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why the return of the skinny jean? a rant.

cultpop 0217

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wait a second.

skecr8, you're in high school?

did i seriously just waste my time responding to a child who is preaching to me about some concept of history? ive got jeans older than you. punk.

go do your homework son.

edit: i bit of time has passed since i first posted this and actually, considering your age, your comments are kinda cute.icon_smile_wink.gif

and a little bit silly

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 12:09 AM

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 01:42 AM

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I have jeans older than you.

I just responded to your argument using fashion as my argument, as we seem to be discussing contemporary fashion states.

Who cares who did what in the 50s or 60s, their influence is simply inspirational today, but not in any really prominent way.

Nice taking on my age as a subject without mentioning yours. And my spelling. I burst out laughing reading that. You don't even use capitals nor basic grammar.

Saying that things is cyclical is only true in the lack of innovation. Of course things change, and yes, these designers have done things there never would've happened without them doing it. So you obviously haven't done your homework good enough as innovation DOES happen, so no, it hasn't been around for ages. Trust me I checked, there was no such thing as e.g. Hedi Slimane's 1999S/S YSL. Trust me. There isn't. NOT ANYTHING CLOSE. The execution is entirely new, yet the idea is old. But every idea is old, therefore your argument is worthless.

Bowie wasn't even close to achieving anything nearby, nor was the old emo scene, cutie. Bowie just did what contemporary fashion allowed him.

500 posts? Well, that is hardly two a day, is it, you'ver done math? Trust me, most of my posts are worthless 1liners.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I don't need a '2'. I was right in the '1'.


Edited by skecr8r on Feb 27, 2006 at 02:16 AM

Edited by minya on Feb 27, 2006 at 02:21 AM

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sorry for that last little outburst.

but im really getting sick of the personal insults.

however i just sank to their level.

and thanks for the victorian example hap.

--- Original message by cultpop 0217 on Feb 26, 2006 11:27 PM

I love how you edited your other post to add more insults, though. I also love how certain people are allowed to call people names.

dontcaretoomuchforcrap CANT SKATE!!

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If I may.

Everyone follows trends. Well, there are those who don't, but the only people who don't end don't look like idiots are generally quite old, and are just adhering to the trends they learned as youths. If you are part of a subculture, you may not follow "mainstream" trends as much/quickly. However, you are influenced by trends as they affect that subculture. There is a clear symbiosis between "street" and "fashion". Ironically, fashion designers (see Marc, Hedi, Raf) are quick to acknowledge their influences. Often, people in the youth cultures they reference are upset to think that they may are influenced, either directly or indirectly, by "fashion". Either it upsets their "I'm an individual" sensibilities or it is because they are genuinely not as self aware, probably because they do not think as explicitly about their fashion influences as good designers do.

And fashion is cyclical. The cycle starts and ends with the early adaptors. It's that simple. Some trends have greater staying power, other less because they rely on novelty value (see "trucker cap") and have no real aesthetics behind them, or because they are too far from the norm to be wearable (how many men has Gaultier convinced to wear skirts, Beckham notwithstanding?) "Skinny jeans" are just another trend. I personally think that it has some staying power so far as it does not cross the line to the point where most decently shaped people look in the mirror and can't pull off the look.

Skerc8r - Your essay on Hedi was a little incoherent, to be charitable. First, his aesthetic is based on "military bearing", with all that entails. Second, he is a very humble designer who tries hard to adhere to the spirit of the houses he designs for. He has (obviously) been offered his own label by various groups, but always declined, stating that he likes the constraints of putting his executing concepts while working under someone else's name and tradition. Third, you are a teenager. You have a lot to learn. I am 31, have been doing this stuff for about 8 years, and the more I learn, I more I realize I have a lot to learn. I know you think that you're the shit. But you will learn a lot more if you show a little respect and humility. To take a personal example, and one not about style/fashion. I used to fight (mixed martial arts), and thought that I was the shit (I wasn't much older than you are now.) I was strong and tall for my weight, and won matches regularly. Then I got the shit kicked out of me (actually, it was a knockout, but whatever). I listened to my trainers a lot more after that, and although I never got to be really good, I certainly developed a lot, both skillwise and as a person.

Edited by LA Guy on Feb 27, 2006 at 08:04 AM

Edited by LA Guy on Feb 27, 2006 at 08:09 AM

Edited by LA Guy on Feb 27, 2006 at 10:23 AM

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sorry for that last little outburst.

but im really getting sick of the personal insults.

however i just sank to their level.

and thanks for the victorian example hap.

--- Original message by cultpop 0217 on Feb 26, 2006 11:27 PM

I love how you edited your other post to add more insults, though. I also love how certain people are allowed to call people names.

--- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Feb 27, 2006 03:18 AM

i actually edited the post to take out a few potshots because i realized i was insulting a child but thanks for noticing jinx!
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he calls me a moron and insults my family members like a little brat and i should be banned?


the tone of his post was clearly derogatory and condescending but i didnt hear you protesting his comments. why not?

go back into his post and look at his uncivil comments that have been directed at me for my opinion. i think i've been pretty nice considering. maybe you didnt notice my icon_smile_wink.gif

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 09:21 AM

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 09:37 AM

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"bowie just did what contemporary fashion allowed him"

thats just silly.

david bowie is a fashion/style/rock icon.

if hedi slimane were on these boards he'd be correcting you himself.

and, as la guy stated, even slimane acknowledges his influences so why do you deny them?

"but every idea is old, therefore your argument is worthless"

actually that WAS my whole argument. that these ideas are old and fashion is constantly regurgitating ideas ( albeit usually in a different context).

"who cares who did what in the 50's or 60's, their influence is simply inspirational today, but not in any really prominent way"

im sure any designer you mentioned cares. slimane clearly cares about the 60's . anyone with any desire to understand modern fashion history should care.

the 50's and 60's were the first time when youth culture/style had a major impact on fashion and the way people dress. they have been joined at the hip ever since.

it was also the point in which the modern casual uniform, jeans and a t-shirt, became ubiquitous.

furthermore, designers are still echoing the mods and it seems like every other season there is some kind of mod resurgence. the 60's in general have had arguably the most long lasting impact on fashion of any decade and its influence is still very prominent today.

by the way im 30. old enough to have seen the shape of mens clothing (especially denim, the only reason i'm on this site to begin with) change more than a few times.

again la guy said it best: the older you get the more you realize you dont know and the more you have yet to learn.

p.s. grammar and capitals are so last season.icon_smile_tongue.gif

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Guest jeffvyain
Quote: And my spelling. I burst out laughing reading that. You don't even use capitals nor basic grammar.

Saying that things is cyclical is only true in the lack of innovation. Of course things change, and yes, these designers have done things there never would've happened without them doing it. So you obviously haven't done your homework good enough as innovation DOES happen, so no, it hasn't been around for ages.

i just shook my head when i read this. i can't say i have a whole lot of knowledge about the history of fashion, but i feel like when you're going to criticize someone's grammar, you should make an effort to use it properly yourself.

for the sake of your future grammatical dignity, things ARE cyclical, and you do things WELL, not good. i won't get too picky with sentence fragments, because hey, this is a fashion forum, not an english class, but word usage like that just looks silly.

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500 posts in 11 months or 70 post in one?

sk8 has tenure & a lower avrage per day... Great banter though fellas.

--- Original message by themdouble on Feb 27, 2006 10:24 AM

actually most of my posts were in the last weekicon_smile_blush.gif

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 11:06 AM

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he calls me a moron and insults my family members like a little brat and i should be banned?


the tone of his post was clearly derogatory and condescending but i didnt hear you protesting his comments. why not?

go back into his post and look at his uncivil comments that have been directed at me for my opinion. i think i've been pretty nice considering. maybe you didnt notice my icon_smile_wink.gif

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 09:21 AM

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 09:37 AM

--- Original message by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 09:20 AM

I'm not defending what he said, I actually adressed it already.

dontcaretoomuchforcrap CANT SKATE!!

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its nice to see im not the only one with o.c.d. when it comes to editing my posts.


if you addressed his comments i missed it. anyway ive got no beef with you or anyone else for that matter. im actually enjoying the banter.

and since we were talking about skinny jeans has anyone seen the julian red s/s collection yet?

the website is massively delayed (pouts)

man i really need to get a life.

its nice out i think im going to go skate.

Edited by cultpop 0217 on Feb 27, 2006 at 11:23 AM

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Perfectly fine. We agree by far: S/S06 is without comparison the most horrible collection ever done by Hedi, and therefore the worst of the Dior Homme house.

People still only talk about the Hedi Slimane of Dior Homme. His old influences _weren't_ based off that as much as they were from Follow Me and onwards. These are the collections I'm talking about. Not the new ones, as you seem to return to every second. Everybody always forget this, and that is exactly what I'm fighting: the failing in loving tradition and accepting the contemporary for being nothing else than that: contemporary.

Horriblyjollyjinx: I won't do it again. Name-calling. I just promised. :-)

Besides, I'm danish. I don't know if I'm expected to execute a perfect english here.

Thanks for the time, SuperFuture. Been massive!


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I'd consider it a miracle if it comes back up with even a majority of the posts and usernames saved there. I wouldn't be surprised if 1) it didn't come back, or 2) it started over. But this is just speculation - I havent talked to j in awhile so Im not an authority on the situation.

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Feb 27, 2006 03:37 PM

It's definitely coming back. A lot of people (and as whickey knows, a lot of SFers are um, somewhat more affluent than we are), have prettymuch pledged to bring it back. j. has 55% of the drive data back. Not sure what that means, but the IT people are still working on it. Otherwise, of last backup was Jan 2005, before we switched servers. I'll apprise you of the situation best I can tonight, Whiskey.
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