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most over-rated jeans


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To be honest, I am a big fan of Seven Jeans. I know the denim quality is nothing to write home about, but the quality of materials isn't everything - it's not as if they will fall apart as you wear them.

What I like about Sevens is their cuts. They and AG Jeans (a make that again probably wouldn't pass the high bar set by many of the members of this board) are by far the most flattering cuts I've ever tried on. Very well fitted and very slimming. What I particularly like about Sevens is the fact that they have lycra woven into the denim, which gives that extra little bit of stretch on areas that might otherwise be a little tight.

I honestly don't think it's fair to compare companies like Seven For All Mankind to the APCs and Sugar Canes of this world. Yes, they are both denim products, but they cater to completely different markets. It's like comparing a pair of leather shoes to a pair of sneakers - it all depends on what you want out of them.

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To be honest, I am a big fan of Seven Jeans. I know the denim quality is nothing to write home about, but the quality of materials isn't everything - it's not as if they will fall apart as you wear them.

What I like about Sevens is their cuts. They and AG Jeans (a make that again probably wouldn't pass the high bar set by many of the members of this board) are by far the most flattering cuts I've ever tried on. Very well fitted and very slimming. What I particularly like about Sevens is the fact that they have lycra woven into the denim, which gives that extra little bit of stretch on areas that might otherwise be a little tight.

I honestly don't think it's fair to compare companies like Seven For All Mankind to the APCs and Sugar Canes of this world. Yes, they are both denim products, but they cater to completely different markets. It's like comparing a pair of leather shoes to a pair of sneakers - it all depends on what you want out of them.

--- Original message by blindlemonjefferson on Mar 3, 2006 04:04 AM

those are good points, but that market isnt represented here. this board is mainly heads that care more about a quality made product than a name, or a cut. yes, they may be flattering, but worn right so can a pair of 501s, and that would then include the jap repros that we all lust after here. the sevens, in the long run, are not worth the money when you can get a pair of apc or sugarcane for the same price, and they will still be with you years down the road after your sevens have fallen apart and the cut looks silly. but wear what you want, as long as you like it and have the confidence to pull it off noone can really say anything. in the end its just something to cover your ass(and hopefully make it look good).

denim is the new crack

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Yes, the ass thing is important. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my APCs - but they would look silly with a pair of leather lace-ups and a cotton shirt tucked into them. My Sevens are perfect to rock with a button-down shirt and jacket, while my Anglaise dry denim is best-suited to a nice tee and a pair of dunks.

That said, I draw the line at True Religion. They are aggressively trendy. If I want my dick poking out of a fashion-tear half way down the side of my zipper, I'll consider buying a pair, but until then I can think of a whole lot of easier ways to look like a twat.

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To be honest, I am a big fan of Seven Jeans. I know the denim quality is nothing to write home about, but the quality of materials isn't everything - it's not as if they will fall apart as you wear them.

What I like about Sevens is their cuts. They and AG Jeans (a make that again probably wouldn't pass the high bar set by many of the members of this board) are by far the most flattering cuts I've ever tried on. Very well fitted and very slimming. What I particularly like about Sevens is the fact that they have lycra woven into the denim, which gives that extra little bit of stretch on areas that might otherwise be a little tight.

I honestly don't think it's fair to compare companies like Seven For All Mankind to the APCs and Sugar Canes of this world. Yes, they are both denim products, but they cater to completely different markets. It's like comparing a pair of leather shoes to a pair of sneakers - it all depends on what you want out of them.

--- Original message by blindlemonjefferson on Mar 3, 2006 04:04 AM

I'm not understanding your problem with 7 jeans. Of course we all have our opinions, but they happen to use extremely fine denim; Kaihara from Japan and Candiani from Italy. These are 2 of the finest denim mills in the world. Of course I'm just sharing my opinions though..
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juno always rocks bape, bbc, ice cream... does he get free stuff from Nigo like edison??

