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Nudie or APC?


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hey guys im planning on getting a pair of raw denims. im looking to regular ralf greycast for nudie, and new standards for apc. wad dya u guys suggest?

thanks heaps!

--- Original message by evanism on Feb 20, 2006 09:15 AM

buy both... and keep the one ulike.. return the other... hehe
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i have the nudies they fit me better than the apc's, the apc seem to be for people with thinner thighs,

i have the rrds of the nudies and theyare a good fit, not an easy fit but a slight bit looser than the new standards of apc.

besides the nudies have a really nice color blue when they start to fade.

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Is dry nudies sanfornized? And how is the size compared to Levis?

any help would be appreciated

--- Original message by dasczx on Feb 23, 2006 12:15 AM

I just want to second this question about Levi vs. Nudie sizing. I can just barely fit into a size 32 Levi 527, which I think is how I want my SS's to fit when I first get them. Should I stay at 32 or go down to 31? Any advice would be highly appreciated!
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You can get new standards for like $120 from denimbar. I just called them up, ordered my pair, and asked them to hem it to my desired length and all of that together only cost like $125 or so shipping included. Great deal.

--- Original message by Handlethevibe on Feb 20, 2006 10:04 AM

I never heard of the denimbar. Is it a website or store?
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Denim Bar is a shop in Arlington Virginia. Mauro is a regular on the other SF, and a decent dude. He carries tons of denim, not just APC and Nudie, though he has both (I think he got Kicking Mule in recently, and he has Samurais, AFAIK)).

Contact info:

Denim Bar: 1101 S Joyce St, Arlington, 22202 - (703) 414-8202. The guy really knows his denim.

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