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When did your life change?


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I was 6. Looking steadily across the playground courtyard, there was Susan. Those divine legs and alluring hot body. Those hot school-girl leggings that shed a visual aroma of lust. That frivolous blond hair that hung down like silky drapes. That Hello Kitty lunchbox with the sticker tattered on the side.

I decided right then and there, to go through puberty.


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When my mom passed in 06.

break up wit my ex in march.


a few days ago when i broke a friendship off with a hot married chick that was into me & i was into her. She taught me some real shit about myself & life. Hard to explain but meeting her was a life changer. (and no i never did hook up wit her)

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What happened to Susan??????????????????

short answer: no one every really got inside susan

long answer:

Susan catches the bus into town at ten-thirty a.m.

She sits on the back seat.

She looks at the man in front's head

and thinks how his fat wrinkled neck is like a large carrot

sticking out from the collar of his shirt.

She adds up the numbers on her bus ticket to see if they make twenty-one,

but they don't.

Maybe she shouldn't bother going to school at all, then.

Her friends will be in the yard with their arms folded on their chests,

pushing up their breasts to try and make them look bigger,

whilst the boys will be too busy playing football to notice.

The bus is waiting on the High Street when suddenly it begins to rain torrentially

and it sounds like someone has emptied

about a million packets of dried peas on top of the roof of the bus.

"What if it just keeps raining," she thinks to herself,

"and it was just like being in an aquarium except

it was all the shoppers and office-workers that were

floating past the window instead of fish?"

She's still thinking about this when the bus goes passed Caroline Lee's house

where there was a party last week.

There were some German exchange students there who were very immature;

they all ended up jumping out of the bedroom window.

One of them tried to get her to kiss him on the stairs,

so she kicked him.

Later she was sick because she drunk too much cider.

Caroline was drunk as well

she was pretending she was married to a tall boy in glasses,

and she had to wear a polo-neck for three days afterwards

to cover up the love-bite on her neck.

By now the bus is going past the market.

Outside is a man who spends all day

forcing felt-tip pens into people's hands and then

trying to make them pay for them.

She used to work in a pet shop there.

She got the sack for talking to boys when she was supposed to be working.

She wasn't too bothered though,

she hated the smell of the rabbits anyway.

"Maybe this bus won't stop," she thinks,

"and I'll stay on it until I'm old enough to go into pubs on my own.

and it'll drive me to a town where people with black hair are treated specially

and I can make lots of money by charging fat old men five

pounds a time to look up my skirt.

And they'll be queuing up to take me out to dinner."

I suppose you think she's just a silly girl with stupid ideas,

but I remember her in those days.

They talk about people with a fire within and all that stuff,


she had that alright.

It's just that no-one dared to jump into her fire

and risk being consumed.

Instead, they put her in a corner and let her heat up the room,

warming their hands and backsides in front of her,

and then slagging her off around town.

No-one ever really got inside Susan,



she always ended up getting off the bus at the terminus

and then walking home.

televisual answer:


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The heroine of this saga is my aunt, "Yan", as was. I say "as was", because not long after this saga unfolded, she and my uncle moved to Hong Kong, where he'd first met her some years earlier. And only a year or so later we heard that they had split up, and a while later he allegedly remarried. It didn't seem all that much later again that we heard that he'd become ill with what I now believe was something like leukaemia or Hodgkin's disease, and he died very quickly. Whatever became of Yan no one in the family aparently knows, or even his alleged second wife who seems to have been something of a mystery, because none of the family over here ever even met her. Very sad! But I worshipped Yan!

When my uncle and Yan lived over here in England, he seemed to be always travelling on business. He worked for some Finance, Insurance and Banking group or other which I can't remember the name of, but which has in any case itself disappeared through successive buy-outs, mergers, acquisitions, and suchlike over the years. Because she was a Hong Kong national, she had no family of her own over here, and when he travelled on business, they and my parents had obviously agreed that she would not remain alone in their grand family home in Surrey all the time, but would spend time with us. And so, at irregular intervals three or four times a year she would turn up at our home, and spend a minimum of ten days or so, and occasionally as much as three or four weeks.

Her husband, my uncle, was my mother's younger brother, and Yan was apparently several years younger than him. I guess my mother was about forty when I was fourteen, which is when this story unfolds, and my uncle would have been about thirtyfive. So I estimate Yan must have been about thirty, maybe even late twenties. She was of mixed Western/Oriental race, and like so many Asians and Orientals she was small and dainty - skinny, some would say. She was lovely and different in that oriental fashion, and when she smiled she was radiant - her teeth and skin were perfect. Her English was good, although she sometimes simplified the language and kept her phrases brief, but on one occasion when she accompanied me to a local Chinese laundry I have never heard such rapid and animated chatter with the proprietor. She wasn't actually called "Yan", but it appeared that her proper name was either unpronounceable in English, or sounded rude, so she had agreed to use "Yan".

At 14 I was still in the Cathedral choir, and was totally ignorant of sexual matters. I had a sister, older by a couple of years, but she was just an asexual sibling to me - part of the furniture! My stint as a chorister was coming to a close, and I was looking forward to going on to a local Public school to which I had won a scholarship. I had over the preceding months discovered that fondling my genitals was pleasant, and I could achieve an erection, but that represented the sum total of my "sexuality" (I'd not discovered how to masturbate yet - I know, I must have been a late developer!) - I believed, however, that "playing with myself" was inappropriate behaviour, and had the typical guilt and hang-ups about it. The "action" part of the story I am telling consisted of about two months in total, in three periods of 2-3 weeks each, with gaps of 2-4 months between each period.


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I had over the preceding months discovered that fondling my genitals was pleasant, and I could achieve an erection, but that represented the sum total of my "sexuality" (I'd not discovered how to masturbate yet - I know, I must have been a late developer!) - I believed, however, that "playing with myself" was inappropriate behaviour, and had the typical guilt and hang-ups about it. The "action" part of the story I am telling consisted of about two months in total, in three periods of 2-3 weeks each, with gaps of 2-4 months between each period.



why the HELL do we need to know about this? :confused: tmi man, tmi.

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