

A. Thanks Minya.

B. Laguardia HS.

c. Urban Academy.

d. Cormega freestyles on Doowop and Touch tapes (thats right TAPES).

e. That shop by the banks used to sell/giveway used decks (imagine that in 2006).

f. Originality has a price, Honesty is priceless.

g. At the end of the day, we discuss shit like this on internet message boards because many of us are doing the 9to5 shuffle whilst trying to keep ourselves inspired and creative without losing sight of our ambitions and passion.

h. Hunchbak and Deeznuts are right...we live in a world in which "word of mouth" no longer exists.

i. As soon as you know everyone you looked up to/wondered about, life is infinitely less exciting.

j. doesn't "superbored global shopping expert" smack of some serious Bullshit?

k. Banh Mi "with spicey".

l. The UK is and has been doing it big on all fronts since day

m. Filson

n. Carharrt

o. Orvis

p. papoose is getting old real quick and KaySlay's prolly gonna get him for 60% anyway.

q. why did The North Face have to do us like that? (or was it vice-versa).

r. blackout books RIP.

s. We still got Staten Island.

t. BAM, the skate spot, not the Music academy.

u. Cat and rat rock.

v. Vasque.

w. Allen Edmonds.

x. Lincoln center, the blunt spot, not the cultural institution.

y. Again, much love to all my Superbored global shopping experts participating. some real good points of view around these parts. It's good to know there are some like minds, and that we still have a healthy amount of haters in the pretty city with no pity. Stay sharp.

z. Go out and cop Cormega & lakey the Kid "inspired by actual events" June 27th. If you can't get it at your local friendly chain store. my man at sound city on 30th and Steinway will have them by the truckload. Mega is the truth, and lake is just Greezy as fuck! Who better to bring back that real rap...


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One other note... street style did not start in the L.E.S. -dont get it twisted! stop sweatin' them cats because stores wanted to open up over there.. RENT WAS DIRT CHEAP BACK THEN. I cant stand it when someone mentions L.E.S. no disrespect, but other areas in the 5 boro's were reppin' WAAAY harder than they were!!

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Quote: There's nothing wrong with us waxing lyrical about things that we appreciate/miss, and it's an attitude like yours that makes Superfuture so shallow some times.
No, I agree: waxing lyrical is good shit. What I find mildly amusing is the "KIDS THESE DAYS..." sort of rant ... posted by 20 year olds. You earn the right to do that when you start collecting Social Security checks, not a year before you can buy a beer by yourself.

Sounds like New York was a really cool place to be ten years ago. (Of course, 10 years ago was only 1995.) I'm sure it's still a pretty cool place to be now. Maybe a little different, but I bet it's still pretty cool. A lot of you guys make good points, but I think you need to worry about what others are doing a lot less and simply focus on being true to yourselves, which you seem to be doing just fine at already -- so you've got it down, what's there to worry about?

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Okay, now I've got way more perspective on what you originally meant. I'm totally with you on the "kids these days" oxymoron...

I think the heart of this conversation for me isn't about how different NY is now so much so as it is how different the essence of street culture is right now. It's not being played out on the streets anymore, the internet has almost completely shifted the playing field. Those of us more vocal guys in this thread, I think what it comes down to for us is that we're still out there- we're still pounding the pavement after years and years, and when there're less and less people out there with us, and we know they're all taking blurry pictures in front of a bathroom mirror... sad business. And, this is a better way to get that frustration out than being the kind of dick that posts to What Are You Wearing Today about how shitty everyone is for posting to the thread. Makes your job easier, doesn't it?

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Born in the Bx, Raised in Queens. had to get up at 5:45am for 3 yrs to get up to Science. It was shit like those troo emcees on 89tec9 that kept me sane on the 4 train. and when we'd cut class, the streets were running deep with a hungry soulful vibe, it was the end of the eighties, and almost every scene musically and fahsion-wise was starved for dopeness, something of substance...all except skating, hiphop and graf (and grunge). we can't get those days back and fuck, i wouldn't want to.

