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bang bang in my apc's


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What does this post have to do with denim? Someone lock this thread.

By the way, puting a pistol in your waist is probably the dumbest thing a gun owner can do. I shouldn't even have to explain why...

Plus you look like Hilary Swank from Boys Don't Cry... Ha...


...And are you waring Heelys?

--- Original message by TragicBliss on Apr 25, 2006 09:14 AM

rofl You are the first person to be creative about your insult! that picture is a really funny comparision.

no, the shoe's are not heelys, but that is awesome that someone remembers them!!

the shoes are some globe skate shoes that i had from high school like 5 years ago, they were the only pair of my shoes that i was willing to get dirty cause i never wear them.

the pictures of my girlfriend and the truck are irrelevant to denim, but i thought that little greek girl shooting an assualt rifle for the first time was amusing. And hey, who can't find humor in a hillbilly truck full of bulletholes?

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ok..well ..what i ask you is what do guns have to do with supertalk or denim at all?..half of that guys post was about his day with his gun...so...he shot a couple holes into a piece of metal...great...it probably was fun but who in here really cares?...its completely trivial to describe the day you had while wearing the jeans..unless the jeans themselves affected your day...should i talk in detail about my trip downtown and if i kicked a pop can on the way home?....fuck no!.....im sure theres tonnes of people that use this site who enjoy shooting a gun now and again..but would any one of them be stupid enough to post a picture of themselves firing a gun on a message board that is geared towards denim?...i dont think so...and while gun arent inherently evil, you cant compare them to knifes or the wheel!...those have other uses...guns have one use...and not to pop the cap off your beer can or flip a lightswitch...theyre meant to kill...

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the purpose of the picture was to show the fit of my apc's and to showcase the diversity of members of this board..... and a glimpse into the awesome adventures that our denim gets to go on!

whod, if you've got some pictures of your denim on a fun adventure; post them up! this board is all about the denim

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A knife is meant to kill as well, but you can also spread peanut butter with it. A babies rattle, like a gun, is a tool. Now, if I stick you in the neck with a babies rattle and kill you where is the evil, in the babies rattle or in me. Guns have many uses other than to kill people. It is called deturance. It can also be a hobby, you know, like in the OLYMPICS. Target shooting is a hobby and the gun is to it like a brush is to someone who paints. IT IS JUST A TOOL. The pics he posted show clearly his style (not the best in my opinion but I have seen far far worse posted). And it is far more interesting than some silly man pose to show off your whiskers.

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the purpose of the picture was to show the fit of my apc's and to showcase the diversity of members of this board..... and a glimpse into the awesome adventures that our denim gets to go on!

whod, if you've got some pictures of your denim on a fun adventure; post them up! this board is all about the denim

--- Original message by batorizer on Apr 25, 2006 10:01 AM

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whoa huh?....did you just compare a gun to a baby's rattle?....thats the most idiotic thing ive ever heard. Of course you can be killed by anything!...someone could shoot through one of my vital organs with a nail gun, or i could swallow a shovel and not shit for weeks...but last i heard they havent invented the armor piercing nail gun...or semi automatic shovel.......your arguements are faulty...you say that a gun is a tool....i agree..but it really only has one use...even if you use it for target shooting..or skeet shooting...youre still just going through the motions...and theres no excuse for the handgun....if everyone's gun suddenly vanished...would people be all "omg, how will i ever skeet shoot without my gun!?!?"....no..theyd be more like "omg, i dont feel safe...i need my gun cos people are out to get me"....which is why the majority of hand guns are sold to paranoid people....theyre all so worried about the next man's gun that they think they need one of their own...which leads to an endless cycle...im not American, but im from Toronto and ive witnessed alot of gun violence...and i think our way is better...most of us fight with our with our fists...at least that way you leave a person with a fighting chance to live...guns rob people of that fighting chance when violence escalates........so people like how guns go bang and they like the feel of the jerk when they fire...and it makes them feel like real men.....whatever...but when all that is said and done, guns are the cause a huge cause of death in this world......i say put down the toy and learn how to fight the old fashioned way...and dont learn to fight and still carry a gun...cos then youre just half-assed...you chances of surviving a gunwound dont go up if youre carrying a gun on you too...they actually drop........ all im saying is that guns are toys for juvenile men..

