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not necessarily what you're listening to, just general music discussion.

Recently I've been on a mad post-rock / hip hop binge. Odd combination but it's working.

Explosions in the Sky has been on serious rotation for those relaxing times and A Tribe Called Quest, Jurassic 5, and Wu Tang have been doin' my ears good for some hip hop.

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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not necessarily what you're listening to, just general music discussion.

Recently I've been on a mad post-rock / hip hop binge. Odd combination but it's working.

Explosions in the Sky has been on serious rotation for those relaxing times and A Tribe Called Quest, Jurassic 5, and Wu Tang have been doin' my ears good for some hip hop.

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 5, 2006 11:03 PM

i know this sounds crazy, but thats exactly the same rotation in my itune.....all except J5
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not necessarily what you're listening to, just general music discussion.

Recently I've been on a mad post-rock / hip hop binge. Odd combination but it's working.

Explosions in the Sky has been on serious rotation for those relaxing times and A Tribe Called Quest, Jurassic 5, and Wu Tang have been doin' my ears good for some hip hop.

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 5, 2006 11:03 PM

i know this sounds crazy, but thats exactly the same rotation in my itune.....all except J5

--- Original message by 6MT on Mar 5, 2006 11:28 PM

haha whoa, weird.

Man, Midnight Marauders is SO GOOD! Low-End Theory is solid too, but I really like MM.

It's sad that Q-Tip went downhill after he left the Tribe, his voice is so cool.

Why no J5? Just not a fan, or haven't checked them out?

I been rappin' for about 17 years..

I don't write my stuff anymore,

I just kick it from my head you know what I'm sayin I can do that.

No disrespect... but that's how I am.

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i listen to a pretty ecclectic range of musick, but hip hop was my shit in the late 80's and all through the 90's. my girl has been listening to the smiths a lot in the car, album with "death of a disco dancer", and i'm feelin' it. really feelin' it. also was bumping siah and yeshua dapo ED's first ep the other day and on wax too.

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DUDE. i've been listening to wu-tang and explosions. ghostface just played here tonight but i ended up watching 50 cent's movie.

been listening to random hip hop (wu tang, majesticons, mf doom/king gheedorah) and instrumental ambient stuff (explosions in the sky, malady, funeral diner)

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the new Cage, Hell's Winter is really dope

New JD - Donuts (R.I.P.)

been listening to Illmatic a lot also

also weirdly started to listen to some electrothrash again, been rotating Ms Kittin and Tiga recently.

Edited by Kasper on Mar 6, 2006 at 09:25 AM

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Arctic Monkeys



Johnny Cash

Sex Pistols


Paul Weller






White Stripes

''I'm a street-walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm/i'm a runaway son of the nuclear A-bomb/I am the world's forgotten boy/The one who searches and destroys''...James Jewel Osterberg

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the psychic ills - these guys are sick. they're on the social registry (also home to gang gang dance and blood on the wall)

others in rotation:

the gossip

old time relijun

the get hustle

the knife

liars (the new one's been leaked for a while)

--- Original message by cromulated on Mar 6, 2006 08:12 AM

Just got the Psychic Ills album...

Good shit.


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not necessarily what you're listening to, just general music discussion.

Recently I've been on a mad post-rock / hip hop binge. Odd combination but it's working.

Explosions in the Sky has been on serious rotation for those relaxing times and A Tribe Called Quest, Jurassic 5, and Wu Tang have been doin' my ears good for some hip hop.

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 5, 2006 11:03 PM

i know this sounds crazy, but thats exactly the same rotation in my itune.....all except J5

--- Original message by 6MT on Mar 5, 2006 11:28 PM

haha whoa, weird.

Man, Midnight Marauders is SO GOOD! Low-End Theory is solid too, but I really like MM.

It's sad that Q-Tip went downhill after he left the Tribe, his voice is so cool.

Why no J5? Just not a fan, or haven't checked them out?

--- Original message by naturaljax on Mar 5, 2006 11:37 PM

i dont know, i was first introduc to J5 like 6 years ago, but i just never like their music, for some reason. i'm really picky to my music, really picky..

but for those of you into explosion in the sky should check out:

-cinematic orchestra

-Mercury program

-Ryuichi sakamot (his early work)

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Some great stuff mentioned so far...

the new Man Man is really, really good if you're into raucous post-everything shanty jams.

the new Placebo album Meds is their best since Without You I'm Nothing. they've really come a long way as far as the inclusion of a lot more electronic elements in their sound, something that made the last two records stumble.

the upcoming Pretty Girls Make Graves record Elan Vital has jumped ship from the dub-influenced space-out post-punk they'd perfected on the last album onto the Challenger...

they went really out there with Elan Vital, it's still definitely the same band, but there's

a lot more heady, moody stuff going on.

lately i've also been listening to a lot of metal; Behemoth's fucking intense, the new

Children of Bodom, Red Chord, rediscovering Morbid Angel, the Berzerker's amazing cover of "Corporal Jigsore Quandary" (my vote for one of the best metal tracks ever)... tons of black metal albums I'd not listened to in a long time. Finding out that Absu are the best fucking USBM band around, hands down. Municipal Waste just thrashed out the best crossover

album that the 80's forgot...

German electro-spazzes Bondage Fairies... NY scums A.R.E. Weapons...

been spinning a lot of my favorite apocalyptic folk and post-industrial albums too,

Current 93, Death In June...

certified music geeks, represent.

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Lance, you think Anton Corbijn is going to fuck up on the upcoming Joy Division movie?

--- Original message by onemancult on Mar 6, 2006 02:27 PM

I don't even know what to think about that movie now. When I first heard about it, I hated the idea of it, but now I'm kind of excited for it. I'm really interested to hear the covers to be used for the soundtrack, as well.
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If you haven't heard this band MAN MAN yet, you need to.

It's the best shit ever.

Like pirates at a coke party.

--- Original message by RedFoxxworth on Mar 6, 2006 11:05 AM

Or you can just pick up Tom Wait's Rain Dogs and hear the same thing only done better. Not that Man Man is bad, they're just not Tom Waits

Edited by My Pal the Crook on Mar 6, 2006 at 03:18 PM

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