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His Pres changed the prices on their regular '47 sugarcanes by $50?


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Quote: aren't the colors of the sugarcanes and buzz ricksons supposed to be matched to the originals? they aren't out to maake the hottest darkest blues...these are supposed to be reproductions of classic US wartime wear not pants for trend puppies. this thread is getting alittle rediculas. after everyone calms down they will realize that yes the price went up and yes that always sucks but look at the quality of the product you're getting when compared to other denim in this price range....these aren't much more than ernest sewn or PDC and they are a far superior product with details that often cost alot of money to produce reproduce....buttons, zippers, correct patch leathers, selvage (correct right hand and left hand twills and denim weights) denim, stitching, flasher cards, rivets etc......maybe they weren't making any money on the previous sales, maybe a supplier raised the price of their denim or something else...who knows but honestly these are great jeans for a good price...consider yourself lucky if you got them before the price hike when they were a steal.

Don't take my quote out of context - I know exactly what SugarCane is after - and that's exactly why I'm saying I don't think they'll sell as well as APCs or Nudies, which are now cheaper.

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what or who is Celga/Juno/Djrajio ?

how do you find them?

--- Original message by sbrguy on Feb 28, 2006 09:44 AM

^^ This post is actually a reason why this might work for HP. A lot of people still don't know about going through a middle man to get goods from Japan and they might think this is the only way to get them.

You know the more I think about it, I am guessing that SugarCane raised the prices and there is nothing HP can really do about it. If HP was just trying to make a little more profit, I don't think they would have raised it that drastically. I mean look at all the negative responses to the increase. I am sure they would have anticipated that.

--- Original message by bobby alto on Feb 28, 2006 05:40 PM


the nice guys down at hinoya in ameyoko mkt havent changed their prices yet..

honestly, as a japanese brand, i dont think sugarcane would be going in the same direction as nudie/apc. the japanese are very focused on what the want, and hardly move from tt direction.

so yeah, i honestly think the only people who are making money from this, are the HP people.

punk me, bitch.

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Spoke to Charles at History Preservation a while ago, and he told me that the distribution network was changing and that they would be raising their prices accordingly. I think it's to do with the US distribution, not History Preservation or Sugar Cane in Japan.

TBH, the prices were a steal, and they are now more realistic. With brands like Nudie and Edwin retailing in the UK for £120, and LVC selling at around the £150 mark, $200-250 doesn't seem like an unreasonable price to pay for Sugar Cane, especially considering the care and quality of service offered by the people at History Preservation. They're extremely helpful, extremely accomodating and very trustworthy. There is a lot to be said for the level of customer service that a company like that is willing to provide.

Edited by blindlemonjefferson on Mar 1, 2006 at 04:06 AM

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I had the same conversation with him. Really nice guy, btw, but he did say that since there is a US distributor, another hand has to be greased, thus the price increase.

And in response to what others have been saying about the quality, I tend to agree with those who say that they want a true repro, which doesn't necessarily have to do with the most modern cuts or the deepest blues, and you can't deny that the sugarcanes have cool details.

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Right, $200-$250 isn't unreasonable at all. If you choose to use a middleman you're still going to be paying in that range. Last fall Charles told me about this new mouth which will have to be fed and how that will affect prices, so I've been expecting this. I've been bitching about the price hike, but really, the only new style up on their website which pops for me is the Okinawa #4030 for $310, w/shipping. I probably wouldn't use a middleman for that purchase since they're certain to be at least $250 at Rakuten, before tax, shipping, and commission. What twists me, though, is raising the price of Rickson's to $295 for "old" stock. That's just wrong.

Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 1, 2006 at 07:20 AM

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Quote: What twists me, though, is raising the price of Rickson's to $295 for "old" stock. That's just wrong.

Absolutely. That's what burns me the most since I was going to buy those Rickson's next!

I am going to be super pissed if there is (and it appears there will be) another price increase on the BR's.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado

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Quote: What twists me, though, is raising the price of Rickson's to $295 for "old" stock. That's just wrong.

Absolutely. That's what burns me the most since I was going to buy those Rickson's next!

I am going to be super pissed if there is (and it appears there will be) another price increase on the BR's.

--- Original message by eastcoastrider27 on Mar 1, 2006 10:35 AM

What makes you say that?
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I just joined to make this post. I called HPA on tuesday to make an order with the impression that the old prices were still in effect. Charles took me all the way through the process of making the order; I Gave my credit card number and everything. He didn't mention anything about the price chnge until everything was finished when he said very quickly "...that will just be 217.00 plus 15.00 shipping and we'll get that out to you as soon as we have that in which should be two or three weeks." I was very confused and asked him to repeat the price. He got really defensive and began lecturing me about the stated policy of raising prices without notice. I have to agree with him: he has the right to raise his prices without notice whenever he wants to. Likewise, I have the right my business from him whenever I want and to suggest that others do the same.

So I canceled my order and used a middleman to buy the SC1945s through Rakuten. The price from Japan with tax, shipping and fees totaled 184.00 dollars cash american; that is about fifty dollars less than from HPA. Also, because HPA doesn't even have them in stock and uses slow shipping, I will probably get my jeans sooner from Japan than I would have from New Jersey!!

