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Superdenim influence on buying habits


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Howdy denimheadz. How has SF had an effect on your buyin habits? Theres been trends for certain jeans like Nudie, APC, Sugarcane on here. Has Superdednim had a direct effect on the jeans you have bought? And are there any individual members who are the trendsetters here?


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Its greatly changed the way I buy jeans.

I have always liked to know the 'history' of old brands etc and am very interested in what makes an item a quality piece of construction and always knew that older Levis etc would be so much better made than modern ones

So many times I had seen people wearing jeans who had obviously broken in selvedge / raw jeans, and I never understood why the jeans I was wearing (regular Levis, Carhartt etc) never looked like that, even after years of wearing.

Loads of times in the past I had seen raw jeans in Selfridges etc and thought 'why would you buy jeans that colour?' (to be honest 'raw' is still not my favourite stage of the jeans - I look forward to them looking suitably aged)

Anyway, to the answer the question - yes it has definitely changed my jeans buying habits, cos I ebayed all my old jeans and used the cash to buy raw and selvedge jeans. Fortunately most of the old stuff I had didnt really fit anymore anyway, so it coincided well with my new denim interest.

HOWEVER: I would not describe myself as a particularly 'superfuture' denim dresser.

I have always despised men's "low rise" "boot cut" "slim fit" "skinny fit" jeans etc, so I do not own any Nudies / Julian Red / Dior or any other similar brands. That is one of the reasons I like vintage repros so much - I think they are definitely more flattering (and masculine IMO) on blokes.

I fell in love with my Nashvilles once I found my size - I just didnt think they made jeans like this anymore. (Even the modern 501 in my true size, I found to be low-ish rise)

Also, I just got some raw Wrangler Blue Bell repros which are quite a loose fit, (most people on here would say "too baggy!!! Size down three sizes!!!") but I think they are the dogs bollocks.

Would be very interested to know other peoples buying habits have changed too

Edited by sneakeraddict on May 18, 2006 at 03:03 AM

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thx for your reply sneakeraddict, it was just waht i was looking for.

What is the hot brand on here at the moment? And are there certain style leaders that create a tipping point for brands like all the intrest in sugarcane.

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the hot brands should be easy to discern as a function of the length of the thread and the dates last posted.

at a glance: APC, Sugar Cane, Samurai.

there's no "official" nudie thread, which is strange.

certain denim luminaries need only point to a brand in order to generate interest.

Using chain stitch, your train of jeans is fading wind.

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To me, Superfuture represents those who are, or seek to be educated consumers. It's about identifying quality, authenticity, and a a genuine interest in new brands. I like being able to walk into a store and use both my knowledge and personal taste to differentiate a wothwhile product from an overpriced rag.

There are some things you buy for what they really are, and some things you buy based on hype and popularity. It would be ignorant of me to say that I only identify myself with labels based on one methodology or the other, but a forum like this at least makes me aware of the difference.

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To me, Superfuture represents those who are, or seek to be educated consumers. It's about identifying quality, authenticity, and a a genuine interest in new brands. I like being able to walk into a store and use both my knowledge and personal taste to differentiate a wothwhile product from an overpriced rag.

There are some things you buy for what they really are, and some things you buy based on hype and popularity. It would be ignorant of me to say that I only identify myself with labels based on one methodology or the other, but a forum like this at least makes me aware of the difference.

--- Original message by Yet Fung on May 19, 2006 12:16 PM

yeah man i agree with you 100%.

Julian Red Cali 32x32 *USED* 2 1/2 weeks. 130$ shipped -U.S only.

[url=" http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570"] <a href="http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570" target="_blank">http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11570</a>

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Since I started reading superdenim, i've sold or given away all but one pair of my pre-superdenim jeans (Diesel, ES, and god forbid, 7FAM), and I got RRDS and APC NS right now and they are all I wear now... so I guess my answer is HELL YA!

