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Altering the rise of denim?


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it can be done but its tricky, and to be honest you need an amzing tailor.

the thing to keep in mind is that adding anything changes the fit.

1. technique 1 involves opening up the waist band, flipping the matterial upwards and then reinforcing it. one then moves the belt loops up. the advantages of this technique is that the denim will all be the same colour. the disadvantage is that it weekens the waiste band.

2. the sencound technique involes adding a band of matching denim, either on top of the waiste band, or preferably, if you can get matching denim, beneath it. aside from issues of colour, this technique maintains the shape of the jean the best, and indeed if the denim is a similar colour, the belt loops provide an optical distraction and you may not notice a change with this new band of fabric.

all in all though be careful, i once did this to a really expensive pair of jeans and it was never the samel. my advice is dont screw with it unless you dont really care about the garment.

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Yeah, a lowered rise can look really good, but I don't think a raised rise would work out too well. Speaking of, I have a pair of 646 jeans that I would like to have the rise lowered on. Does anyone have any experience with this? I wonder if the Levis store in SF would do a good job of it. They are one wash from the early 70's.

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


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Is it possible to lengthen the rise of denim?

--- Original message by dilemma on Apr 3, 2006 11:43 AM

what do u mean like give you more balls rooms? well you could always make your waistband wider, or just go buy a new pant..
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Making the rise bigger without just putting more fabric in is impossible. As for somebodys question about lowering the rise, thats easy:

1. Get a seam ripper and take out the inseam.

2. Turn your jeans inside out.

3. look at the crotch area and mark out how much lower you want the rise... remember if you want the rise lowered an inch, do half an inch on the top and half on the bottom so that your seams don't twist.

4. cut out the denim you marked.

5. resew the inseam and voila. new rise and nobody will know you did it yourself.

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