It is HPA's right to do to raise their prices and it is probably to their advantage, but there are many online retailers who are kind enough to warn their customers about upcoming price increases rather than springing them overnight. This is called courtesy and it is how you build good relationships with customers. Dramatic and abrupt price increases, on the other hand, seem like a good way to alienate customers and to make people feel like they are being taken for a ride. The other problem with HPA is paying 15 dollars for UPS ground for one pair of jeans!!! Is that a joke? At the former price it was forgiveable, but now that they hiked the price so abruptly it really isn't. As others have said it is significantly cheaper to go through one of the bid services and just get the stuff direct from Japan.

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I don't think many will jump at selling the canes. I talked to Mauro at the Denim Bar and he said that the final price of some of the real premium canes like the edo ai, etc. would be around $500 dollars. The denim is good and all but not that good. He said the person that makes the "made in usa" canes is trying to distribute straight from manufacturing, meaning, the denim won't have to be shipped to Japan to be shipped back to the states. They would also come at a cheaper price than what the Japanese pay for them.

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They will def still sell, especially to the fat middle aged WWII guys. Have you noticed the price of the jackets? These guys collect jackets that cost $700-1500 a piece, and gladly pay upwards of $5k for originals, $500 for 'authentic' denim is no big deal.

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eldave, point taken, but, those WWII guys, dropping all that cash on those vintage items, well, I got a mental picture of what they look like, and I could be wrong, but they don't look like the kind of folk who'd be sporting edo ai.

I went with a friend to Kentucky once to a collectible convention- WWII paraphenalia, German, Japanese. He's into that stuff, not me. I went because I though it'd be good grist for my mill. Some of the guys there I can see wearing $500 speciality denim (I saw some very covetous jacket specimens), but most others, no way, bloated stomachs too full of bad food and beer. They were quite peculiar, and odd, deeply odd.

Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 2, 2006 at 07:28 AM

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Obsessis, you're scaring me. Can you imagine fat, bald-headed Tom Clancy rocking edo ai's? Dude's rich enough, he can what the fuck he wants. But, still, that's wrong.

Ok, maybe we'll pardon the bald head. Baldy's can be cool. But the gut, nah....

Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 2, 2006 at 08:40 AM

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Obsessis, you're scaring me. Can you imagine fat, bald-headed Tom Clancy rocking edo ai's? Dude's rich enough, he can what the fuck he wants. But, still, that's wrong.

Ok, maybe we'll pardon the bald head. Baldy's can be cool. But the gut, nah....

Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 2, 2006 at 08:40 AM

--- Original message by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 2, 2006 08:39 AM

hey man, you'll be there before you know it. we all will. maybe not as bald or fat, but just wait till you hit 30. that in and of itself is a wake-up call.
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They will def still sell, especially to the fat middle aged WWII guys. Have you noticed the price of the jackets? These guys collect jackets that cost $700-1500 a piece, and gladly pay upwards of $5k for originals, $500 for 'authentic' denim is no big deal.

--- Original message by eldave04 on Mar 2, 2006 07:09 AM

Yeah but they are willing to pay that much for the jackets because they are basically like the jackets worn back in WWII. Thats why I am thinking the regular 47 SugarCane will sell to the WWII crowd but the Hawaii, Edo-Ai, etc. won't bring them the same nostalgia and therefore won't sell as well.
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Shit, man, I hit 30 nine years ago, and I've got a b'day later this year.Who you tellin'? That's why I cut back, way back, on the booze, bad food, and carry my ass to the gym a minimum of 5 days a week. I'm determined to keep it real. Or at the very least acceptable.

--- Original message by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 2, 2006 09:16 AM

sorry. most people on here are 22 and under, so i took a chance.
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They will def still sell, especially to the fat middle aged WWII guys. Have you noticed the price of the jackets? These guys collect jackets that cost $700-1500 a piece, and gladly pay upwards of $5k for originals, $500 for 'authentic' denim is no big deal.

--- Original message by eldave04 on Mar 2, 2006 07:09 AM

Yeah but they are willing to pay that much for the jackets because they are basically like the jackets worn back in WWII. Thats why I am thinking the regular 47 SugarCane will sell to the WWII crowd but the Hawaii, Edo-Ai, etc. won't bring them the same nostalgia and therefore won't sell as well.

--- Original message by bobby alto on Mar 2, 2006 11:25 AM

there's a bit of irony in the WWII memorabilia crowd buying japanese made repros don't you think?
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40 is the new 30.....Have you not heard???

Don't worry it young'uns you get here soon and you will be an old fart for alot longer than you were a young one. Keep fit and your jeans will look great regardless of your age. I just hit 37 and my jeans look just fine. Granted, some of the more edgier cuts I probably could not pull off, but then again, I would not have worn them when I was 22 anyway.

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Tangerine, very good point. Didn't look at it that way.

Giantreptile, no apology necessary. I figure old guys like me will just pave the way for you youngbloods. Show you how to age with style. Which brings me to...

Damniam, what you said, my man, what you said.

I have an uncle who will turn seventy this year. He was a Marine. Military Police, stationed in Japan. He's still shredded like a motherfucker, can drop to the floor and easily crank out fifty pushups. I bet he'd damn good in edo ai. Not that he'd ever drop the coin hahahaha

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