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Help with my Levi 501xx Jeans, Shrinkage info.


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Hi all,

Just wondering if any of you denim virtuoso's can help me with my levi vintage 501 xx (1933's) Basically i am a 32x32 sized fit, and so chose to go with a 34/34 pair of the jean to take into account shrinkage.

I stuck with them for about a month but didnt like the 2inch turn up, and so jumped in the bath for about three quarters of an hour-air dried for a day.

The leg shrunk a fair bit, id say an inch and a half, but the waist and arse area hasnt really shrunk much at all.

I have a good 2inch to spare on my waist and am havin to really buckle up tight wiht a belt-and the arse area is a little too unfiited to my taste at the mo.

So basically was wondering what is the best way to get the waist and arse area shrunk a bit more and to be a little more fitted with out shrinking the leg too much more (as its a nice inchish of turn up now)

Thanks all in advance.

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Wash the jeans in warm water. The indigo loss will be minimal.

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Hey, cheers guys, one thing though, when you say 'wash in warm water' do you mean leave to soak in say a bath full of warm water? and if so for how long?

soz ta

--- Original message by Jontibloor on Mar 11, 2006 12:07 PM

Washing machine, gentle cycle, warm water, little to no soap.
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I feel ya. For my sins I'm working a pair of 33's and a pair of 37's at the moment. Had them both dry cleaned a couple of times and washed them once - a warm soak with salt and then a cold rinse oin a washing machine. The promise is great and while the fit isn't there yet, it does gets better, believe.

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