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whoa huh?....did you just compare a gun to a baby's rattle?....thats the most idiotic thing ive ever heard. Of course you can be killed by anything!...someone could shoot through one of my vital organs with a nail gun, or i could swallow a shovel and not shit for weeks...but last i heard they havent invented the armor piercing nail gun...or semi automatic shovel.......your arguements are faulty...you say that a gun is a tool....i agree..but it really only has one use...even if you use it for target shooting..or skeet shooting...youre still just going through the motions...and theres no excuse for the handgun....if everyone's gun suddenly vanished...would people be all "omg, how will i ever skeet shoot without my gun!?!?"....no..theyd be more like "omg, i dont feel safe...i need my gun cos people are out to get me"....which is why the majority of hand guns are sold to paranoid people....theyre all so worried about the next man's gun that they think they need one of their own...which leads to an endless cycle...im not American, but im from Toronto and ive witnessed alot of gun violence...and i think our way is better...most of us fight with our with our fists...at least that way you leave a person with a fighting chance to live...guns rob people of that fighting chance when violence escalates........so people like how guns go bang and they like the feel of the jerk when they fire...and it makes them feel like real men.....whatever...but when all that is said and done, guns are the cause a huge cause of death in this world......i say put down the toy and learn how to fight the old fashioned way...and dont learn to fight and still carry a gun...cos then youre just half-assed...you chances of surviving a gunwound dont go up if youre carrying a gun on you too...they actually drop........ all im saying is that guns are toys for juvenile men..

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can someone from canada go to the states... get a license... and buy a gun?

how hard is it to get the license?

i guess i could just get a license in canada though?... but our guns up here arent as crazy

--- Original message by showbiz00ditc on Apr 25, 2006 09:31 AM

No...You have to be a US citizen.
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whoa huh?....did you just compare a gun to a baby's rattle?....thats the most idiotic thing ive ever heard. Of course you can be killed by anything!...someone could shoot through one of my vital organs with a nail gun, or i could swallow a shovel and not shit for weeks...but last i heard they havent invented the armor piercing nail gun...or semi automatic shovel.......your arguements are faulty...you say that a gun is a tool....i agree..but it really only has one use...even if you use it for target shooting..or skeet shooting...youre still just going through the motions...and theres no excuse for the handgun....if everyone's gun suddenly vanished...would people be all "omg, how will i ever skeet shoot without my gun!?!?"....no..theyd be more like "omg, i dont feel safe...i need my gun cos people are out to get me"....which is why the majority of hand guns are sold to paranoid people....theyre all so worried about the next man's gun that they think they need one of their own...which leads to an endless cycle...im not American, but im from Toronto and ive witnessed alot of gun violence...and i think our way is better...most of us fight with our with our fists...at least that way you leave a person with a fighting chance to live...guns rob people of that fighting chance when violence escalates........so people like how guns go bang and they like the feel of the jerk when they fire...and it makes them feel like real men.....whatever...but when all that is said and done, guns are the cause a huge cause of death in this world......i say put down the toy and learn how to fight the old fashioned way...and dont learn to fight and still carry a gun...cos then youre just half-assed...you chances of surviving a gunwound dont go up if youre carrying a gun on you too...they actually drop........ all im saying is that guns are toys for juvenile men..

--- Original message by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 11:18 AM

You seem to be somewhat more informed than most on the subject, but I think you did more to strenghten my points than to counter them. If there were no guns, people would would use shovel or fists (if you like) and if you want someone dead...they will be dead regardless if you use a shovel, fist or baby rattle. And for the record...the knife (you know the one you spread peanut butter with) is by far more dangerous and creates a much nastier wound than a firearm. People survive gunshots much more often than stab wounds. Where you got your info on the psychological foundations of most gun buyers (paranoids?) is completely unsubstantiated and I doubt you could cite a single reference to prove it. There is no such thing as a fighting chance. If you are fighting for your life and you are loosing you will pick up whatever is necessary to defend your life today or before the gun was invented. I personally own several firearms and it has nothing to do with "feeling like a man" whatever that means. Your chances of surviving a gunshot wound do not increase if you are carrying a gun, but your chances not being shot in the first place are considerably better.