Wolves, you mean that little tiny record shack on the corner? I used to live o 30th and 47th, found a credit card on the sidewalk once and bounced over to that shop and copped like 40 12"s. but it was run by sorely aging white dudes, i guess your man took it over? or is he like 60?

I mean look--- it would be a waste of time to try and point fingers, or try to pull indiv. cards like "YOU! You over there! in the flag hoodie, gun buckle belt and pink Supreme sneakers! You're FAKIN THE FUNK!!!" because the original point of me starting this post was to promote discussion, even provoke criticism on these issues, but also to ask, what or who is killing shit with the kunta fly shit right now? I mean i like stuff from BRKNHOME, Daggers Drawn, Stussy (still, they come widdit), Snafu, will always dap up SSUR (I had that Cape Fear tee, and the Reservoir Dogs follow up wah-aaay back), and overall yeah still def StapleDesign > and by the way, if Jeff Ng is charging 20K to work with him, then i say no fuckin doubt regal propers to you my brother! He is the hardest working man in this whole scene and his drive and vision continues to inspire me. Talk about growth. He has put more of his heart and soul into this than anyone in the last 10 years, far as I can tell. And no, he doesn't bomb, doesn't try to become a DJ or promoter, front like some god's gift to thread science on his blog...and for the Science cats who know, them Asians got the illy work ethic (oh shit, Flying Dragons what! 'You hang out? You got beeper?' heh heh) and Jeff rises above even that level. So to me, whether I nod to ALL of his ideas/executions or not, I know that he does this for the love, is a true head, and has, on about a 10 year continuum, contributed a whole lot to this scene in my eyes.

Yeah, I used to throwup, with shoe polish too! (the old ghetto Krink), I've DJ'd, from FatBeats (the newer location) down to Greenpoint, DUMBO, Bushwick, I've put time into making clothing, skated bout 15 years ago (BONES! Peralta!), did my thing with the freestyle GT Performer with mags pegs AND forkstanders. even had the old nerdstyle POLO/TIMBO/EMS/TOMMY stage, the preppy unpredictable live shit...so yes, I agree that then it was more like I'm going to walk the walk (dress the part) but because I am confronted with these scenes every day, I best to make sure and immerse myself in the shit first hand, or for sure you'd get your card pulled on some I'm a purist, and you're a tourist...so head thattaway, back to the tour bus - kinda shit. Poser kids in the 5 boros just didn't make it. They got called out early and stayed humble. These days, it seems the harder you front (in your...blog?), the more you get away with it. There is no dues paying, no requisite to bring something to the table you can actually stand behind because you truly are part of it...now it's just...well, Dress the part, buy the art, Google the names, download the garbage tracks, and...>poof< you're in. You look and sound like everyone else, but that's okay...didn't anybody tell you? This culture is completely for sale!

I'm totally feelin everyone's opinion, this roundtable has me totally opin. Everyone coming with posts of great substance, something I consider a rarity on SF (no offense denim doctors, have to proper all those denim cats, I ain't never seen people break down cotton so dramatically...that's how i am with my O.C., Keith Murray, Tribe, Stretch, Juggaknots etc. etc. shit so I feel you on being a nerdling). Glad to have New Yorkers (and the outsiders too) posting

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abel got me rolling..bringing back alot of memories...

flying dragons...i once saw a flying dragon's fight in Queens center mall where on kid hit the otehr one over the head with a detachable car radio and another kid gave him a flying kick...talk about "big trouble in little china" steez....

on the whole Staple design...he's been doing his thing for a long time and doing it his way, i respect that alot even though i'm not crazy about all his designs....and his blog is definitely one of the better ones....

Quote: doesn't try to become a DJ or promoter, front like some god's gift to thread science on his blog

he did try his hand at DJing for a while and he might still be doing it.....he wasnt half bad either...i caught him one random night at a bar around the corner from his studio / store and he was hitting on my then roommate.....can't remember the bar's name, but its gone now, i think its a crepe place now.......my memories getting pretty god awful

and as far as Tokyo / Japan having its swagger/style..no doubt, they have it going on...but most of their styles were stolen/taken / changed from the U.S....NYC, LA....whatever, but the Japanese are great at that..taking something from somewhere else and making it their own....

lots of places having their own thing going on and i respect that..that said, i will always be proud to be from New York....its changed, some good some bad but i'll just continue to roll with it.... there will always be something new here to do and people to meet....no place like it in the world..