Edited by pokpok on Mar 3, 2006 at 02:15 PM

--- Original message by pokpok on Mar 3, 2006 02:15 PM

Yes Juno most likely gets his Bape/BBC/Ice Cream free...i'd even venture to say he probably gets first dibs over Edison, I think his brother is heavily connected within Nigo's scene, hence all the Silly Thing staff repping Bape gear frequently on Milk.
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I don't really think clothes can be over rated, because there simply is no uniform rating system for clothes. Everyone has their own individual preference when buying anything, including something that was, at one time as generic as jeans.

it seems as if the bulk of people here look for products based on quality, simplicity, and exclusivity

others looks for quality, embelishments, and exclusivity

I emphasize exclusivity in both, because if it was not an issue to either sector we would probably all wear only one brand of jeans for our predetermined style, because there really aren't many differences in the materials used, and how they get worn in or otherwise for our individual styles.

Fit also plays a huge role. Some people like tighter jeans, others like relaxed fits, and smoe people like baggy jeans. Again all a product of personal preference, and there is no universial better or worse, only better to you personally.

with that being said, I'll just say what I like and why, and why I don't feel they are over-rated since my persnoal style seems to be the opposite of many here.

My favorite brand lately has been Evisu- I like evisu because at my size and cut (2001) they offer very nice jeans in various styles. My style is very urban so the outlandish details they use to embelish their jeans are cool to me. I order a decent amount of Japanese Evisus from japan, and I think the No. 1 and No. 2 quality denim is crazy. While I'm not wearing them with the same criteria as people were trying to create persnoalized whiskers and honeycombs, I know quality denim and these babies are half japanese selvedge half concrete which is real poppin, and they have selvedge at basically every edge line which is dope. I even like their EEE line for washed out jeans. Many people believe they are over-distressed, but I personally like that look so it all works out for me.

Red Monkey- Again I feel this is another really nice raw denim brand with very appealing details for an urban-minded consumer with a ideal baggy fit for their 1002 cut . The denim is a little softer in feel and color tone then japanese Evisu's, but that works out for me since I don't wear my jeans for 3 months straight. As opposed to wearing jeans that look the same everyday the different back pocket designs and color schemes and indigo tones allow for slightly different looks everyday.

PRPS- Alotta complaints in this thread, but again I'm gonna place that on peoples personal preferences. The baggy fit works for me 100% because of my personal syle. I feel the quality of the jeans is great for what they are. Its a very high quality distreesed denim, and in my opinion its the urban equivilent of the Levis LVC jeans, Its just for some and not for others I guess.

Another brand I don't wear, but that people here seem to not like are Nieghborhood- The cuts could never fit me, but I really like the rediculous washes, patches, and patch ups with the denim quality they use

the only brand I wear that I say is rediculously over prices is John Richmond- There is nothing amazing about the quality of the denim used, but I'm a suckker for anything as uotlandish as saying RICH right across the ass of the jeans. I would much rather pay half of their retail price, which I feel is much closer to their actual worth, but that price is just what it costs to say RICH across you ass

As far as verything else goes HYPE is HYPE, and it plays out several ways dependnig on where you are. On this board you could say Nudie is over hyped, and in rap songs you can say Red monkey is over hyped, but in the real world we all live in, its unlikely to see more then five pairs a day of either even in the most crowded cities, so whats hype even worth beyond just other peoples opinions


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people knock NBHD for the price. and it is true if you are buying them off the 2nd hand reseller market. if you can get these for retail, and you are into the out-of-this world washes (which i love btw, the lightning distressed and the crack savage is insane) not to mention that NBHD's narrow fits are cut perfectly.

its a few hundred bones for a pair of jeans but hey, there is really nothing else quite like it. you can tell a pair of NBHD jeans from a mile away, WITHOUT overbearing logos or over-embroidered/painted pockets anywhere on the jeans. now thats something to write home about. trademark based on STYLE not logo flashing.