Ps. there are semi automatic shovels (it is called a jackhammer or front end loader) and there are armour piercing nails guns pneumatic riviter) and both can and have been used to used to kill someone dead as dogshit. Finally, I learned to fight the old fashioned way before I owned a gun. Now, back to the jeans......

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there sure are a lot of people getting their panties in a bunch over this. if someone wants to shoot some guns at their own truck in the middle of no where...go ahead.

And, guns aren't evil. Pieces of metal can't be evil, but they can be made for evil designs. It's the finger that squeezes the trigger, and the mind that wills it, that perpetuates evil. Stop being so materialistic..

And I think that it's cool to see people doing different things in their denim. Isn't that the whole philosophy?

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there sure are a lot of people getting their panties in a bunch over this. if someone wants to shoot some guns at their own truck in the middle of no where...go ahead.

And, guns aren't evil. Pieces of metal can't be evil, but they can be made for evil designs. It's the finger that squeezes the trigger, and the mind that wills it, that perpetuates evil. Stop being so materialistic..

And I think that it's cool to see people doing different things in their denim. Isn't that the whole philosophy?

--- Original message by iknowyougotsoul on Apr 25, 2006 12:03 PM

Nicely put!

Edited by damnIam on Apr 25, 2006 at 12:12 PM

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actually, rather than hilary swank, i was thinking he looks like eugene hutz in everything is illuminated.

that aside, it's funny that so many assume "redneck" as soon as they see someone is a gunowner. grow the hell up, I say.

i just wouldn't being doing something like that with an expensive pair of jeans due to all the powder, lead, etc that gets all over oneself during the course of such a plinking adventure.

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Guest jeffvyain

The problem with guns is that a simple, quick overreaction can result in death. Sure, there are plenty of people that would kill regardless of whether they have a gun, knife, shovel, or bare fists to do it with. But then there are many deaths caused by guns where people don't have the time to really think about their actions. I don't personally like guns, but there are valid reasons both for and against them. I just don't think a valid argument for guns is that people are going to kill other people anyway. Without guns, I don't think anyone could argue that there would actually be LESS deaths. Then again, this world is overpopulated anyway, so think what you like, long as you don't bring your gun my direction.

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Without guns, I don't think anyone could argue that there would actually be LESS deaths.

This is not a statement that can be proven by means of comparison. Sure, there are less gun related deaths in other countries, but name one other country that compares in any way to the USA that would lend itself to a useful and valid comparison. Do you know how many people were hacked to death in Rwanda with Chinese made machetes? I do.

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Without guns, I don't think anyone could argue that there would actually be LESS deaths.

This is not a statement that can be proven by means of comparison. Sure, there are less gun related deaths in other countries, but name one other country that compares in any way to the USA that would lend itself to a useful and valid comparison. Do you know how many people were hacked to death in Rwanda with Chinese made machetes? I do.

--- Original message by damnIam on Apr 25, 2006 12:54 PM

i would be pretty comfortable arguing that point, actually.

tossing up the "name one other country that compares in any way to the USA..." justification is a straw man, though - you're automatically disqualifying any comparison someone might make!

guns are meant to kill people efficiently, and they do a really good job of it. are people always going to kill other people? of course. will eliminating a cheap, easy and effective way to kill people [guns] reduce the number of violent deaths? i'm comfortable with a qualified 'yes.'

lastly, congratulations on choosing to rent hotel rwanda. it was a great movie. imagine how many more tutsis would have been killed if the hutus had kalashnikovs available to them. next time you're at the video store, i also recommend lord of war - a real eye-opener vis a vis the international small arms trade.

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oh sure...Handgun wounds are not as bad as knife wounds...if you got the wound getting pistol whipped!..:P ....but check it out.....this is just one of the many studies ive come across that sheds some light on the mortality rates that coincide with a variety of weapons....theres quite a few if you do a google search....heres one worth the read


ive got no problem with rifles..what set me off was the handgun...i think the major problem is handguns or any gun thats easy to conceal....i could walk around with a bow and arrow and start picking off pedestrians...but id stand out like a sore thumb...same goes for a rifle...but with small firearms...you dont know who is packing...its too easy for a mentally unstable person to not only shoot at someone...but blend back in with the crowd and get away with it after...which is just wrong

im just curious damnlam, what did you mean by: "name one other country that compares in any way to the USA"? ... Are you reffering to population?...culture?...economy?....

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