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WRINKLE in denim


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I think someone mentioned that companies use a resin-based spray to achieve that effect. You can do it with a starch spray, but to get a more dramatic effect, you'll have to forego washing your jeans for a while. Don't overdo it though, cuz I think someone also mentioned the honeycombs turning into holes.

Man they aren't kidding when they say, "Yet Fung: 14posts, BORED"

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I have one hole in my right leg honeycomb of my right hand twill ring-ring dry selvage denim jeans. It developed in the first week of wearing said jeans. I had not starched. The jeans were tight. Denim fatigue, I guess. I don't think overstarching will put holes in yr jeans.


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I have one hole in my right leg honeycomb of my right hand twill ring-ring dry selvage denim jeans. It developed in the first week of wearing said jeans. I had not starched. The jeans were tight. Denim fatigue, I guess. I don't think overstarching will put holes in yr jeans.

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Mar 17, 2006 04:41 PM

"Righ Hand Twill Ring-Ring Dry Selvage Denim Jeans"...

...easily the longest jean description I've seen on here. Nice.

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what are some ways to get them faster

--- Original message by jermzkill on Mar 18, 2006 08:05 AM

Dampen the area with water (or use starch) and wera them, it'll help the creases form. Once the creases form, its just up to you to wear them enough to cause fading.

Edited by PG2G on Mar 18, 2006 at 10:06 AM

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