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Taco Sauce and Sour Cream on Imperials :'(


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I don't know whether to cry or vomit right now..I spilled taco sauce and sour cream on my two-month Imperials. I don't know how I'd get this stain out even if I was going to wash them. It's about three inches wide and I'm afraid it's going to smell really bad in a few days. What do I do? Please advise.

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no tears.

i assume it's the "lap" we're talking about?

less than a month into my nudies, a friend literally dumped an entire glass of red wine in my lap...

left the bar. got home. sink full of cool water w/ dr. bronner's. soak, then rinse the affected area, maybe a little rubbing of the stain w/ your hands. hang dry.

not a problem. not noticable. deep breaths. paraphrase cheapmofo and ddml... "just jeans."

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disgusting. enjoy the smell of shit on your jeans.

--- Original message by justbrowsing on May 19, 2006 07:25 AM

not sure what kind of tacos you have been eating, but if they smell of shit, you may want to look for a better source.
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