Edited by Ted DiBiase on Mar 10, 2006 at 07:49 AM

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one could argue that the blatant washes are overbearing logos. Part of the whole purpose is to be able to tell the brand frmo 10 yadrs away just like a pair of evisus


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  • 3 weeks later...

people knock NBHD for the price. and it is true if you are buying them off the 2nd hand reseller market. if you can get these for retail, and you are into the out-of-this world washes (which i love btw, the lightning distressed and the crack savage is insane) not to mention that NBHD's narrow fits are cut perfectly.

its a few hundred bones for a pair of jeans but hey, there is really nothing else quite like it. you can tell a pair of NBHD jeans from a mile away, WITHOUT overbearing logos or over-embroidered/painted pockets anywhere on the jeans. now thats something to write home about. trademark based on STYLE not logo flashing.

Edited by Ted DiBiase on Mar 10, 2006 at 07:49 AM

--- Original message by Ted DiBiase on Mar 10, 2006 07:47 AM

My experience with NBHD's pricing only goes as far as online shops, but I was under the impression that their distressed pairs were more around the $600-$700 mark as opposed to $300 even in Japan. Don't get me wrong their narrow cut does appeal to me but $6-$7 bills or so is just a little too steep for a pair of jeans IMO.
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remember guys, if you live in sweden and nudies are really popular, that is still not a large amount of people, afterall in the states you probably don't have that many people wearing nudies, since sweden is what the size of jersey,, so that is not that many people.

in the u.s. i'd say that nudies are basically non existant, only denim heads will get that stuff and pay that much for it, like wise with any preminum brands, sure you can say diesel/seven are really popular, that is because out of all the brands they were able to market enough to open their own stores in major cities across the country, and they were also able to stock their stuff in macys/bloomingdales, etc.. most other preminum denim companys just don't have that kind of clout.

you can't say that you will see 10 people on the street of manhatan, with apcs, nudies, 45rpm or other jeans on, most people will have on deisel/seven/calvins/levis/tommy, and all the other common brands i'd say.

--- Original message by sbrguy on Feb 25, 2006 12:25 PM

i wish that more boys in the us wore nudies.

put your life on hold as we interest one another

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um no. i just think that wearing them is a good idea. they're good jeans. plus they're boy jeans. so why not have boys making good jean decisions in the country that i live in?

--- Original message by dedisastre on Mar 26, 2006 09:07 PM

Stop by Minneapolis. I'll buy you a beer at the Triple Rock.

For the record, I've yet to meet a single other person in the U.S. who gives two rat's asses about the jeans I'm wearing, and none of them certainly know about Nudies. They're a tough brand to be considered "overrated" over here.

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i'll keep mine short and to the point:

most overrated:


most underrated:

rag & bone

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if i saw this person walking down the street i wouldn't hesitate to hurl all over his black boots.

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yeah, i would say that most people spending daddy's money are buying into the 'tight jean' trend right now.

--- Original message by obsessis on Feb 26, 2006 04:41 AM

Yeah that's me

oh, about the Edison thing, I heard him on the Clinton Sparks mixtape, it was tight


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in most of these lists, Ive seen True Religion, and as of now they are my fav. It may be different for girls, but they have an amazing fit in the butt for me, and I love the bold stitching on the big t & super t styles. I dont get into their specialty stuff with all the embriodery so much any more, though. It's just boring. I will admit they are completely redundant, though.

I dont know of any over=rated jeans, I dont know ecough yet to have really decided, but this thread is part of what stopped me from getting nudies and led me to andewhalls stuff, who knows, those may be my new fav.

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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um no. i just think that wearing them is a good idea. they're good jeans. plus they're boy jeans. so why not have boys making good jean decisions in the country that i live in?

--- Original message by dedisastre on Mar 26, 2006 09:07 PM

Stop by Minneapolis. I'll buy you a beer at the Triple Rock.

For the record, I've yet to meet a single other person in the U.S. who gives two rat's asses about the jeans I'm wearing, and none of them certainly know about Nudies. They're a tough brand to be considered "overrated" over here.

--- Original message by TB on Mar 27, 2006 04:06 PM

can i take you up on this offer?

ive heard people talking. they have wondered why you think you are so cool wearing plain levis jeans with partially torn off stitching. do you now believe less in your jeans?

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