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INCEPTION (spoilers)


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Way late here, but just saw the movie this weekend. Was thoroughly impressed.

Despite the leap of faith that the director demands from the viewer, I thought it all "made sense", logistically, but there was one point that went over my head which I could've used a MS Visio diagram to help comprehend.

OK, so during the dreams portion of the final inception caper, when Saito "dies" from the gunshot wound, he enters limbo b/c he is too heavily sedated in real life to escape. My question is - where is this "limbo" in relation to the other layers, and how did Cobb access it? Are we to assume that when the van fell in the river in layer-1, Cobb/Leo "died" and entered te same limbo that Saito was in? Are we also to assume that Saito shot Cobb and himself in limbo and brought them back to reality?

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Was Leo rocking a Buzz Rickson chambray, btw?

I would like to know also...I just saw the movie tonight and at first i thought it was a jcrew shirt but damn... that shirt is cool. Suits = no fap too...like in Ocean eleven series

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