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Lee europe real, full, green selvedge


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Hi everybody,

I've just bought a pair of new Lee Ripley (European, made in Poland) with real, full selvedge.

The selvedge is green and looks very nice. The wash itself is pretty faded but darker Ripley's weren't real full selvedge. It's also left-handed twill and very nice and soft to touch. They cost around 80 US$.

Can anyone tell me who makes this selvedge for Lee (Cone)?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Here's the selvedge photo (Blurry :-( )



Edited by chipopo on Apr 11, 2006 at 04:42 AM

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Open selvedge (called "fake" selvedge) means the denim actually has a selvedge but was made on newer projectile loom. The selvedge "edge" will be fuzzy. Closed selvedge was made on old style shuttle looms and it's edge is clean-cut.

As for quality I don't know if real selvedge is better but people appreciate it more.


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Well, sorry. I've found them in Israel (H&O chain). They

cost (in NIS) routhly around 80 US$. Since they're imported

from Poland and on the European Lee website I'm sure they're

available around Europe (Don't know the price though).

I've seen that many Lee's sold in the US are also from Poland or Turkey

which means that you may find them in the US as well.

Good luck,


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