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Info/comments on these "basic" Diesels I found?


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I found a pair of Diesel jeans at Winners today. Its a plain One-Wash, the "KEETAR" fit, tapered leg opening. The denim quality looks quite good, fairly slubby and a good weight to it. I'm not sure if its an older model, but it definitely does not look like the new designs. Just some comments, general info, would be good.

They are a TAD wide in the waist, and much longer than I usually wear, but I am planning to have them just bunch up at the top of my shoe. How do you guys recommend I wash them before I wear them? Hot/Warm/Cold? Machine/Soak? The indigo bleeds quite a bit, even from the 15 mins or so I tried them on, there was indigo transfer to my shoes.

They kinda look like they are styled after the 501's, but then again I am no Levis expert:









And what do you guys think of the fit? Coming from a pair of Skinners, this pair is like the exact opposite, so I am not very used to this fit. They don't look too 'Hip-hop' baggy do they?




What do you think, worth keeping or return?



Edited by sonick on Mar 29, 2006 at 08:27 PM

Edited by sonick on Mar 29, 2006 at 08:28 PM

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They haven't made the keetars in a couple years if I'm not mistaken. I have a pair and I really like them. Like you said, pretty no frills as far as Diesel goes and the cut is solid and doesn't do anything stupid. At this point they've been patched repeatedly and worn within an inch of their life. When I got mine they weren't too faded, but had very slight lightening on the thighs, so I can't help much as far as 1 wash advice goes.

I didn't know anything about fading and contrast when I got them, but I've always prefered my jeans dark, so I'd usually go for months without washing them. They faded pretty awesome considering that I never starched them and didn't ahere to the "6 month before washing" rule.

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