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How many LVC 501 models are there?

Guest Berget__

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Guest Berget__

Like the topic, how many different models are there. Im talking about the different years eg 1947 or 1937. You know the deal. Also is there a site with pics of all the models? or at least the majority of them? I have found this rakuten shop ( http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient-menuext&hl=en&u=http%3A//www.joenet.co.jp/casual/levi/vintage/ ) that has a big selection but the earliest is 1937. And I'm most interested in the earlier models. Pre 1937.

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There have been so many variations over LVCs history that this is a tricky one to answer. But the main models, from memory, weere 1880 (predated the 501, central pre 2-horse patch), 1890 (two horse patch on right), 1901 (2 pocket), 1933 (redline selvage, beltloops), 1937/9 (covered rivets, red tag), 1944 (back cinch disappears, painted arcuate), 1947 (arcuate reappears), 1955 (leather-look patch, double sided red tag), 1966 (bar tacks).

THese, plus the 201, 505 etc, are the staples of the LVC range. But reissues have varied across different seasons, for instance LVC Japan have done a 1954 reissue as opposed to a 1955 reissue, with a leather patch & there has been the odd 1886 reissue (old style patch, but on the right).

Edited by Paul T on Mar 5, 2006 at 06:46 AM

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