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Take 5 x Pherrow's x Evisu x Dry Bones x Gardener collab denim


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Not sure if this was posted before, found this pair while thrift store hunting today, as I can faintly recall these are Take 5 Lot 1001 opening collaboration jeans in conjunction with 4 major Japanese denim brands namely Pherrow's, Gardener, Dry Bones and Evisu. The four owners of the the collab brands visited HK to launch this pair during Take 5's store opening. Don't remember how many pairs were released though.

Some crazy detailing on this pair, some might even say it's OTT, these are the ones that I spotted, if there's anything I missed out, do point it out:-

a) Multi-color arcuates on backpackets

B) 4 different button flys, one from each brand was used

c) 4 different red tabs, each representing one brand, 2 each on each back pocket

d) 2 different backpocket rivets one from Gardener, the other from Evisu

Would appreciate if anyone can come up with more info, with 4 brands involved what kind of denim, dye, methods were used etc. and how were the manufacturing process delegated among the 4 brands?

Raw pics of the jeans can be found here, check them out to see how the original details looked like:


Enjoy the pics. (being a dumbass i accidentally deleted the leather patch pic but check out the pics in the link above to see how it looks like)






Multi-color arcuates on the original, unfortunately these already came out, note also there's 2 red tabs on each pocket, (that's four tabs!!) with each representing one brand.


Right backpocket, Pherrow's and Gardener red tabs



Left backpocket, Dry Bones and Evisu red tabs



To be continued...

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geez. i cant believe you found those in a thrift store--the pair looks amazing too. i would be curious about the history of that pair--who owned it etc and how it ended up in a thrift store! kind of a mystery..

out of rep but looks awesome.

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This isnt the only thing that was done. The jeans actually pop up on ebay and yahoo hong kong. Also there is a lighter and a toy amongst other bits produced.

Toy link:


I would post the lighter but im not at home tonight and i cant be bothered to trawl yahoo japan.

edit well i thought i might as well seeing as the film everyone else is watching is crap!


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hey guys, just want to clarify that i found the jeans but i didn't actually bought them, the owner had offers upwards of us400.00 but still not willing to sell them. he's kind enough to let me take pics to share with the rest of the world though. =)

personally, i think the multi-color arcuates on the backpockets and different button flys are very nice touches but yea, the 4 red tabs is a bit too much...reminds me of a certain hypebeast Levi's line which is shit in quality but still have kids salivating and paying stupid amount of moolah for it:rolleyes:

thanks Lendo, i've also discovered couple other pairs which I think is rarely found, will share once i get back from vacation

amazing pair of jeans. How much were they at the thrift store??
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bunga, wtf do you live? those are superbly faded already. i'm wondering what kind of denim is used, and if so is it a multi-denim jean? if i found these, i wouldn't wear them since they aren't anywhere near raw, but i would hand them up from the ceiling like an art piece.

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yup malaysia just like pomata said, i'm wondering myself how the manufacturing process was delegated among the 4 brands but the selvage is like Evisu #2, blue and yellow lines.

bunga, wtf do you live? those are superbly faded already. i'm wondering what kind of denim is used, and if so is it a multi-denim jean? if i found these, i wouldn't wear them since they aren't anywhere near raw, but i would hand them up from the ceiling like an art piece.
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