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-- Why we must bomb Afghanistan --


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And assasinate fundamentalists. I mean, of course there are lots of innocent people, and I am a politically savvy dude, but this is fucking outrageous:


The guy works in medical aid helping Afghani refugees, he saves lives on a daily basis and they are going to execute him; god damn I hate Islam sometimes.....having grown up half of my life in Egypt, having tons of Persian friends and having visited Israel several times it blows my mind how there are so many beautiful people there and at the same time so many idiot fucks....aaarrgghh!! It fucking pisses me off....

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Stop the aid...that simple, let the people of the country decide what they want. If they want to elect people with policies like this, then they can go fuck themselves and my military (and tax dollars) can go somewhere that believes in things that ARE fundamentally correct.

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I'm going to have to be the dissenter here:

I HATE the war in Iraq.

Here let me make sure you know this:

I HATE the war in Iraq

More than I would hate someone who gave me AIDS and herpes at the same time while murdering my fiancee in front of me

That being said, we fucked up. Big time. As much as I hate how we got there and what we did , the fact of the matter is we fucked up. You cant just quit because you fucked up. Would you quit breaking in a pair of raws just because the accidentally ended up in the laundry? Would you quit shaving because you missed a hair?

Us being there was sooooo stupid in the first place, but now that we've ruined their system, we better damn well ride it out and fix it.

I'm off my soap box

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What can I say, my life revolve's around denim ;)

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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Ain't no shame in that, keri.icon_smile_cool.gif

On topic: Eh. All my anger seems to have transformed into apathy. Let 'em all kill each other. RIghteous indignation is wasted on this. When people kill, they kill. The reason why they do it or who they do it to doesn't matter to me. What's the difference between a muslim killing an infidel for religious reasons vs. the state executing someone? None. It's all bullshit.

Edited by oOmegaOo on Mar 23, 2006 at 11:49 PM

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I'm going to have to be the dissenter here:

I HATE the war in Iraq.

Here let me make sure you know this:

I HATE the war in Iraq

More than I would hate someone who gave me AIDS and herpes at the same time while murdering my fiancee in front of me

That being said, we fucked up. Big time. As much as I hate how we got there and what we did , the fact of the matter is we fucked up. You cant just quit because you fucked up. Would you quit breaking in a pair of raws just because the accidentally ended up in the laundry? Would you quit shaving because you missed a hair?

Us being there was sooooo stupid in the first place, but now that we've ruined their system, we better damn well ride it out and fix it.

I'm off my soap box

--- Original message by keri on Mar 23, 2006 10:37 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you READ the OP? The guy is talking about Afghanistan. Who mentioned Iraq? They are two different places just in case you dont know you stupid fuck. btw the majority of the world supported the operations in Afghanistan, even islamic nations. You cant talk about Iraq in the same thread as Afghanistan. Personally I think both missions are just but thats for another thread.

btw, Minya: Keri has put a strong opinion, if I cant put mine and if you delete or edit it Im done with fucken supertalk. Im out. I dont know if you care but that`ll be the last fucken straw

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

Edited by MilSpex on Mar 24, 2006 at 12:05 AM

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I'm going to have to be the dissenter here:

I HATE the war in Iraq.

Here let me make sure you know this:

I HATE the war in Iraq

More than I would hate someone who gave me AIDS and herpes at the same time while murdering my fiancee in front of me

That being said, we fucked up. Big time. As much as I hate how we got there and what we did , the fact of the matter is we fucked up. You cant just quit because you fucked up. Would you quit breaking in a pair of raws just because the accidentally ended up in the laundry? Would you quit shaving because you missed a hair?

Us being there was sooooo stupid in the first place, but now that we've ruined their system, we better damn well ride it out and fix it.

