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Warning / Help - blackchou92


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Dont really know if this is the place for it but this guy has ripped me (and Im sure there are a couple of others) off listing Dior jackets on Ebay taking offers through Paypal.

I was foolish enough to pay using my paypal balance and a debit card so even though I filed a dispute with paypal only 5 days after sending the money they couldnt recover any funds.

Im now not far off 1500 usd out of pocket and not sure where to turn next.

So this is both a warning to others not to deal with this guy and not to be dumb like me and use a debit card or paypal balance buying online. Use a credit card.

And also a plea for help, if someone knows anything that might help, Id love an address for the sonnuva bitch, I would be eternally grateful.

Otherwise I think I will just have to report it as fraud at the police station and see if they can help me.

If this is in the wrong place I apologise.


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Basically, because he took all his funds out of his account between me paying and opening a dispute there is nothing for paypal to get back.

Through Ebay they guarantee to get funds back though so you may be okay, not sure how the unregistered bit will work out though.

Still, why paypal cant claim my money back out of his bank account I dont know. Surely the guy must have some sort of assets, unless hes some punk ass 16 year old kid scamming people out of a bedroom.

Still, I wish you the best of luck.

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^ that sucks....still it does happen, its happened to me a few times....ebay is great, but 50% of the peoples are good honest peoples and the other 50%...well.......mind you id never buy a dior jkt of the bay, especially at that price....just asking for trouble........but i, probably like u, cannot resist a bargain. i sympaphize with you totally......did he not have any feedback? or only registered for a little while?..also where are you i havnt checked, was it uk?

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Hey, thanks for posting.

He had about 25 positive feedback, selling dior items. And he seemed to be knowledgeable about the jacket when I questioned him, plus out of hundreds of online transactions Ive been lucky to have never had any major problems, so I guess I was a bit nieve.

Im from the UK yeah, hes from France.

I must say I wont depend on paypal anymore, they advertise how safe they are and all that buyer protection bollocks is just a joke.

How someone can get away with what hes getting away with (at the moment) in this day and age is quite beyond me to be honest.

Police next week I think, if he was in this country I think Id have more chance but I'll see what they have to say.

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