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When I say, "my man at Sound City" I mean it in the general not the specific. As in, that 60 year old grey bearded guy behind the counter knows more about whats going on with QB artists than your average knee legnth white tee rocker. Plus those dudes, scragely and white and aging, are exactly the essence of the old new york we been bullshiting about for the past page. And yeah I remember How hyped I was with my first EMS gore-tex too.

On to "who or what is killing it with the Kunta fly shit right now", cause I guess as you said, that was the purpose of this thread. All this waxing lyrical is real nice, and believe me I could go on for hours, but what motivates me these days? Shit, it's hard to say. Much of a NYC kid as I am , alot of my motivation these days comes from anywhere else. Grime is really doing it for me these days, not having the internet in my house makes it hard to amass the collection I would like, but I'll burn a few CD's at work every now and again. Check for The whole Rolldeep entourage (trim, Roachee, and Flowdan in particular), Ghetto(hungriest MC out period), shizzle, Ruffsqwad ( their production style takes abit of getting used to but it's real sick once you do), JME, Scorcher, D double E, wretch, etc.. What I love about this shit is the energy. I love my New York mixtape rap, but this shit is just getting stale as fuck. You hungry!! you wanna deal right? then spit like it!! That laid back "pushin the whip down the henry hudson getting brain from your dame" shit from these rookies just doesn't pass muster (need I mention it's 99% fabricated). Any of the above dudes will eat just about any New rapper out round these parts, Cause that's just what they do. Go to barefiles.com and download anything with these names in it, it won't dissapoint.

Photography and Art: again, New York is slipping. We get to comfortable, we wanna blow quick, and we neglect the slow and steady, cause at first glance it seems like that isnt what New York is about. But it is. The richardson/mcginnely snapshot shit died quicker than it was born (and when i say born I mean a regurgitated amalgam of Nan goldin, wolfgang tillmans, jim goldberg and others) so what's next. We got vets like Rickey Powell with some classic street shooting (which with respect due to the man, I hate) Boogie, with the grimey underbelly stories (hit or miss) and a whole bunch of "straight out of my MFA" art stars. here are some people who exhibit the patience, contemplation and talent in their art that are keeping me on mine: Alec Soth (Minessota), Antoine D'agata (this guy is a pretty twisted frenchman), gareth McConnell (Northern Ireland), Luc Delahaye (france), Todd hido (california), Eugene Richards (Dorchester, MA, but a long time New york dweller), Christoph Bangert (shooting some amazing front page Iraq pictures for the NYT, but from the Netherlands). These guys understand how impulse, as well as persistence can go hand in hand to make amazing pictures, and a decent living. That's real. And that's what I strive for.

Travel: Nothing has me loving my city like a couple month's away. Simply put, it's just hard to find adventure amidst everything we've already discussed here. New York is just Too fuckin predictable! Instead of lamenting it, i make changes where I can, and make sure to try and bounce out if and when I can. I'm going to Alaska. Why? Why the fuck not? Maybe (and this is in all seriousnes) I will meet some fuckin kids out there who have a bit of the undiluted essence that we all miss. Someone who isn't jaded like I've become. Maybe I'll go work on a fishing boat. Maybe I'll just creep around the cities and take pictures non-stop.

Point of all the above is, there is something to be said for truth and simplicity where ever the fuck your at. But it sure as hell isn't gonna find itself for you. Happy hunting...

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This thing never let's me fuckin post the first time. What the fuck is up!!! Sick of this cut and paste bullshit... but anyway:

When I say, "my man at Sound City" I mean it in the general not the specific. As in, that 60 year old grey bearded guy behind the counter knows more about whats going on with QB artists than your average knee legnth white tee rocker. Plus those dudes, scragely and white and aging, are exactly the essence of the old new york we been bullshiting about for the past page. And yeah I remember How hyped I was with my first EMS gore-tex too.