I'm off my soap box

--- Original message by keri on Mar 23, 2006 10:37 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you READ the OP? The guy is talking about Afghanistan. Who mentioned Iraq? They are two different places just in case you dont know you stupid fuck. btw the majority of the world supported the operations in Afghanistan, even islamic nations. You cant talk about Iraq in the same thread as Afghanistan. Personally I think both missions are just but thats for another thread.

btw, Minya: Keri has put a strong opinion, if I cant put mine and if you delete or edit it Im done with fucken supertalk. Im out. I dont know if you care but that`ll be the last fucken straw

--- Original message by MilSpex on Mar 24, 2006 12:04 AM

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I'm going to have to be the dissenter here:

I HATE the war in Iraq.

Here let me make sure you know this:

I HATE the war in Iraq

More than I would hate someone who gave me AIDS and herpes at the same time while murdering my fiancee in front of me

That being said, we fucked up. Big time. As much as I hate how we got there and what we did , the fact of the matter is we fucked up. You cant just quit because you fucked up. Would you quit breaking in a pair of raws just because the accidentally ended up in the laundry? Would you quit shaving because you missed a hair?

Us being there was sooooo stupid in the first place, but now that we've ruined their system, we better damn well ride it out and fix it.

I'm off my soap box

--- Original message by keri on Mar 23, 2006 10:37 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you READ the OP? The guy is talking about Afghanistan. Who mentioned Iraq? They are two different places just in case you dont know you stupid fuck. btw the majority of the world supported the operations in Afghanistan, even islamic nations. You cant talk about Iraq in the same thread as Afghanistan. Personally I think both missions are just but thats for another thread.

btw, Minya: Keri has put a strong opinion, if I cant put mine and if you delete or edit it Im done with fucken supertalk. Im out. I dont know if you care but that`ll be the last fucken straw

--- Original message by MilSpex on Mar 24, 2006 12:04 AM


--- Original message by 6MT on Mar 24, 2006 12:24 AM

Fuck you

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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Quote: btw, Minya: Keri has put a strong opinion, if I cant put mine and if you delete or edit it Im done with fucken supertalk. Im out. I dont know if you care but that`ll be the last fucken straw
Good. Get out.
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Every topic covered in this thread could and should be debated. WHY OH WHY can't we do it without getting so emotional and insulting. If you are debating a topic with someone, you have lost the intellectual advantage when you call them a fucking idiot. When those insults come out of your mouth....YOU HAVE LOST!!! Period. Ring the bell. Fight over. YOU JUST LOST. Grow up alittle and debate with skill because insulting someone with foul language can be taught to a monkey in sign language. You can do better than a monkey right? Both have good points to make about the debate. Do it with a little bit more class.

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though i haven't got a clue why this is being discussed on this forum, i agree with englandmj 110%. creeping global religious fundamentalism should be stamped out, and what better way than to assassinate them all? why stop at the afghans, every kooky crazy religious nut out there is a viable target, here's my list of people that put the mental in fundamental (but take out the fun!): Abu Hamza, Ahmadinejad, East African Muslim girl-circumsizers, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Ruth Kelly (uk education minister and she's a member of fukn opus dei!), Baron Samedi (voodoo fundamentalism is on the rise people!), Rowan Williams, Jonathan Sachs, John Howerd, any supreme court judge recommended by Bush, Ariel Sharon (i know, i just can't remeber the name of the israeli interim pm), Joseph Ratzinger, the Dalai Lama (budhist fundamentalist - real nasty piece of work), Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Isaac Hayes, Bill O'Reilly, Sister Wendy, Salt Lake City, Christian-Rock performers, Christian-Rap performers, Glen Hoddle, any performer who thanks god after winning an oscar or grammy, any sports person who thanks god after scoring a goal/touchdown/homerun, The Gideons....

remember people - don't procrastinate, assassinate!

