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Buyin Edwins online


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grandism is good and good price but sold outta EDWIN ED-47 125 999.

Need me some Raw Selvage rainbow greatness!

--- Original message by OBC on Mar 9, 2006 04:20 AM

Buy them at Atticclothing ([url=" http://www.atticclothing.com/index.php?viewprod=304"] <a href="http://www.atticclothing.com/index.php?viewprod=304" target="_blank">http://www.atticclothing.com/index.php?viewprod=304</a>).

I live in Sweden, and ordered a pair of Nashville's off their site. Superfast delivery (they shipped it same day, and it was shipped over weekend).

Price over at Grandism sure is nice though. Up to you if you want to wait or not.

Personally, I think Norsestore is over-pricing. The Rainbow's are nice, but not that great. Nashville's might be more price-worthy in that case...

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check edwin japanese website [url=" http://www.edwin.co.jp/index.html"] <a href="http://www.edwin.co.jp/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.edwin.co.jp/index.html</a>

they have both a yahoo and a rakuten website. order from there using bid-service or celga

you'll pay probably less than half of what you would pay ordering from another of these site

(Edwin are really cheap in japan, like really cheap)

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Can some1 school me on Edwin 4 a sec? If i wanted regular cut raw selvage Edwins made in japan 38' waist 32' length, what models do i have to choose from? What are their differences and are any of em rainbow selvage?


(hope i dont get flamed :P)


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attic is very fast. i go to school in ny and i got my nashvilles today. it only took a week. plus they seem like cool dudes, i must of emailed them like 3 times cause i f'ed up exchange rates but they were very understanding.

Edited by will_i_am on Mar 10, 2006 at 12:37 AM

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Quote: Can some1 school me on Edwin 4 a sec? If i wanted regular cut raw selvage Edwins made in japan 38' waist 32' length, what models do i have to choose from? What are their differences and are any of em rainbow selvage?

I'm by far no expert. There's a bunch of models around. I know there's more than the ED-47 in rainbow selvage, but those seems to be the most popular. It's not precisely a regular cut (depending on what you qualify as regular). It's a true straight fit. Same width at bottom hem as the knee. Low rise, no embarrasingly low as some Nudie's, but low.

The japanese made seems to be mostly redline selvage.

Quote: Personally, I like the Edwin rainbow selvage jeans.

I never said I didn't, it's what I wear right now. But from where I'm sitting, the Japanese made Nashville's are more price-worthy and probably better quality as well.

Quote: why are so many people hating on the italian rainbow selvedge Edwins?? What's the difference between the Italian Edwin's and the Japanese??

I hate them becasue there's bottom hem isn't chain-stitchedicon_smile_wink.gif. Naw, just kidding, I do like them. I didn't say I hated them. I just think can be overpriced.

However, it seems both Attic and Grandism give a fair price though, but up here in Sweden and over at Norsestore (DK) they're definetly over-pricing.

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most of them are. I own both the ED-47 and a raw 505 sx and they're both sanforized... and like other people have said, the Japanese one (the 505) is much heavier denim than the ED-47. And it's a classic regular cut (meaning it's pretty dowdy in the ass)

Case in point: I normally wear a 30 or so in jeans and got a 30 in the ED-47, which pretty much fit me like a dream (since I have no ass). For the 505, I ended up getting a 31, thinking I'd still be able to get away with it... now I'm stuck with a huge balloon ass! I'll post pics sometime to illustrate the difference.

If I ever end up getting Sugarcane's I'm porbably gonna get a one wash 29 so that it fits me right.

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ok cool

So if im goin for regular cut, raw, selvage Edwins made in Japan, its the Nashvillie i want. Any other models?

no1 seems to have the nashvillie in a 38 grrrrrrrrr me need!


--- Original message by OBC on Mar 12, 2006 04:24 AM

Sure you don't have any stores nearby?

Attic has a pair of ED-47 rainbow selvage, size 38". As I said, it's a straight leg and low rise. But it's by far not too low. I guess it qualifies as "regular". But the Nashville's are more "classic" fit (with a higher rise, very, very slight tapered (still "straight leg"). Again, I'm not 100% sure what fit you want here, but if you buy true to size I guess you should be OK.

I assume you're not over-sizing (hope I'm not offending you here) because over-sizing sanforized denim is usually a bad idea. It shrinks very little and often streches a lot. Best to get as tight as possible rather than buy one-size up. Again depends on your desire and what kind of fit you're looking for. I for one rather buy a baggy fit if I want a baggy fit rathen than oversize, that's just uncomfortable.

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i bought ed-47s and Ive never worn them.

the rise is FAR too low in my opinion.

Your underpants can be seen, and the front barely covers your ****

Some people like that look - it depends.

If you tie your shoelaces in this cut, you will feel like you've got no trousers on all of a sudden.

I would say avoid the European Edwins unless you like a very very low rise.

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Some stores around town have Edwin but here in Australia, no one can get Edwin's in in a 38'. The supplyer doesn't allow it. So i must go online. I'm not oversizing either, i'm a solid fella.

I'm definately not wanting the euro made Edwins. Super low rise isnt me and I prefer a thicker denim. Nashville's sound perfect! Now to find em in a 38' waist 32' length or 38' waist 34' length.


Edited by OBC on Mar 12, 2006 at 03:24 PM

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I've got a pair of 36 x 36 Nashvilles that I guess I could part with, but I doubt those would be of much use to you if you well and truly are a 38.

(I am thinking of buying some Nudies so the cash would go towards that!!)

--- Original message by sneakeraddict on Mar 12, 2006 05:14 PM

What you want for those 36 Nashvilles?
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