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FS: APC, Sugar Cane, Levis Red jeans


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Clearing out room for new jeans, and honestly - I haven't worn a lot of these in years. Few pairs from when I first got into denim '04ish. I'm broke, I live in a neighborhood where gunshots go off every few nights and I need new parts for my motorcycle - help a brother out and buy some jeans. Please ask questions - please send me your money. Reference-wise I've never sold anything on here before but I bought some jeans off Beatle, she can give you my address to come find me.

Prices include shipping the continental USA.

First up: Levis RED Billy Bob. I bought these off ebay in 04 I believe. I don't know a whole lot about them - but they are not selvage. Worn and washed a bunch, got some paint blemishes here and there. Baggier fit, cool suspender button hookups on front and back.

W:17 in

IN: 31 in

$70 shipped




Next up, some A.P.C. Rescues that were too big and I got impatient on. Worn a bit - washed a few times, haven't been touched since 06 probably. Tagged 34. Tons of life left in them.

W:17.25 in

IN: 32.5 in

$70 shipped




Last, and my favorite pair: Sugar Cane 1947. Tagged 32x34. Got these mid 07, worn for about 5 months before the first wash. Worn and washed a bunch up through 08 then put them away. Still get occasional use, have gorgeous fading and may have motorcycle grease on them. I love these jeans. Again, a lot of life left in these guys. Will rewash upon buyer request if you're shook of some man grease.

W:16 in

IN:33.5 in

$110 shipped




Thanks for looking!

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