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Quote: hough i haven't got a clue why this is being discussed on this forum, i agree with englandmj 110%. creeping global religious fundamentalism should be stamped out, and what better way than to assassinate them all? why stop at the afghans, every kooky crazy religious nut out there is a viable target, here's my list of people that put the mental in fundamental (but take out the fun!): Abu Hamza, Ahmadinejad, East African Muslim girl-circumsizers, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Ruth Kelly (uk education minister and she's a member of fukn opus dei!), Baron Samedi (voodoo fundamentalism is on the rise people!), Rowan Williams, Jonathan Sachs, John Howerd, any supreme court judge recommended by Bush, Ariel Sharon (i know, i just can't remeber the name of the israeli interim pm), Joseph Ratzinger, the Dalai Lama (budhist fundamentalist - real nasty piece of work), Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Isaac Hayes, Bill O'Reilly, Sister Wendy, Salt Lake City, Christian-Rock performers, Christian-Rap performers, Glen Hoddle, any performer who thanks god after winning an oscar or grammy, any sports person who thanks god after scoring a goal/touchdown/homerun, The Gideons....

remember people - don't procrastinate, assassinate!

one of the reason i really like this forum is that politic is usually not discussed. it's good once in a while to be able to focus to ehhh more important things in life like Horns & Wings hoodie and 45 rpm jeans.... seriously the fact that the internet is anonymous always makes the most hard-core morons troll like hell and it's soo anoying. with that being said, you pretty laid out the list of ppl i would also like to disapear. i would also like to add Stockwell Day, i seriously cannot imagine that this moron, who doesn't even believe in evolution has been made a minister in Canada. i'm ashamed of my country.

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Every topic covered in this thread could and should be debated. WHY OH WHY can't we do it without getting so emotional and insulting. If you are debating a topic with someone, you have lost the intellectual advantage when you call them a fucking idiot. When those insults come out of your mouth....YOU HAVE LOST!!! Period. Ring the bell. Fight over. YOU JUST LOST. Grow up alittle and debate with skill because insulting someone with foul language can be taught to a monkey in sign language. You can do better than a monkey right? Both have good points to make about the debate. Do it with a little bit more class.

--- Original message by damnIam on Mar 24, 2006 06:17 AM

When someone cant even differentiate between Iraq and Afghanistan then yeah, I call them a fucking idiot.

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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Quote: What the fuck are you talking about? Did you READ the OP? The guy is talking about Afghanistan. Who mentioned Iraq? They are two different places just in case you dont know you stupid fuck. btw the majority of the world supported the operations in Afghanistan, even islamic nations. You cant talk about Iraq in the same thread as Afghanistan. Personally I think both missions are just but thats for another thread.

btw, Minya: Keri has put a strong opinion, if I cant put mine and if you delete or edit it Im done with fucken supertalk. Im out. I dont know if you care but that`ll be the last fucken straw

Milspex -

Seriously, thank you! I know people have their quips with arguments when they result in insults, but in all honesty, when you make a fucking stupid and entirely unrelated comment you are asking for it. Iraq has butt-fuck nothing to do with this post, and liberal, uneducated, unsupported commentary on the subject is ridiculous.

I have NEVER met an Aussie who was so up on their shit, heh heh, thank god the leftists media has not corrupted your brain, which clearly confirms your intelligence involving the reality of global matters. All the rest of you socialist bastards will have your day, and when everything eventually collapses as a result of your flawed ideology the men of virtue and wealth will be there to pick up the pieces again........some of you guys need to read "Atlas Shrugged," you might learn something......he heh, but enough with my rant.

For everyone else who stayed on topic, thanks, I like hearing your input.

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"it blows my mind how there are so many beautiful people there and at the same time so many idiot fucks....aaarrgghh!! It fucking pisses me off...."

--- Original message by englandmj7 on Mar 23, 2006 08:31 PM

Reminds me of the usa... and supertalk...

messege board moderation is the new crack

Edited by cheapmuthafukr on Mar 24, 2006 at 11:30 AM

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Why not just try to correct them by intelligently and politely presenting your opinion, how do you figure calling them a fucking idiot is going to change their mind or enlighten them to a different way of thinking. The first thing you did in your post was call them something nasty. Do you honestly think they are going to listen to ONE single thing you said after that. You wasted your time after your condemnation of their intellect.

