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buy now or buy later???


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i am deciding whether to buy a new pair of raw selvage now (i live in NYC) or wait till i go to japan (probably in september).

the benefits of waiting are a) i will be able to try many pairs on in japan vs. looking at photos online, B) i should have a little more money saved up by then, and c) the jeans should be cheaper over there, plus i won't need to pay any shipping or customs.

the only benefit of getting a pair now is that i will get a pair now!

anyone have any opinions/suggestions?

Edited by mizanation on Apr 10, 2006 at 12:07 PM

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Just buy them; as a whole, denim prices are easily comparable in the states, plus since you are in NYC you have a pretty good selection....unless you are super picky and really know your shit, there is no use in waiting....depends what brands you want I guess....

Edited by englandmj7 on Apr 10, 2006 at 12:26 PM

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you're right, but it's hard to wait, man.

btw, i speak fluent japanese, my wife is japanese and i have friends all over japan. would it be worth it to have a friend purchase a pair and mail it to me? i wouldn't have to pay my friend, just the cost of the jeans, shipping and customs (which shouldn't be too bad).

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you're right, but it's hard to wait, man.

btw, i speak fluent japanese, my wife is japanese and i have friends all over japan. would it be worth it to have a friend purchase a pair and mail it to me? i wouldn't have to pay my friend, just the cost of the jeans, shipping and customs (which shouldn't be too bad).

--- Original message by mizanation on Apr 10, 2006 12:33 PM

shipping shouldn't be more than $30 and you can avoid customs by having you friend mark the package as a gift, declare it as used jeans and put value around 5000 yen.


våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

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i saw the 1947 sugarcanes at history preservation for $217 + $15 shipping.


on rakuten, they are going for 12800 yen (less than $110 USD). at that price, i can cop two of them.

ok, i made up my mind. thanks guys, i'm out!

Edited by mizanation on Apr 10, 2006 at 01:02 PM

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I don't know man. September is a long ways away. I would have my buddy buy them. Are you and your buddy built similar? If so just have him try them on.

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WAIT! Shopping is one of the funest things to do in Japan and as you prob know the sales ppl are SUPER attentive, nice, etc. and there are so many goddamn shops to go to (depending on where you go i suppose).Also if youre fluent finding places shouldnt be that hard. After I went, I came back regretting that I had not shopped less B4 I went so that I could get more while I was there. But its on u.


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wow... all i can say is.. im jealous of your dilemma lol.

nyc has a lot of stuff from pretty much the entire world, and japan has their crazy japan stuff. it really is just your preference whether you want something exclusively from nyc or something more inherently-underground from japan. since you speak japanese, id say the only thing that should influence your decision would be that nasty plane ticket price.

but i'd follow rnr's comment. its a smart suggestion.

fashion changes, style remains

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thanks guys for your help.

i have taken everyone's comments into consideration and i know what i am going to do.

i am going to buy a pair sent to me now


go shopping in japan in september. dillema solved!!!

i appreciate all the tips especially rnr's tip on having a friend try them on.

i will post pics when i get them (i'm getting the sugarcane 47s, the okinawas looked tempting but i wanted a darker color).

if you guys have any questions about japanese websites or need basic translations, hit me up.

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