On to "who or what is killing it with the Kunta fly shit right now", cause I guess as you said, that was the purpose of this thread. All this waxing lyrical is real nice, and believe me I could go on for hours, but what motivates me these days? Shit, it's hard to say. Much of a NYC kid as I am , alot of my motivation these days comes from anywhere else. Grime is really doing it for me these days, not having the internet in my house makes it hard to amass the collection I would like, but I'll burn a few CD's at work every now and again. Check for The whole Rolldeep entourage (trim, Roachee, and Flowdan in particular), Ghetto(hungriest MC out period), shizzle, Ruffsqwad ( their production style takes abit of getting used to but it's real sick once you do), JME, Scorcher, D double E, wretch, etc.. What I love about this shit is the energy. I love my New York mixtape rap, but this shit is just getting stale as fuck. You hungry!! you wanna deal right? then spit like it!! That laid back "pushin the whip down the henry hudson getting brain from your dame" shit from these rookies just doesn't pass muster (need I mention it's 99% fabricated). Any of the above dudes will eat just about any New rapper out round these parts, Cause that's just what they do. Go to barefiles.com and download anything with these names in it, it won't dissapoint.

Photography and Art: again, New York is slipping. We get to comfortable, we wanna blow quick, and we neglect the slow and steady, cause at first glance it seems like that isnt what New York is about. But it is. The richardson/mcginnely snapshot shit died quicker than it was born (and when i say born I mean a regurgitated amalgam of Nan goldin, wolfgang tillmans, jim goldberg and others) so what's next. We got vets like Rickey Powell with some classic street shooting (which with respect due to the man, I hate) Boogie, with the grimey underbelly stories (hit or miss) and a whole bunch of "straight out of my MFA" art stars. here are some people who exhibit the patience, contemplation and talent in their art that are keeping me on mine: Alec Soth (Minessota), Antoine D'agata (this guy is a pretty twisted frenchman), gareth McConnell (Northern Ireland), Luc Delahaye (france), Todd hido (california), Eugene Richards (Dorchester, MA, but a long time New york dweller), Christoph Bangert (shooting some amazing front page Iraq pictures for the NYT, but from the Netherlands). These guys understand how impulse, as well as persistence can go hand in hand to make amazing pictures, and a decent living. That's real. And that's what I strive for.

Travel: Nothing has me loving my city like a couple month's away. Simply put, it's just hard to find adventure amidst everything we've already discussed here. New York is just Too fuckin predictable! Instead of lamenting it, i make changes where I can, and make sure to try and bounce out if and when I can. I'm going to Alaska. Why? Why the fuck not? Maybe (and this is in all seriousnes) I will meet some fuckin kids out there who have a bit of the undiluted essence that we all miss. Someone who isn't jaded like I've become. Maybe I'll go work on a fishing boat. Maybe I'll just creep around the cities and take pictures non-stop.

Point of all the above is, there is something to be said for truth and simplicity where ever the fuck your at. But it sure as hell isn't gonna find itself for you. Happy hunting...

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Anyone here TMR? heh

27 West 28th street > where Wu bought their herb when in Gotham. camera'd entrance, freight elevator up to 3rd floor, into a giant loft with one tabletop counter, propritetor was a huge Mexican with 5 bags on the counter to pick from, and a machete. No joke. Now that shit was real. Once sent me over to Hell's Kitchen to cop shrooms. They were dipped in liquid acid. Bad idea.

WOLVES, I gotta check me out them emcees, I've been on a huge CocaineBlunts.com kick as of late, those mp3 swaps get me open for days........

careful on them fishing boats. My man Tonka did that for a couple seasons, caked up something fierce but broke 4 fingers and got 44 stitches in his side. It gets much worse than that, I'm sure you know. Homer is nice from what I hear, but I don't know about living in darkness that long. Could make for some good sessions though and choice latenight ebay snipings. But fuck man, I feel you. I spend time away, and it's that much doper when I come back to nyc, like hittin me from every angle when I come home to the love (and the hate). I guess moral of the story is we saw something at level X, now it seems like X minus 5, so just focus on the positivo and come with what we come with, creatively or whatever. Speaking of travellin man, this shit might be appropos for this thread...

