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what are you reading today?


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  koven said:
I was reading less then zero for a while last night and then this morning at the gym, I'm at the part where Julian and the main character are at the hotel room with that businessman and he's going through his wallet looking for one of his dads cards.

I feel like shit :(

American psycho was sick but it had hilarious parts to even it out.

But im going to finish this, I just hope it mess up my perception of the world. I cant belive he was 18 when he wrote this.

He was actually just looking through the wallet out of nervousness. He was purposely ignoring the business cards because he didnt want to find his fathers business card.


I picked up the book earlier today and read it. Just got done finishing up the movie on netflix. At first I was really angry how the film was completely different than the book and how they mischaracterized everyone while still making sure some of the smaller inconsequential parts of the book remained. But then it got to the last 30 minutes and I was completely drawn in.

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The movies easier to handle iif you don't expect it to be like the novel. I had heard how awful an adaptation it was and stayed away from it for a long time. When I finally got around to it, my expectations were low enough that I ended up appreciating it on it's own terms.

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  Clopek said:
In between Pale King chapters I'm tearing through the Tao of Wu. Pretty hilarious - maybe it will be insightful soon.

How is it not insightful already? The Kung Fu mythology meets nation of Islam prinicple filtered through dragonball z as parable for black masculine experience with anecdotal splashes of old dirty making his child watch him smoke crack literary device is as timeless as 'once upon a...' and delves deeper into a universal human condition that other authors have wasted anthologies trying to pinpoint than any other contemporary author has ever even attempted. Do the knowledge, god. If you can't see the underlying everythingness of the mathematics, your pillars of wisdom arent aligned to the karmic balance of the metaphysical unity of chi as earth. Maybe you're reading it wrong. It can't be absorbed superficially. You have to read it 'tiger style'. It's unorthodox, but effective. Finish your lessons, then hit me back at the god hour. Power and quality.

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The Rebel is basically a lengthy essay on the development of the concept of revolution (in the mind of the individual as well as in history). It's extremely interesting, and Camus uses a wide-range of references. It and The Stranger are two completely different animals. I've enjoyed them both. The Stranger is one of my most favorite novels.

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  ssheat said:
The Rebel is basically a lengthy essay on the development of the concept of revolution (in the mind of the individual as well as in history). It's extremely interesting, and Camus uses a wide-range of references. It and The Stranger are two completely different animals. I've enjoyed them both. The Stranger is one of my most favorite novels.


have to give the rebel a read, really enjoyed the stranger.

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  NESK said:
i just bought that whole series and have tried to knock them out between larger books.

Is this a good starting point in the series?

EDIT: n/m looks like they arent exactly related.

Also when I looked at it on Amazon it said customers who bought it also bought: <basically every def jux album from the early 2000's>

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I've got to kick this crap. Jesus Christ! This one features a pretty intense pillhead. It's lurid and not badly done, but I'm done with this stuff for now. It's gelling my head.


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Man in the High Castle is pretty good, at least the first half is really good before it loses its way. The other obvious choices are Do Androids Dream... and A Scanner Darkly, which is probably my gave overall and also one of PKDs most characteristic novels thematically. I've read about half his novels, some are definitely better than others, but also check his short stories, at least so you can see just how much Hollywood has borrowed from his ideas. They'll be turning PKD short stories into films for the foreseeable future.

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This should last me the next 2 weeks. I need to know what happens after Less Than Zero. I'm tired of not really knowing whats going down in the Middle East. I love The Walking Dead and just cant wait for the new season to start.

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I just finished reading A scanner darkly after Baeyer-Drewson recommended to me for some time ago. And I must say it really blew my mind! I really liked the film but the book just felt a lot deeper and somehow got to me more. The internal dialogs was phenomenal.

I just began on Neuromancer i've heared it got some simalarities with the Philip K Dick writings.


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^Glad you liked Scanner, fanboy. It's probably my favourite PKD novel overall. Check out his short stories too, really brief and generally really enjoyable with a focus on a single concept or technology. Kinda like a condensed version of his novels.

Gibson and Dick are pretty much the only sci-fi authors I will continue to read. Other authors it's like one and done. Gibson definitely has some thematic overlap with Dick, but not quite so much of the paranoia and headfuck of PKD's novels. Neuromancer is amazing. Does anyone want to offer their 3 favourite Gibson novels (excluding the rest of the Sprawl trilogy)?

edit: for all the Gibson and Dick fans out there, check out some of the China Mieville novels not set in Bas-Lag, ie, the more modern/urban novels. I generally hate fantasy (although Mieville describes his work as "weird fiction") but The City and The City blew my mind. The guy is a very readable author with some great ideas. I'm about to read Kraken next, looking forward to it.


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