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IC: BK 19cm MIJs, 28. USED.


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I need money for a new pair of jeans since it's cold as shit and my dior 19cms aren't rugged enough for a winter in montana (also, dior + montana is not the best equation). These have been worn daily since June of this year and it shows. They're looking pretty amazing in my opinion - if I wasn't on such a tight budget I would keep these in a heartbeat but I am forced to hustle.

I'm looking for closer to 200 USD shipped priority for these. If that's too much for you that's cool but please no low balling. The sentimental value that these have is great enough that this is what they're worth to me.

Pics will be forthcoming (watch the What Are Your Jeans Doing Today Thread, should have action shots/fit pics in there by the weekend) but I respond quickly to PMs too so feel free to send those my way until then.

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