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How do you accessorize subtly?


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At the risk of coming off like an issue of Vogue, I've been getting into the finer nuances of style and noticing that alot of the more stylish people (especially the chicks on TFS) have little tricks to keep their outfits looking unique. If you scroll through the 'Post your fit' thread here, you'll see a large number of outfits that look almost exactly the same (sneakers, jeans, t-shirt), but some people pull it off much better than others outside of the obvious color coordination and 'fit' of the clothing.

What do you do to give it that extra touch?



Dior Homme S/S 04 - White Pocket Square contrasting the striped shirt, red wristband.


Prada S/S 06 - Red/Black Tie under translucent sweater, sleeves rolled and cuffed above sweater.


Cloak S/S 06 - One of my favorite looks, Tie is worn loose so it extends past the collar, shirt extends past the jacket slightly, pants rolled up to knees.


Ralph Lauren F/W 06 - Messy hair, crooked bow-tie, partially untucked sweater vest, cuffed suit pants w/ no socks.


John Richmond S/S 03 - White shirt w/ blue stripe to match suit, shoes have a white stripe around them for contrast, white belt has a scratch of red.

Obviously most of these are fairly obvious and require the right clothing, so I'm looking for anything from certain shirts you match to jewelry or other accessories that add a little ingenuity to your outfits.

Edited by verb on Apr 11, 2006 at 08:50 AM

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I don't think those details do that much to make the look outstanding. Those guys area all exceptionally good looking and wearing clothes with perfect fits. That's the big difference there.

But if you really want to stand out, wear lipstick like the first Dior model.

And I've done the tie under the translucent sweater, but only by default.

my favourite things


Edited by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Apr 11, 2006 at 09:46 AM

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I would hang my sunglass in my front pocket or shirt, sometimes put buttons on my suit, hang something on my belt loops like a glove, things like that to make the look asymetrical. Fold one sleeve higher than the other, buttoning only the center of the shirt, you know what I mean.

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