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  On 1/30/2012 at 6:21 PM, Dead_Wizard said:


Book seems to be catching an inordinate amount of flack for being too verbose. Kind of ridiculous in my opinion. Reminds me of White Noise post Airborne Toxic Event thus far.

weird, i'm reading 'white noise' at the moment and am currently post airborne toxic event. enjoying it, but not tearing through it.

would you recommend 'the flame alphabet'?

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Reading the VALIS trilogy by PKD. Fucking incredible. Gnostic/Hermetic themes combined with classical theology and science/futurism. "The Divine Invasion" is especially good.

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Have any clothing brands, more specifically designers, published essays, books, or had biographical type literature composed for the general public?

I was recently reading the designer info the TBS has about each designer and I found the background stories of designers/brands fairly intriguing. I have also read interviews with Rick Owens before and his life before fashion seemed to be 'colorful' to say the least.

I am really interested in learning more about the background story of the people who clothe me, so if anyone has some suggestions I would love to hear them.

I contemplated making this a thread, but I don't know how extensive this conversation could be so I thought I'd ask here first.

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  On 7/24/2012 at 4:16 AM, Wilbur said:

Have any clothing brands, more specifically designers, published essays, books, or had biographical type literature composed for the general public?

I was recently reading the designer info the TBS has about each designer and I found the background stories of designers/brands fairly intriguing. I have also read interviews with Rick Owens before and his life before fashion seemed to be 'colorful' to say the least.

I am really interested in learning more about the background story of the people who clothe me, so if anyone has some suggestions I would love to hear them.

I contemplated making this a thread, but I don't know how extensive this conversation could be so I thought I'd ask here first.

not sure what kind of brands your into wilbur but there is heaps of stuff written about rei kawakubo and yohji yamamoto that I find super interesting.....hope that kind of helps :)

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doesn't really count as a "book" in the sense you're thinking but the super successful Alexander McQueen exhibit last year at the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art (the one that had 3 hour long lines going out the exhibit wing and out into the streets) released their companion book featuring the gowns and pieces featured in the exhibit.

I'm forcing myself through Ulysses because I tried years before and it whipped my ass. I'm determined not to let Joyce and his pretentious erudition get the better of me. Problem is, it's been a long time since I read the Odyssey so I have to read the corresponding chapters in the Odyssey just to understand Ulysses!

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just started.

  On 7/26/2012 at 1:41 AM, shinobi2000 said:

I'm forcing myself through Ulysses because I tried years before and it whipped my ass. I'm determined not to let Joyce and his pretentious erudition get the better of me. Problem is, it's been a long time since I read the Odyssey so I have to read the corresponding chapters in the Odyssey just to understand Ulysses!

good move! its been on my list for ages and I did start it a while ago and struggled hard.

sometimes i feel the struggle is good, the books I breeze through in a couple of days are more often than not just forgotten, and the ones that were a bit more of a slog stick with me.

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My first Borges and I get why I've been told that I've been missing out. I've read most of the stories in ficciones. The stories are so filled with references to other texts, literature and theory. But, fuck, I don't really have anyone to talk to about them right now, it would be sick to talk about these stories in a class or something to get some of the connections made for me.

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  On 7/26/2012 at 4:47 AM, jackg said:

just started.

good move! its been on my list for ages and I did start it a while ago and struggled hard.

sometimes i feel the struggle is good, the books I breeze through in a couple of days are more often than not just forgotten, and the ones that were a bit more of a slog stick with me.

I dunno, I'm torn now that I'm a quarter into it and I'm absolutely hating it. I think there's a passage once every 8-10 pages that truly impresses me and the rest is like "oh please, stop showing off" There comes a time in your life where you cannot tolerate anymore things that don't interest you. I will probably finish it but I doubt I'll put too much effort into it.

Atlas Shrugged is an extraordinary book. I'm gonna be brave and confess that I actually agree with a lot of the philosophy there although I know it's not popular outside of the Texas billionaires' crowd. My favorite part was where she describes this factory where the workers all agreed on everyone dividing up the work and pay equally before it slowly disintegrates as the lazy ones try to take advantage of the others. Good luck to you during the John Galt speech. My English teacher once confessed to me that it's an open secret that no one really reads it all. Ha ha.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 5:14 AM, shinobi2000 said:

Good luck to you during the John Galt speech. My English teacher once confessed to me that it's an open secret that no one really reads it all. Ha ha.

I've heard that speech is quite long. Has anybody here read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair? I seem to remember an extremely long speech towards the end of that book.

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I know that there are a lot of Murakami fans on sufu so please help me with this:

I was a hundred pages into Dance Dance Dance when I realized that it's a sequel.

I know now that A Wild Sheep Chase tells the events before Dance Dance Dance.

Further research and I realize that A Wild sheep Chase is preceded by two other books.

However, I can't find English translations of these two books.

So, do most English speakers just start with A Wild Sheep Chase?

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  On 7/30/2012 at 8:24 PM, DismalDuke said:

I know that there are a lot of Murakami fans on sufu so please help me with this:

I was a hundred pages into Dance Dance Dance when I realized that it's a sequel.

I know now that A Wild Sheep Chase tells the events before Dance Dance Dance.

Further research and I realize that A Wild sheep Chase is preceded by two other books.

However, I can't find English translations of these two books.

So, do most English speakers just start with A Wild Sheep Chase?

The first two books in the Trilogy of the Rat aren't available in English outside of Japan, and Murakami himself said that they're not very good (they were the first books he wrote).

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