I give up, some people just like to hate instead of debate.

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^^ Don't get me wrong, I completely agree, but I think you missed the point. You don't need to respect or politely disagree with someones point when it has absolutely nothing to do with the argument. It would be like if I made a post to discuss global warming and you started a rant about Walmart's labor disputes, it would just be fucking stupid...........which would easily warrant someone calling you an idiot.

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She said she hates the war in Iraq. But how do you know that she isn't still talking about Afghanistan as well. I believe the jury is still out as to whether that was a good idea or not as well. I believe the jury is still out about alot of things. In your previous post you said you "hate Islam". Now, are you just talking about Afghan Islamists or all Islamists. See my point at all? You jumped out there and called her a fucking idiot. Bottom line is she left the discussion where as she could have cleared some of this up if allowed to.

That all I have to say about that.

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it blows my mind how there are so many beautiful people there and at the same time so many idiot fucks....aaarrgghh!! It fucking pisses me off....

isnt that all around the world?

Wanted: Sucarcanes SC40500N, Imperial kings. 31x34

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When someone cant even differentiate between Iraq and Afghanistan then yeah, I call them a fucking idiot.

--- Original message by MilSpex on Mar 24, 2006 07:38 AM

i call you a fucking idiot who's hung up on semantics.

we're in iraq for the same reason we're in afghanistan - because the regimes the coalition militaries ousted were, according to the cheney/rumsfeld cabal, "state sponsors of terrorism." the taliban harbored and aided al qaeda, they said; saddam hussein, in addition to the claimed WMDs, funded and otherwise aided al qaeda, they said. cheney was all over the fucking fox news programs determined to make it known that there was a direct link between saddam and al qaeda (never proven, and the current administration has since backed away from this assertion).

i have no doubt that englandmj7 and the others who chimed in to support him/her know that iraq and afghanistan are different countries. your argument is a straw man, dude - whether it's iraq, afghanistan, or soon even iran or north korea, it's all part of "global war on terror, tm." even the chickenshits in the whitehouse will agree with that.

Edited by snugglepony on Mar 24, 2006 at 02:32 PM

Edited by snugglepony on Mar 24, 2006 at 02:33 PM

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^Exactly right, snugglepony. This "global war" makes the situation ijn Iraq and Afganistan -- soon to be Iran -- in the same. You know that last year Bush syndicate wanted to change it from "global war" to "struggle against violent extremists (SAVE)".

Any way, this silly predicament my country has encumbered itself in will only get more convoluted. Iraq, Afganistan -- it's all the same, that's what they wanted us to think. That's why we start another war before completing the first one. Actually, I must correct myself. The war is over. Didn't Bush appear on a carrier with an unfurled banner exclaiming "Mission Accomplished"? We are now simply occupying Iraq and Afganistan.

But doesn't it seem like there's something we're forgetting? Unfinished business? No, not rebuilding the infrastructure we decimated. No, not establishing beautiful democracies across the Arab world... Oh, yes! Osama Bin Laden. What about that guy. Well bush said, "And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." You see this whole situation isn't even worth a breath. This was all one big joke of a foreign policy made to push some bizarre agenda that I frankly don't care about. Does what I care about matter to you? Probably --almost certainly-- not. All I'm saying is that arguing about this is like arguing about a sack of beans.

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Seriously, half of you guys are nuts; neither Milspex or I said anything about how the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan have no correlation, so get that out of your head, jesus. The point was, that the post is about a man who is going to die because he is Christian in an Islamic nation; it is a commentary on Islam not on the U.S.'s war tactics, so for the love of god, shut the fuck up unless you have something relevant to say about it!

I mean, did you read this shit:

Quote: Us being there was sooooo stupid in the first place, but now that we've ruined their system, we better damn well ride it out and fix it.