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i think while superdenim has contributed to an appreciation (hell, it's practically an obsession now) of denim--its history, construction and aesthetic--i've kept a tight leash on my pocket. in the end i'm still only able to afford the one pair every now and then, and i still keep my cheap giordano jeans that have been with me for 4 years now, on the side, as a pair of comfortable worn in jeans that's a bit like my security blanket.

that's not to say it hasn't made me throw some well-spent cash at APC.

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of course its changed buying habits. in fact, thats the reason why most people stumble on to here anyways, to find better jeans to buy. for just about everything, from cigars to computers, theres always a afficianado following, and its forums like these that allow people to find the finer things. thank you superfuture. you have single handedly lowered tj maxxs anual profit.

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It's influenced me. When I first started seeing pre-distressed jeans years ago, I wasn't into it because it seemed pretty dumb to buy jeans that have been manufactured to look really broken in. However, in time I gave in and wore them, because they were a lot nicer than what I was seeing from Levis and Lee. When I discovered this site and began reading about raw denim and all of these labels I'd never seen, it clicked. My PDCs, Rogans, and Diesels have all been ebayed away to pay for new jeans. No regrets.

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personally, im a big fan of (raw) nudie jeans, and i found this site through web searches while looking for more information on nudies, so being a nudie wearer made me find this site, and not the other way around.

But superdenim did turn me on to APC, which i hadnt heard of before.

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First of all, SF is the meeting place of the Japanese demin tradition and Western civilization. SF opened to me a whole new world of Japanese jeans, a culture of passion about the fabric, maniacal attention to details and preservation of the "golden age" of denim (i.e. pre - wide loom) vs. mass production and cunning marketing of jeans in the West. Having all the information shared here by experts and denim fans it is difficult but to convert into a "cult" of real jeans as opposed to podium-inspired expensive mainstream. In practical sense it means that whenever I will see a new brand of jeans I will judge them against Sugarcanes, D'Artisans etc rather than against commom Levi's to decide if they worth my money or not.

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First of all, SF is the meeting place of the Japanese demin tradition and Western civilization. SF opened to me a whole new world of Japanese jeans, a culture of passion about the fabric, maniacal attention to details and preservation of the "golden age" of denim (i.e. pre - wide loom) vs. mass production and cunning marketing of jeans in the West. Having all the information shared here by experts and denim fans it is difficult but to convert into a "cult" of real jeans as opposed to podium-inspired expensive mainstream. In practical sense it means that whenever I will see a new brand of jeans I will judge them against Sugarcanes, D'Artisans etc rather than against commom Levi's to decide if they worth my money or not.

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Guest Airjamie

It has definately turned me into a fucking geek about it. The other day i caught myself ttalking to a date about how crazy the selvage in one of her vogues was (it was like slanted somehow // like that). Hasnt chaanged the affinity for tight jeans ive had for years, but definately made me more aware of some of the finer points of denim, and ive noticed since i started appreciating what goes into a quality pair of jeans, the satisfaction level has gone way up.

I punch my bitch to Godflesh.

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Yes it has definitely influenced me. Now, I want every pair of my jeans to be personalised, though having honeycombs and fades is probably not a good idea for formal occasions, but to hell with that.

Lol try this "I haven't washed my jeans in 6 months, and intend to keep it that way for the next 6"- guaranteed no game.

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Definitely a good influence. I like being able to know what employees are talking to me about regarding certain clothes, especially denim, and also being able to add some input.

The bad influence is the financial hurt from buying all this shit.

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yeah, sf has changed my buying habits. I used to think levis were just cheap, nerdy jeans for old dudes. I actually had never owned a pair of levis in my life because of this, if you can believe that. Now I have an appreciation of denim and its history, and I like lvc so much! Plus, I wouldn't mind buying lees or wranglers now (just the vintage style ones or premium denim like x-line).

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this site def changed the way i shop for denim im a bargin hunter and when i hit marshalls and the like i always hunt the racks ive found 7s and old RL and now i know about rinses and stiching and selvedge where as before i was dumb to what it all ment and who "good" denim is supposed to look.

on a personal tip the MAKAVELIE's with the iron-ons are the shit get that shit if you know whats good for you

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