"My hometown is like a whole different scenery/

The old timers on the stoop leanin leisurely/

The new jacks up in the park smokin greenery/

Easily taken for granted when you up in it, but it's sweet scented when you been down for a minute/

Move around city limits/

Break 'em down with the vintage/

The innovatin' --- classical B-Boy image/

Collect the winnings/

Cuz it's the reason that we came here/

this thing is not a game here, the fortune not the fame here..."

Dante says it all.

Meantime I keeps to the pavement, ears eyes and mind ready for the next renaissance.

ABEL audi like elvis

~multiflavored RodLavers~



Edited by ABELnyc on May 27, 2006 at 12:24 PM

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i agree with a lot of this shit, and anything i say is just going to be redundant,

but i just wanted to post that all the flash backs is crazy and im only 23.

many nights and lazy sunday afternoons at the tmr tunnels aka the wind tunnels.

the night train show, the empenada lady at flushing meadow,

when earsnot was just a tag a saw at random skate spots, mountain jackets,

vasque, eastlands, beef and broccoli's, arrow army and navy on jerome, lee's sportswear on the ave.

grimey retarded

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great thread, read thru most of it

i agree with the whole online taking over street culture thing in general, but its opened alot of doors for cats to put food on the table , i cant hate on that..

it does seem less about culture and more about making money, and for certain the urban core of cities is changing.. particuarly in NYC

but i try to look at it positvely, these new cats coming into street culture are still prefered IMO over those who dont make any effort and shop at the malls, wear Abercrombie, Blah blah blah..

at least they know who ghostface is, and what supreme , what stash's art looks like...

we forget how small this niche really is, and while its growing and becomming big money, its still tiny in the grand scheme of things. even though alot of boutiques and brands are starting to look the same, think of it this way

10 times more stuff is coming out now, so of course they'll be overlap, when nike only dropped a few colors a year of a shoe, there wasnt much choice...

now theres thousands of colorways of just AF1s

u cant keep it a big secret anymore, and the world should now, eventually the weak will fall off, and the strong will survive.

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If you didn't get your Mountain Jacket at Tent N Trails, you got jacked!!!

Bloomingdales on Lex & 59th, taxing Guess Jeans, RRL overalls and hoodies, Girbauds and Timberland sweaters...back when they had no alarms OR cameras in the men's department! thank god i got it out of my system, eh?

I was captain of the Science handball team, class of '95.

Nuyorican and that trashy graf store near there with the ultrawide fatcaps

The original Q-boro Wall of Fame, on the north side view from the outdoor 7 train from Flushing.

Seeing Q-tip down on Broadway immediately after me and my boy got caught @ Tower Records boosting Marauders posters, and he was with some girl who said i had the fresh Ollie North haircut

King Sun coming to Bx Science to sell tapes

Running into Buckshot Shorty @ Banana Republic on Montague st. in BKLN

playing Ultimate with the cutie Stuy asian bitties

Sheep's Meadow blunt sessions



By the way although someone mentioned Abercrombie being wack and mall shit now (which is true) I gotta say that they used to be pretty dope too during this era we're discussin. There were only two in New York state, South street seaport and the Trump building (which later closed) but they had a verrrry different style. It was sorta like the educated thug shit, before rap had embraced and co-opted the loud sporty logos of Nautica, Tommy, etc....the Polo-boots wearing higher end prep style. Abercrombie used to be all safari, rugby and golf with some khakis and oxfords thrown in there. Smaller and more subtle logos. I worked at the Seaport one in 96 and that was the beginning of the college cocktease and closetfag persona of A&F. but even today, their craftsmanship is nearly second to none. aesthetitcally it's lacking much of anything but they make the best cargoes, jean jackets, sweaters, flannels, socks, boxers quality-wise in that price range. i always get shit and razor off the tag or name patch etc. it all lasts forever.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



Edited by ABELnyc on May 26, 2006 at 07:13 AM

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