What the hell does that have to do with religious policies regarding conversion in their Afghanistan? You people need to analyze what you are protecting. If the woman has something relevant to say, then maybe she should say it, but there is no point in all of you chiming in to help her when you probably don't even know what the hell she was getting at anyways. Sounds to me like another tired liberal who takes any chance they can get at taking subtle e-hits at George Bush because their friends are tired of hearing the shit. GET THE FUCK OVER IT, start an anti-operation iraqi freedom post if you want, jesus christ.

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 24, 2006 at 03:30 PM

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I get what you're saying. My post was just expanding on what snuggle said. However, back to your "commentary on Islam". What makes that incident unique to Islam? You got Christians bombing abortion clinics and sniping doctors for their faith. Hindus, muslims and christrians kill each other all the time in India -- all for their faith. Catholics and Protestants in Ireland -- I'm sure many good people met their maker. What I'm getting at is: Why do you "hate Islam sometimes". fundimentalists all other are doing stupid shit everyday, why focus on just Islam?

Yes, I know keri did go tangential, and I'm not sure if you were addressing me, but I wasn't defending her at all. Still why can't we expand the conversation. Did you want want this thread to be all posts bashing Islam?


I'm mot going to edit out my ^^above statements ^^ to cover my ass, but now I get what you're saying. To clarify, you don't have a problem with Islam. You have a problem with sharia law that enables the state to murder converts. I mean I know you didn't mean to blanket all Muslims in your OP, but, to be clear, not all practitioners of Islam agree with that bullshit.

Edited by oOmegaOo on Mar 24, 2006 at 03:57 PM

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Quote: What makes that incident unique to islam? You got Christians bombing abortion clinics and sniping doctors for their faith. Hindus, muslims and christrians kill each other all the time in India -- all for their faith. Catholics and Protestants in ireland, I'm sure many good people met their maker. What I'm getting at is Why do you "hate Islam sometimes".

Thank you for a very relevant point, that is the type of discussion I was hoping to see. Personally, I think the word "hate" isn't really how I feel, I was partially venting on the issue, but in all honesty, you have to think that somehow the basic fundamentals of the religion may be flawed when hundreds of thousands of Muslims are believers in the violent oppression of non-believers. Of course every religion has radicals, and that is certainly both inevitable and unfortunate. The question I have, however, is should we (the U.S.), or any other country for that matter aid or deal with a country like Afghanistan in any way considering the extremely violent nature of their religious principles, or should we respect their religious freedom no matter what? Does religion give you the right to kill someone who doesn't agree with what you do? Obviously during the Inquisition and many other periods in the past, Catholicism was even more violent than Islam, but is that of any relevance to modern day Islam, was it okay to kill non-believers then because we needed to respect their beliefs? Those are some of the types of questions I have and I am interested to see what others think......

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Quote: ...I was partially venting on the issue, but in all honesty, you have to think that somehow the basic fundamentals of the religion may be flawed when hundreds of thousands of Muslims are believers in the violent oppression of non-believers.

Well, I just put it in perspective; 1/3 of the earth is Muslim. Considering what a huge quantity that is, if the fundamentals were so off, we'd have a WHOLE lot more slayings of infidels.

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^^ Well technically insane riots involving, for example the burning of Danish flags, setting cars on fire and beating the shit out of people over a cartoon that carried alot of relevance also explicates the abundance of violent Muslims, that shit hit in just about every country in the world, the only reason they didn't kill more people because of that is because in most of the countries riots were staged "murdering infidels" is not okay......but that is another story.

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Gotcha, can't disagree with you there.

On a side note: I'm must confess the cartoon riots made me laugh -- and still does. I know it's wrong, but CARToONS??? Seriously! My left side almost thinks that the cartoon riots were engineered just so that we can all think Muslims are over-sensitive dufuses who fret over petty shit. Edit: Does the fact that they did riot prove that point?

Edited by oOmegaOo on Mar 24, 2006 at 04:48 PM

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